Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 510 Demon Realm

Chapter 510 Demon Realm
But having said that, even these great gods may not have a solution, and they are all saints, unless it is Pangu or Nuwa God himself, how can they stop that guy who shakes the sky.

After thinking about it, Chen Yang temporarily gave up this idea, and instead thought of a more practical idea!

Go to the devil world!
Since Akaba can open the gate of hell, he will definitely be able to open it a second time. If he can go to the Demon Realm, as long as he develops insignificantly and does not waste his time, it seems that it is not difficult to improve his strength. If it is swallowed up, that is the real excitement.

It's just that this matter is quite risky, because just more than two months ago, the incarnation of Lucifer was beaten back to the hell of the demon world. If he went to the demon world, wouldn't it be like a wolf entering the mouth of a tiger?

But now Chen Yang has no better way. Going to the Demon Realm is the only way to improve his strength, and it is also a quick way. After struggling for a while, Chen Yang decided to go to the Demon Realm.

He didn't take anyone with him, he went alone, lest he was almost wiped out by a wave of groups like meeting Shaantian again, without any hesitation, he immediately found Akaba, when there were only two people, Chen Yang said quickly : "Akaba, I need your help!"

Akaba was slightly taken aback: "What's the matter?"

"I'm going to the Demon Realm, is there anything you can do?" Chen Yang asked quickly.

Akaba's expression suddenly became a bit weird, what the hell are you doing, why are you going to the Demon Realm?

However, looking at Chen Yang's appearance, he didn't seem to know that Man Crack had entered the Demon Realm two months ago, so should he be told about this?

Akaba couldn't help hesitating, and didn't respond for a long time. Chen Yang frowned slightly: "Why, don't you want to help?"

"No." Akaba shook his head: "About two months ago, Man Lie also came to me and asked me to send him into the Demon Realm."

"What?" Chen Yang was stunned: "Have you gone to the Demon Realm?"

Akaba nodded: "I also dissuaded him at the beginning, but he insisted on going and asked me to keep it a secret. I am not his opponent, so I can only send him into the Demon Realm."

Chen Yang's face suddenly became gloomy. No wonder Du Jia couldn't get in touch with Man Lie in the past two months. He entered the Demon Realm a month ago.

For two months, Man Lie's life and death were uncertain, Chen Yang couldn't help worrying in his heart, and hurriedly said: "Akaba, hurry up, send me to the Demon Realm immediately."

"That's not a problem, but I can only create a one-way portal, and I can only enter the Demon Realm. As for how to get out, you can only rely on yourself." Akaba said hastily.

"I know, let's do it!"

Seeing Chen Yang's anxious expression, Akaba was quite speechless in his heart. The master and servants all looked the same. No one else could avoid such a ghostly place as the devil world. There is no nonsense. After calling Xie Han, he started to create a one-way portal into the demon world. Anyway, Chen Yang also explained that if Du Jia asked about this matter, he had to keep it a secret, and he could just say that he didn't see him.

As for Xiao Xun, Chen Yang had already said that he would practice in seclusion for a period of time, so Du Jia probably wouldn't think too much about it, otherwise she would be worried, and on the contrary, she would feel guilty.

Once the portal was completed, Chen Yang stepped into it directly, wanting to disappear into the vortex of the portal similar to the starry sky.


The Demon Realm is not a complete continent, but is constructed of densely packed small islands, and the locations of the small islands are also unevenly distributed. There are even many small islands in the sky.

The ocean here is full of lava. As soon as he enters it, Chen Yang can feel a burst of high temperature, but it has no effect on his current body. He just thought that the environment in the Demon Realm would not be much better. The inside of the stone is even more desolate, but who would have thought that the environment in the Demon Realm is really good, and the plants are colorful, and the sky is blue, and there is an existence similar to the sun.

