Chapter 545

Chen Yang is constantly avoiding attacks, and at the same time is constantly creating magic circles!

This kind of magic circle is neither the magic circle of the world of cultivating immortals nor the magic circle of the magic world, but a new type created by Chen Yang by combining the two kinds of magic circles!
In addition to studying Lingshi these days, the rest of the time is to study the compatibility between these two magic circles.

Theoretically, this situation is impossible to realize, because it is not a product of the same world. In Chen Yang’s world, there is only immortality and no magic, but in this world, there is only martial arts magic and no leisure. But Chen Yang is different, because The compatibility of the taiyuan core is too strong, so that there are two power systems of magic power and magic power in Chen Yang's body at the same time, and this is the first condition for creating a new type of magic circle!

Only when mana and magic co-exist, can the next step of research be carried out, and in the past few days of research, Chen Yang discovered that the cultivation circle and the magic circle still have the same thing in common.

The most distinctive feature of the Immortal Cultivation Array is that it can trap creatures in it, and then use the characteristics of the array to create a series of attack methods such as array spirits to attack inside the array.

The main function of the magic circle is either to bless the releaser with various powerful states, or to release powerful magic, which is different from the function of the magic circle of cultivating immortals.

They seem to be two completely different concepts, but if you delve deeper, you will find that whether it is a magic circle or a magic circle, the structure in the early stage is basically the same. There is no so-called eye in the magic circle, so there is no such thing as breaking the circle.

However, Chen Yang devoured the memory of that dwarf before, and he has a good understanding of magic, and advanced alchemy itself requires the blessing of a magic circle, so Chen Yang has also learned a lot about magic. array of news.

Chen Yang's work for the past few days is to learn how to combine the Immortal Cultivation Formation and the Magic Formation to form a brand new type of formation, and this kind of formation, Chen Yang calls it the Taiyuan Formation!

However, this kind of thing cannot be researched in a short time. At present, Chen Yang has only produced an experimental magic circle, called the Fudo God King Formation.

The prototype is the top-level formation in the Immortal Cultivation Formation, the Immovable Xuanwang Formation. Creatures entering this formation will be immobilized, but this formation has many shortcomings. Firstly, the range is too small, and secondly, it can only Trapping someone with the same cultivation level as his own meant that Chen Yang could only use this formation to trap Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

However, if the elements of the magic circle are added, it will be different. Compared with the magic circle of cultivating immortals, the magic circle has many advantages. First, the magic circle is not fixed, unlike the magic circle of cultivating immortals, you can only put it there. Treat it like a trap waiting for others to get in by themselves, and the magic circle can be released by itself, as long as it is built, it can be released at any time.

In fact, some magic circles can also do this, and they can be released at any time, but that is a minority after all. Most of the magic circles still have to find a good place, and then spend a lot of time setting up the magic circle.

The second point is the issue of scope. The scope of the cultivation circle is fixed. Before it is fixed, it can be adjusted at will, but after it is fixed, it will not work. It needs to be removed and released again, but the magic circle is different, even after it is released. , you can still adjust the size of the range, of course, this depends on the strength of your own magic power and the control over the magic circle.

The third point is the issue of blessing. There is no such thing as blessing in the Immortal Cultivation Formation, and basically there is no such application. There is only the so-called mana blessing, and the main focus of the magic circle is the state of blessing. It can not only bless the releaser in various states, At the same time, it can also bless other magic circles.

All in all, after several days of tinkering with Chen Yang, he finally came up with the Fudoshen King Formation, which can be said to be the product of the combination of the Immortal Cultivation Formation and the Magic Formation, and it is the Taiyuan Formation that belongs exclusively to Chen Yang. Wang Zhen can only be activated by the power of Taiyuan.

Before, Chen Yang hadn't experimented with the Unmoving God Formation, but this time it could be used to test the effect. During the previous evasion, Chen Yang began to chant magic in his mind. It takes 5 minutes, but compared to the three days it takes to construct the Immovable Xuanwang Formation, it is already very fast.

When 5 minutes came, Chen Yang's eyes flashed.

Don't move God King Formation!
Suddenly, a circular magic circle was born under Chen Yang's feet. It was originally only the size of a basketball. Under the crazy output of Chen Yang's power of Taiyuan, it suddenly spread towards the surrounding area. In an instant, it expanded to a radius of 20 meters. about.

Invisibly, it seemed as if Xuan Wang sitting cross-legged emerged from the magic circle and rushed into the bodies of the worms. As a result, the wriggling desert worms just stopped in the air without warning. in place.

Um! ! ? ?

On the model of Mona Island, the sergeant majors who were paying close attention to the situation on Chen Yang's side were stunned.

"Hey, what's going on here? Why aren't those desert worms moving?"

"Could something be wrong?"

Fan Sai frowned: "No, there is nothing wrong with the desert worms, but it is the devil boy who has the problem."

Fakru took advantage of his face and said in disbelief: "Yes, this kid has controlled all the desert worms!"

"What!?" Meng's sergeant major was a little confused: "He, how did he do it?"

"Okay, it seems to be using a magic circle." Fan Sai is a vampire family and also a master of magic: "But this kind of magic circle has never been seen before. Could it be a summoning circle? What is summoned that we can't see?" Something, control these desert worms?"

"But this is impossible!? Although the devil can learn magic, he doesn't have much magical talent. Even if he has magical talent, he can't summon anything, right? Fan Sai, do you think you have the ability? Can these death worms be contained?"

Fan Sai shook his head with a sullen face: "It is possible for me to control a diamond-level monster, but it is impossible to control a platinum-level monster. Only the demon god Maphester can do it! What's more, this kind of magic circle, I've never seen it."

Bud grinned: "It's just that you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean they won't."

Seeing the changing expressions of this group of sergeant majors who were still gloating just now, almost made Bud laugh too much, making you look down on people, now you are being severely slapped in the face, right?
However, Chen Yang's performance really surprised Bud. He never expected that Chen Yang's magic talent was so strong that it was so powerful. No wonder the demonic power in Chen Yang's body was so small. It turned out that the real method was magic!

And the news from the people below said that Chen Yang defeated the dragon because he spewed out flames from his mouth. This must be super magic, and the fire dragon roared.

Fan Sai coughed and stopped talking. Indeed, Chen Yang's magical talent also surprised him. It must be super powerful magic to be able to control a platinum-level monster like the desert worm.

When Chen Yang saw that all the desert worms were fixed in place, motionless, he couldn't help but feel happy, but he also found a problem.

The Fudo God Formation is not stable. After all, it is only experimental. In such a situation, it can last for about 1 minute at most, but for Chen Yang, 1 minute is enough.

Chen Yang took a deep breath when he mentioned the five-huang battle ax in his hand.

Taiyuan Bingjue!

The power of Taiyuan in the body suddenly poured into the five brilliant battle axes frantically, and the surface of the five brilliant battle axes between them began to faintly glow with gray light.

Taiyuan Bingjue is another big weapon of Chen Yang!
I didn't use it often before, that's because the power of Taiyuan Bingjue was too weak, but since the mutation of Taiyuan Core, Taiyuan Bingjue is naturally changing!

The level of the Wuhuang battle ax has reached the level of a divine weapon after undergoing a lot of modifications by Chen Yang. With the blessing of Taiyuan Bingjue, its power is comparable to that of a one-star sacred weapon. It should not be possible to break through the defense of a platinum monster what is the problem.

As soon as Chen Yang moved, a desert worm flashed by!
Golden blood spurted out, and the huge desert worm was instantly split in half.

In the hall, the group of sergeants stood up one by one in fright!


Is it necessary to be so daily...

(End of this chapter)

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