Chapter 502

Chen Yang's primordial spirit was originally blurred, but when those mysterious runes merged into the primordial spirit, the shape of the primordial spirit gradually became clear, and even the facial features became particularly distinct.

Chen Yang, who was sitting cross-legged, could only feel that the engraving of supernatural powers gradually became clear in his mind.

Eyes of the sky are clear, and the avenue of achievement can break through the world!
Chen Yang accepted the teaching of the engraving of supernatural powers quietly, and there was no movement for a while, but in his mind, various pictures were continuously derived, which can be said to be the forming process of Tianyantong. Chen Yang watched carefully, Keep it in mind silently, because more ways to use Tianyantong can be derived from it.

Unknowingly, another week has passed, and the engraving of supernatural powers has finally taken shape, and the celestial eye has been mastered by Chen Yang. As expected by Chen Yang, the celestial eye is not only clairvoyance or even a way to observe good and evil, but also The ability to detect yin and yang is like opening the eyes of yin and yang. You can also see ghosts and many things that cannot be observed with the naked eye.

Being able to master this supernatural power, although it is an auxiliary supernatural power, is already a very good thing for Chen Yang. As for the other supernatural powers, Chen Yang plans to learn them slowly later, and now he just wants to see if he can control the sky. To what extent can you cultivate your eyesight.

When Chen Yang's consciousness penetrated deep into the engraving of supernatural powers, just when Chen Yang was about to use his merits, his mind suddenly trembled.

kindness! ?

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, and then saw a barrage popping up in his mind: [Sky Eye] 34 stars. (You can continue to increase the star level, and each advancement needs to consume 100 million merits)

The star represents the level of magical powers, just as Chen Yang expected before, it is almost between the [-]th and [-]th level.

"I didn't expect the function of Taiyuan mobile phone to be so powerful, even supernatural powers can be advanced directly, tsk tsk, it is really convenient."

The corner of Chen Yang's mouth grinned. Without saying a word, he would go straight to the advanced stage, and this advanced stage is not inevitable, there is a certain success rate. Of course, the success rate is usually higher before fifty stars. Straight up to fifty stars.

The success rate after 200 stars is quite nonsensical, not to mention that the merits that need to be spent are as high as 51 million once, and the success rate is also quite low. It takes a full 2000 million merits to upgrade to [-] stars!
There is really no worst pitfall, only more pitfalls. Before Chen Yang thought that with more than one billion merits, he had to create a supernatural power. But now, it seems that the hope is not very great, and luck is indeed too much. Too bad, after spending 72 million merits, it has only reached [-] stars!

The rapid advancement function of Taiyuan mobile phone can be advanced immediately, which saved Chen Yang a lot of time, otherwise, according to the general method of advancing supernatural powers, each advancement would take a year and a half Even if the success rate is 100% every time, it will take at least a hundred years to cultivate a supernatural power to the full level.

Chen Yang doesn't care about it now, and all the remaining merits are ready to go down at once. In any case, he must at least cultivate his Tianyantong to the full level, so that he can use more special effects.

After all, his character has improved a lot. With the remaining 96 million merits, the level of Tianyan clairvoyance is really close to the full level, which is already [-] stars.

The 96-star Tianyantong, if Clairvoyance knows about it, you will be absolutely crazy. After working so hard for so long, you finally managed to cultivate Tianyantong to 34 stars. As a result, Chen Yang rushed to 96 stars in one breath.

This is the difference between RMB players and ordinary players!

Of course, Chen Yang is not an ordinary RMB player, but a RMB plug-in player!
But 96 stars is not what Chen Yang wants, what he needs is full-level supernatural powers, because in this way he can know what is needed for supernatural powers to advance to the Dao technique, but now it is embarrassing to be stuck at 96 stars, but the body The merits and virtues have been completely exhausted, and there is no other way, so I have to find something to do to benefit mankind.

The quickest way right now is naturally the Lingcao base. It has been a month, and the spirit grass must have reached the standard for refining body strengthening pills. Without hesitation, Chen Yang immediately set off for the spirit grass base.

As for Du Jia and Man Lie, they have always been by Xie Han's side. After all, the cultivation of magic requires a lot of materials. Du Jia and Man Lie used to help find materials and so on. I asked about the current situation of Xie Han. It is quite good. The magic talent of the demon spirit is naturally incalculable for ordinary people. Even Akaba was surprised. In just one month, Xie Han has already started to attack the advanced The magician is now, and is also involved in the magical field of time.

Now everything is going in the desired direction, which is naturally the best thing for Chen Yang, and at the Lingcao base, because the mutated insects will be cleaned up every three days, so Basically, there were no major problems. After wandering around the base, Chen Yang found that the spirit grass not only exceeded the standard for refining the body strengthening pill, but even reached the effect of 500 years, which made Chen Yang also Feeling surprised, in this way, the body strengthening pill can be refined with the least amount of medicinal materials.

If this matter is done well, it will definitely be a merit. Chen Yang naturally has to take it to heart. After checking that the spirit grass has reached the standard, the martial spirits at the spirit grass base began to manually pick the spirit grass. To refine the body strengthening pill, the whole plant needs to be boiled, but because the spirit grass has reached the 500-year standard, basically only the leaves are needed, and the method of refining the body strengthening pill is actually very simple , Put all the spirit herbs together, boil them for 49 days, drink them in one sip, and you can enter the stage of strengthening your body smoothly, but now that technology is so advanced, maybe Chen Yang can try to use technology to make a capsule for strengthening your body.

After much deliberation, he felt that this method was feasible, so Chen Yang quickly sent out an application, inviting some pharmaceutical experts to discuss this matter with him. After discussing for a few days, he screened out several proposals and decided After making two plans, this is the beginning of the experiment.

One way is to use chemical reactions to integrate the medicinal effects of the spirit grass, and the other is to use physical resonance reactions to integrate the medicinal effects. In fact, they are almost the same, saving time and cost.

After some tests, coupled with Chen Yang's perfection and the hard work of many people, the first batch of strong body capsules was finally interviewed, and the first batch of users were all the martial spirits in Linghu City.

Although Wu Ling's fighting ability is strong, there are quite a lot of impurities in their body. The strong body capsule can initially expel the impurities in their body. In this way, their physique and fighting ability will also be improved. The Dan has no side effects. Of course, children under the age of ten cannot use it, because their bodies are not yet mature, and the effect of the Strong Body Pill is enough to directly wash away that fragile body.

After the trial of the first batch of strong body capsules, there are indeed no problems, and the combat effectiveness of each martial spirit has been significantly improved. In this way, the strong body capsules can be officially promoted nationwide.

After hearing the news, the most exciting thing is the current Marshal Zheng Tiangang. As long as there is a strong body capsule, the physical fitness of the whole people can be improved. It can't be shaken anymore.

It can be said that even ordinary people, after entering the physical strengthening stage, almost have the physique and strength of Huang Wuling before, and their life span will be greatly extended.

Martial arts of all people!

Just ask other countries, are you afraid? ?

The Strong Body Pill has officially entered the promotion stage, and Chen Yang has also made a lot of merit in one breath, because Chen Yang's move will not only benefit China, but even benefit the whole world, and its influence is naturally huge. As a result, the merits obtained are more than [-] million more!

Naturally, Chen Yang didn't say that he continued to smash Tianyantong with his merits, and finally smashed Tianyanyan to the full-star state. Sure enough, even after reaching the full-level state, he can still continue to advance, but it takes a while. A material that Chen Yang has never heard of before, called Dao Fa Jing...

(End of this chapter)

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