Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 520 Cultivation

Chapter 520 Cultivation
Make wool!Even worse than Chixiao Yunlang!

Such a small five-clawed golden dragon, like a small loach, looks cute, but it still needs to be raised.

His mother is cheap. He knew it was a trap and summoned the five-clawed golden dragon. Now that he is fine, he has to be a father and a mother again.

After all, one has to be responsible for summoning it. Even if it is not a five-clawed golden dragon, but other playthings, since it is summoned, it must be raised.

But what is depressing is that the Qiankun Ring is not in his hand, and he doesn't know where to put this little loach, so he can't put it in his trouser pocket, right?

After thinking about it, I still put the little loach into the hair first, because the spiritual intelligence has not yet been activated, so it is more troublesome, and it seems that it has to be breastfed.

Nima, where the hell am I going to get dragon milk for it?
Anyway, the consciousness is chasing the four-winged fallen angel. Chen Yang is not in a hurry now. He opened his sky eyes to see which monsters are breastfeeding now, but it is not the mating period now, so it is difficult to find lactating monsters. But it wasn't extinct, and soon found an iron-bone demon bear that was feeding its cub.

Chen Yang hurried over, but he didn't know if the five-clawed golden dragon would drink bear's milk or not.

Obviously, he didn't drink it at all. After finally getting the bear's milk, he fed it and the little guy spit it out.

"This little guy is really hard to take care of, Boss, why don't you let me try it? If I feed it with essence, I might be able to cultivate a Great Sun Fire Dragon!" Great Sun Fire said eagerly.

The corner of Chen Yang's mouth twitched: "Its body must be able to resist your essence, otherwise it will be turned into a barbecue by you if you are not careful."

"I will pay attention, don't worry!"

"Go away, just wait."

Chen Yang frowned. If the big lizards in the west are also considered dragons, can their milk be given to the little ones?
Later, it seems that the dragons in the west do not produce milk.

There is no such thing as dragon milk, even in the fairy world, no one can find dragon milk. After all, the survival rate of the five-clawed golden dragon is too low. Even in the fairy world, there are only two of them, and they are males, so they are not crowded at all. No milk coming out!

Just when Chen Yang was having a headache, the avatar of Lingmai suddenly said, "Actually, I have a way."

"Say it quickly." Chen Yang said quickly.

"Put it in your body and use the power of Taiyuan to nourish it!"

Um! ?

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment: "This is also possible!?"

"Of course, in the realm of chaos, many saints will directly raise them in their bodies in order to cultivate divine beasts or mounts of the heavenly war level or the primordial level. By devouring the energy in their bodies, the attributes of the divine beasts will be enhanced."

"What needs to be done?"

"Since the five-clawed golden dragon has been bound to you by nature, it should only need to sacrifice blood essence and create a soul brand, so that this little guy can freely enter and exit your body!"

"It's so simple?" Chen Yang couldn't help but feel a little dazed: "These saints in the Chaos Realm really know how to play, they even came up with such an unimaginable method, even put pets in their bodies... Wait a minute, I'm a little worried , the little guy won’t be sucked into the taiyuan core, right?”

"The terrestrial core can only absorb energy, but not living things. However, it is still a bit dangerous, because if the little guy is too close to the terrestrial core, even life force may be absorbed."

Chen Yang frowned: "If I use the power of Taiyuan to replace all the power in the little guy's body, won't there be any danger?"

"It should be..." The spirit vein incarnation paused: "However, it may not be a five-clawed golden dragon."

"It doesn't matter, let it save its life first, maybe I can cultivate a new type of Taiyuan Shenlong!"

"Okay, as long as you have no objections."

Without further ado, Chen Yang quickly took the little guy out of his hair, and began to use the power of Taiyuan to expel the energy in his body, replacing them all with the power of Taiyuan. Anyway, the little guy's current body strength is very weak. Even if it is replaced, it won't have any effect, but Chen Yang is still very cautious, this kind of thing can't be accidental, otherwise if the little guy dies, Chen Yang will definitely be sad for a long time.

The process progressed very quickly. In less than ten minutes, a gray cloud had appeared on the surface of the little guy's body. Obviously, the power of Taiyuan had been successfully replaced. Without thinking too much, Chen Yang immediately poured out his own blood , Start building a soul imprint with the little guy.

In fact, Chen Yang's sea of ​​consciousness is quite spectacular, with many soul imprints, such as Man Crack, Xiao and Long's, Huo Miao, Gui Yao, Da Ri Huo, Wu Huang, Bai Mu Xiao, Chi Xiao Yun Lang, etc., except for the soul Imprints, and soul imprints, and soul imprints include those of my parents, Du Jia, Du Jia's parents, and Sun Zizai. The main function of the imprints is to confirm the status of the other party, and at the same time to spiritual communication.

After a while, the little guy's soul imprint was done. Chen Yang just tried to let the little guy enter his body, and after putting it on his chest, he saw the little guy found a place by himself. It got in, and as soon as it entered Chen Yang's body, it immediately became active, and began to crazily absorb the power of Taiyuan in Chen Yang's body.

The speed of absorption was astounding, and even Chen Yang couldn't help being taken aback.

"Hey, isn't it, this little guy's appetite is too big, right?"

Chen Yang was astonished. In just a few minutes, this little guy actually started to absorb the stored energy in the Taiyuan Core. Although it was just a little bit every time, that little bit was almost The amount of high-level demons.

"There is no way to do this, because it also has your taiyuan power in its body, and it will naturally be a huge amount when it is swallowed up, let alone when it is growing its body."

Chen Yang shook his head helplessly. Since this is the case, he has nothing to say, so let's keep it like this, hoping to give himself some surprises in the future.

Sighing, Chen Yang's consciousness was connected to the consciousness attached to the four-winged fallen angel. Because of the different power systems, they naturally couldn't find Chen Yang's consciousness. At this time, the four-winged fallen angel had already After landing on the ground, Chen Yang's consciousness looked around, and found that it was a rather gloomy place, the whole place was dark. Immediately afterwards, he saw the four-winged fallen angel take out a shiny container. I saw thick demon power flowing out of it.

Immediately afterwards, two huge red stars flashed in the sky!
Chen Yang's expression was shocked. This, these are a pair of eyes?
Upon closer inspection, it was indeed a pair of eyes, which made people feel panicked when they saw it.

"Eat, eat..."

The four-winged fallen angel spoke leisurely, and saw those thick and pure demonic powers flying towards those terrifying red eyes.

What the hell is this?Warcraft?Or a demon?
The body size is too huge, it can compete with that bastard Shaking Emperor!

Suddenly, under those pair of giant scarlet eyes, a huge mouth began to emerge, like a black hole, when it opened, it released a terrifying suction force, as if it wanted to swallow everything around it. Even the four-winged fallen angel was using divine power to block it.

It lasted for a long time, the ferocious mouth was slowly closing, and after a while, a heavy voice sounded from all around: "Does the devil have any orders?"

The corner of the four-winged fallen angel grinned: "Lord Lucifer asked how long it will take you to break through the underworld!?"

"My power still needs more and more pure demonic power to use. Tell the devil, as long as you give me enough magic power, I can destroy the underworld at once!"

"Okay, I will naturally bring your words to you, then, I will go first."

The figure of the four-winged fallen angel immediately disappeared in place, and then appeared in another place, also on a small island. It seemed that the place just now might be a sealed place.

Just when the four-winged fallen angel was about to leave the island, suddenly, a battle ax shot from the sky!
Um! ?

The four-winged fallen angel frowned, and immediately dodged the battle axe.

"Dude, don't rush to leave, play with me first..."

(End of this chapter)

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