The location where Chen Yang is located is in a small island, the surrounding vegetation is very lush, exuding a wonderful fragrance, but Chen Yang is not in the mood to appreciate it, so he hastily sent a message to Man Lie, but it is very obvious, Spiritual communication has failed. It seems that due to the limitations of the environment, Chen Yang's message cannot be transmitted at all.

"It seems that we still have to go and look for it." Chen Yang sighed helplessly, looked around and walked in one direction.

Akaba doesn't know what's going on in the Demon Realm, but it can be said that the Lord of the Demon Realm is indeed Lucifer. This is certain. Of course, Lucifer was originally not from the Demon Realm, but from the God Realm. , After entering the Demon Realm with his fallen angel army, he took charge of the Demon Realm.In addition, there are also the original Seven Demon Gods of the Demon Realm.

Barberet, originally a cherub, became the chief priest of hell after falling into heaven, and the representative of the devil king who made a contract with people to sell souls.

Dioma, the silent angel of death.

Sarilla, an archangel in the past, offended Apollo, the sun god, for bestowing the magic of the moon on a Canaanite priestess, and left the heaven gracefully before being exiled.

Maple Hester, the god of magicians in the Middle Ages, fell into the demon world and became one of the seven demon gods.

Ruo Haike, the prime minister of the demon world, one of the Seven Demon Gods who are greedy for money.

Merimi, he is in charge of all air combat units in the Demon Realm, so he can be said to be the commander-in-chief of the Demon Realm's air force.

Johanp, the ruler of the original sea of ​​chaos, fell into the demon world and took charge of the sea of ​​lava.

The seven demon gods each control their own territory. As for whether they come and go or not, Akaba doesn't know what the relationship is. Anyway, after entering the demon world, you must be cautious and cautious. In addition, you need to be careful about all kinds of demons, what kind of hell? Dogs, gargoyles, nightmares, and complex types of demonic creatures of different levels, as long as Chen Yang reveals his whereabouts, there is only one way to die.

But this Chen Yang is not worried. After he has the taiyuan core, as long as he kills a demon creature, he can assimilate the power of the demon, and then use the demon's breath to cover his human breath, so that he can easily get mixed in.

"There should be demons on this small island, right?"

Chen Yang narrowed his eyes, opened his eyes immediately, and began to observe the surrounding environment. There are quite a few low-level demon creatures, and the lion-tailed scorpions are the most numerous. The gregarious demon creatures seem to be huge in size, but in fact they are not strong in combat. The lowest level of the food chain in the demon world.

Needless to say about strength, how could it be Chen Yang's opponent? In less than a minute, dozens of lion-tailed scorpions were killed by Chen Yang, the power of demons was absorbed, and the corpses were burned clean by the big sun fire .

In the demon world, there are two forms of power, one is the power of the devil, and the other is the power of the gods, which can also be called the power of angels, but as long as angels are involved, they are often very powerful.

After the Taiyuan Nucleus quickly absorbed the power of these demons, it quickly entered a state of assimilation. After a while, Chen Yang transformed the form of power in the Taiyuan Nucleus into the power of demons. No, even if he meets a demon, he will not doubt Chen Yang's identity.

And the next thing to do is to inquire about the news of Man Lie while practicing. If he was outside, Chen Yang would know where Man Lie is at the first time, but after entering the Demon Realm, he lost contact at all.

However, Chen Yang thinks that nothing will happen to Man Crack. After all, the strength is there. Although it is not as good as the seraphim, it is at least equivalent to the four-winged seraphim. The most important thing is that the power of the devil is the power of evil. It can be said that all evil powers are derived from the spirit of evil spirits. evolution.

The so-called Dao is one foot high, and the devil is one foot high, but the evil power is often stronger, because the way of promotion is extremely easy. Of course, in comparison, Chen Yang is simply an invincible existence.

All the power can basically be swallowed and assimilated. It can be said that as long as he is given a chance, Chen Yang can roam the devil world forever...

(End of this chapter)

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