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Chapter 554 Kamba City

Chapter 554 Kamba City

One drop after another, the bone essence seeped into Chen Yang's body, making Chen Yang in agony for a while.

The whole person fell to the ground, clenched his teeth, and his whole body was already soaked in cold sweat.

"Hold on for a while, it won't be long before it's over."

"How long will it take?" Chen Yang asked weakly.

"Three days and nights……"

"Huh!? This fucking is going to kill me! I'm in pain like this in 10 minutes. For three days and three nights, you might as well kill me!"

"Heaven will send a great mission to the people of Sri Lanka. You must first suffer from your heart, your muscles and bones, your body and skin, and your behavior. Have you not prepared yourself before you embark on the road of cultivating immortals? Cultivating immortals, cultivating! It is the mind, which can endure hardships that ordinary people cannot endure!"

The corner of Chen Yang's mouth twitched. It was his turn to be taught a lesson by a monster. It was quite embarrassing.

"Okay, I got it!" Chen Yang shouted in his heart: "I will persevere."

"Well, that's right. Since you can enjoy everything that ordinary people can't enjoy, you have to endure everything that ordinary people can't. This is cultivating immortals!"

Di Qing's voice immediately became calm, and Chen Yang let out a heavy breath, insisting on sitting cross-legged.

Meditation makes me happy!

Meditation makes me forget everything!
Chen Yang kept doing self-hypnosis in his mind. Although it was useless, it was better than enduring it all the time.

Unknowingly, three days passed in a flash.

In the Xiaohua Luo magic circle, Chen Yang was already drenched all over, but his expression was calm and his breathing was steady, and he had already returned to a normal state.

"Hey, how about it, I'll just say it can be successful?" Di Qing's voice sounded beside Chen Yang's ear: "Your current physical strength is already enough to fight against that guy Kalu."

Only then did Chen Yang slowly open his eyes: "The body is enough to resist, but the strength of the cultivation base is still not as good as that guy. If we really fight, the result will still be the same. I will not be his opponent."

Although he really didn't want to admit it, the actual situation was like this, and Chen Yang had to admit it if he didn't.

"It's not in a hurry, at least this kid can't threaten you casually now, and now your main task is to perfect the Fudo God King Formation as soon as possible, as long as the Fudo God King Formation is perfected, Kalu It's not that easy for him to threaten you."

Chen Yang hummed, it is indeed impossible to catch up with him in such a short period of time in terms of cultivation and strength, so perfecting the Fudo God King Formation as much as possible is now the only way to deal with Kalu. In order to solve the calorie, but also to solve the problem of shaking the sky.

Shaking the sky's strength is actually similar to that of Sarilla. With strength and physical strength alone, Chen Yang is not enough to fight against him. If he doesn't move the God King Formation, even Di Qing feels abnormal. As long as he does it well, Chen Yang's The Fudo God King Formation can definitely shine.

Without too much hesitation, Chen Yang just calmed down and started to perfect the Immovable God King Formation. Wu Huang watched the time, and once it was time for Sarilla to call, he would take the initiative to tell Chen Yang.


A month later, Chen Yang returned to Xili Island.

As soon as Chen Yang came back, Sarilla's envoy arrived. Without saying anything, Chen Yang followed Sarilla's envoy.

After one afternoon, Chen Yang chased after Sarilla and the others.

After all, this time I attended a wedding banquet in the past, so Sarella brought a lot of gifts, and several carts were full of them. After catching up with the team, Chen Yang came to Sarilla's side and saluted. : "Master Sarrila, I'm late."

Right next to Sarilla, he said coldly, "What crime should I have for letting Lord Sarilla wait for you?"

Chen Yang frowned secretly, you're the one who fucking talks too much...

Sarrila waved her hand: "Okay, I don't blame you, just follow!"


Only now did Chen Yang ride the monster and followed Sarella. Now the most popular characters in Sarilla's army are Chen Yang and Kalu. Yang and Kalu must be respectful.

And not only the Sarilla Demon King Army, but even other demon gods have heard about the trial on Mona Island this time. Of course, the more famous one is Kalu, because Kalu has an epic giant sword, and This guy is actually an epic-level alchemist and an epic-level magician!

Although Chen Yang and Kalu are both winners, Kalu has taken the limelight now, and Chen Yang has also heard a lot of gossip. It is said that Maphester, one of the Seven Demon Gods, also appreciates Kalu very much. , like Babelette, Maplehester also has a princess, although she is still a little lolita, but in the devil world, there is no age limit for marriage.

However, although Kalu took the limelight, Chen Yang doesn't care about this kind of thing, and it's better this way, it helps to attract hatred.


A few days later, Chen Yang accompanied Sarilla and others to Camba City.

This is one of the seven major cities in the demon world, and it is also the city of the demon god under the control of Barberet.

After seeing the shadow of Sarrila, the demon guard at the door hurried over and saluted, "Master Saruira, Lord Baberet has been waiting for a long time."

Sarilla nodded slightly. The demon guards were in line to lead the way for Sarilla. Both sides of the road were surrounded by all kinds of demons. As soon as Sarilla and his party came, they It caused bursts of screams.

In the demon world, demon gods like Sarilla are naturally very popular among the demons, and Kalu, who has been in the limelight recently, has attracted everyone's attention.

"Wow! That's Kalu! He's so handsome!"

"The giant sword behind him is an epic giant sword, right? No. 11 epic sacred artifact, tsk tsk, I have never seen what a sacred artifact looks like!"

"I heard that he is still an epic-level alchemist, and he is also an epic-level mage. I am afraid that he will become the eighth demon god in a short time!? That really made history!"

"Look at his great body, he must be very good on the bed! I am willing to give everything I have, and I only like to have sex with him once! Even just once!"

On the other side, Chen Yang had an indifferent expression, just looking directly at the huge castle not far away with his hands folded, which was Barberet's palace, and finally he could see Man Crack!

Damn, I'm about to get married, and I didn't even notify my boss, how embarrassing!
But since this guy doesn't know about his coming to the Demon Realm, don't bother with him.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Chen Yang looked over. At the entrance of the castle, Barberet was already waiting there, but he didn't see Man Crack.

Chen Yang frowned, where is he?

Sarella is here, logically speaking, the future son-in-law has to come to salute, right?
Chen Yang was puzzled, but he didn't know the specific situation, so he could only ask in the past.

After waiting for a long while, Sarrila and his party finally arrived in front of Barberet, and a group of people got off their mounts one after another.

"Sarella, I'm waiting for you alone now."

Baberet's figure is extremely burly, he looks like an ancient general, very temperamental, looking at this appearance, Chen Yang thinks that the girl should not be too bad, after all, if we talk about looks, Also still pretty good.

"Leite, why are you the only one, where is Na'er?" Sarrila couldn't help but wondered when she didn't see Babenar.

"She and Da Mote just went to a place, and they won't be able to come back for the time being. They will probably come back in the evening. Then I will make them both make a good apology to you."

Sarella smiled slightly, and the group followed Barberet into the castle.

The demon god's castle is really huge, just a hall, like a football field, and this is just the front hall, after passing the front hall, there is a huge garden, and after that, is the real castle interior.

As soon as the huge castle door was opened, there was already a demon woman dancing in the hall inside, since Chen Yang saw that there was still a woman in a suit!
Fuck me, this is too fucking messy, isn't it?

If it weren't for the fact that many demons appeared as prototypes, Chen Yang would have thought this was a modern wedding!
(End of this chapter)

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