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Chapter 500 You only have one choice!

Chapter 500 You have only one choice!

Xie Han was sent home by Chen Yang, and the crisis in Linghu City was lifted. Chen Yang and Man Li returned to the hotel with Herb Saburo and Akaba.

After a while, Saburo Caoben and Akaba woke up. Chen Yang sat on the sofa and looked at them silently.

Being stared straight at by Chen Yang, Saburo Cao Ben didn't dare to look up, but Akaba looked at Chen Yang with a gloomy face: "Why don't you kill us?"

"That's a good question." Chen Yang grinned: "Then why don't you think I didn't kill you?"

"Hmph, no matter what your purpose is, don't think that this old man will succumb to you!" Akaba shouted in a deep voice, "Either kill me or let me go!"

"Master, you speak Chinese very well!"

Akaba snorted, turned his head sideways, and stopped looking at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang shrugged his shoulders slightly, and looked at Saburo Caoben again: "Then, Mr. Cao, do you choose the same as him?"

Saburo Caoben didn't have the guts to talk back to Chen Yang, what's more, Man Li stood aside with his arms folded, Saburo Cao Ben felt like his hairs were standing on end, because Man Li had caused a lot of pain in his heart. Small trauma, this life will never forget.

"Chen, Chen Yangjun, I actually didn't do anything, I just came here to join in the fun." Cao Bensanlang said with a dry smile.

"Join the fun? Your way of joining the fun is really special!" Chen Yang grinned: "You are such a good excuse, I don't even know what to say."

Herba Ben Saburo could only laugh dryly, he was the one who didn't know what to say.

"There are two choices before you now, either cooperate with me, or cooperate with me!"

Saburo Caoben was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously said, "Aren't they all the same?"

"That's right, so you have only one choice, and that is to cooperate with me!" Chen Yang looked at Akaba again: "Then, Mr. Akaba, what is your choice?"

Akaba snorted coldly: "Do you want me to cooperate with you? Daydreaming! The worst is death!"

Chen Yang snapped his fingers: "Brave, release the silent array!"

Man Lie nodded slightly, waved his big hand, and quickly set up a soundless magic circle. Immediately afterwards, Akaba and Cao Bensanlang roared together.

The power of Yang-style soul-locking handcuffs can turn people into vegetative states!

"How is it? Isn't it cool?" Chen Yang sneered: "In these days, morality is not worth a lot of money. What's more, if I ask you to cooperate with me, it will not endanger the interests of your country. You can also use it." Don’t worry that people from your country will trouble you when you go back.”

"Okay, that's all I have to say. If anyone is willing to cooperate with me, just let me know. It's okay. I have plenty of time to wait for you!"

There are really few people who can withstand the tormenting weapon of Yang-style soul-locking handcuffs. Besides, Chen Yang doesn't let them do anything outrageous, and it has already been explained that these two people have If you don't agree, then Chen Yang can only do it in a rather inhuman way.

Man Lie has a trick that can capture memory, but for Chen Yang, this method is indeed a bit too inhumane. It is best not to use it unless it is absolutely necessary. Anyway, Akaba and Caoben Saburo are not so-called The tough guy, after holding on for a long time, gave in one after another, and quickly said cooperation, cooperation.

Only then did Chen Yang relieve the soul torture of the two of them. Looking at the dying two lying on the ground, he began to ask about the time and space travel. If you don’t ask, you don’t know. It’s really shocking to ask. Both of them had their own ideas, and of course, in order to confirm that the two of them hadn't spoken, Chen Yang also used a talisman.

After a lot of twists and turns, I finally decided on two ways. One is the so-called Tao of Reincarnation in the mouth of Onmyoji, which is an ancient secret technique. An ancient secret technique, only the legendary onmyoji Abe Seimei has used it.

It is also worth mentioning that Onmyoji originated in China.Although the island country is a representative of the prosperity of Onmyoji, and gradually declined in China, the true origin of the Onmyoji in the island country comes from the theory of Yin-Yang and Five Elements in China. In the Warring States Period of China, there was also a school of Onmyoji, but it gradually declined later. That's all.

In fact, the Wuling school and the Onmyoji school were founded at about the same time, but Wuling was inherited by China, while Onmyoji was passed on to the island country.

As for the legendary Onmyoji Abe Seimei, it is estimated that dust returns to dust, dust returns to dust like the killing god Bai Qi, and there is no detailed record of this ancient secret technique.

He is the strongest among the onmyojis in the island country. If he can't learn it, it is estimated that no one can learn it. Therefore, this method is unlikely.

The other kind is time travel magic in Western magic. This kind of magic is also called god-level magic. In the magic hierarchy, it belongs to the highest level of existence. Akaba can be said to be a rare occurrence in a hundred years. Even a magical genius who is rare in a thousand years has an unimaginable comprehension of magic, but unfortunately, Akaba knows nothing about space-time magic, or in other words, space-time magic itself is not something humans can learn. God, and the Supreme God, can use this kind of magic.

Of course, it doesn't mean that there is no possibility. If you can find someone who has a strong understanding of time and space magic, it is still possible, such as the demon Xie Han!

Demon spirit, in magic terminology, is the son of God. He is born with powerful magic talent, and there is also a huge amount of magic power hidden in his body. If Xie Han can be allowed to embark on the road of magic, it may be possible to learn the magic of traveling through time and space.

But Chen Yang didn't know how to open his mouth about this kind of thing, but after thinking about it, it seemed that Xie Han was the only one he could rely on.

"I told you everything I know, can you let me go now?" Akaba asked coldly.

Chen Yang shook his head slightly: "You can't leave for the time being, the demon still needs one more, but I need you to bring Xie Han to the entrance!"

"What!?" Akaba couldn't believe it: "You clearly agreed, as long as you cooperate, let me go!"

"The problem is that you haven't finished cooperating yet!" Chen Yang waved his hand with a smile: "Since you're here, you can rest easy, you two can stay here temporarily, anyway, you have also issued a military order, and this time it is not completed Task, if you go back, you will not have to be punished, it is better to stay with me for a while, rest assured, food and shelter are included, and you don't need to spend a penny."

"You, how do you know that we have issued a military order!?" Saburo Caoben couldn't help being stunned: "We obviously haven't said anything!"

Chen Yang grinned: "Among magic, this should be regarded as a kind of god-level magic, called mind reading! You can know what's going on in your mind!"

Akaba's face changed slightly.

"Okay, anyway, you know the stakes better than me. What's more, you still have families. If you go back, your family members will probably suffer because of it, right?"

The two stopped talking at once. Chen Yang grinned at the corner of his mouth when he saw this: "There is a room card on the table, and the room is next to mine. If you two need anything, you can call for someone at any time. Of course, if you are free I'm bored, it's okay to go shopping around.",

After Chen Yang finished speaking, he stood up and left the hotel with Man Li. He was not worried that these two people would run away. After all, the Yang-style soul-locking handcuffs were still around their necks. A matter of thought.

After leaving the hotel, Chen Yang and Man Li came to Xie Han's villa, but Chen Yang really didn't know what to say about this matter, so he could only tell Du Jia the news.

"It turns out that Xie Han is the way for us to go back. What a coincidence!" After Du Jia learned about the matter, she sent a message to Chen Yang: "But I don't know what to say about this kind of thing!"

"My wife, this time I have to rely on you. After all, you are Xie Han's idol, and you must be easier to talk to than me."

Du Jia couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Okay, I get it, I'll come to Linghu Stock Market in a few days..."

(End of this chapter)

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