Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 565 Maybe, I Made a Fake Patriarch

Chapter 565 Maybe, I Made a Fake Patriarch
what! ?

Hearing this national radio gymnastics for elementary and middle school students, a group of people suddenly looked confused.

"Isn't the ghost art of the Feken family just a phantom clone?"

"That's right! Since when did we broadcast gymnastics for elementary and middle school students all over the country?"

"Having said that, the name of this underworld technique is quite long."

The two members of the Haibu family guarding the gate were also dumbfounded. They only felt that this might be a brand new magic technique of the Feiken family. They saw Chen Yang standing up straight with a serious attitude on his face. They couldn't help but look at each other, but they didn't dare to be careless. They looked at Chen Yang solemnly, clenched their fists, as if they wanted to see what kind of tricks Chen Yang was playing!
Kabu on the side was the one who was really confused, wondering when did the Feiken family gain some peerless physical skills, and why did the name sound so weird! ?
At this moment, Chen Yang suddenly stopped on the spot and shouted loudly.

"First quarter, stretching exercise!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yang moved, and suddenly appeared behind the two Haibu family members who were guarding the gate, and opened his hands suddenly!

Bang bang!

Only two muffled sounds were heard, followed by two screams, and the two of them flew out like kites with a broken string.

With blood splattered from his mouth, and rolled his eyes, he rolled into the stalls on both sides of the street.

Hold the grass! ! ? ?
The people watching all around almost stared out their eyes!
How the fuck is this possible! ?
Fekenick was just a wraith fighter of the lower bronze level, but he killed two bronze upper level warriors in a flash! ?
Everyone came back to their senses, gasping for air one after another.

"This, this, am I wrong!?"

"Fekenick actually got rid of the two bronze superiors in one fell swoop!?"

"Leapfrog kill!?"

Shocked voices kept ringing out in the crowd, and Kabu next to Chen Yang gasped, his face full of incredible surprise.

How did Master Nick suddenly become so powerful! ?
Although the movements looked really weird, the power of the eighth national radio gymnastics for elementary and middle school students was simply jaw-dropping!
"This, this is the peerless underworld technique of the Feken family!?"

"Too, too powerful, to kill the two bronze superiors easily with the strength of the bronze subordinates!"

A group of people's scalps were numb.

"The eighth set of nationwide radio gymnastics for primary and middle school students. The power of this magic is too powerful!? It's even more terrifying than the magic of the Haibu family!!"

"And did you hear just now, what Master Fekenick said was the first session, stretching exercises, and the power of the second and third sessions must be stronger!"

"I just said why Fekennik has the courage to come to the family's tavern to make troubles. It turns out that he has the eighth set of powerful ghost skills!"

"I don't know if the Feiken family still accepts people!?"

"Damn, don't miss this opportunity, don't miss it! Don't hesitate, join the Feiken family now! If you can learn the eighth set of broadcast gymnastics for elementary and middle school students, it will be enough for you to enter the underworld." ah!"

"Go, go!"

The onlookers were murmuring so lively, but Chen Yang just smiled lightly and snapped his fingers: "Come on, Kabu, let's go in!"

Hearing Chen Yang's voice, Kabu suddenly came back to his senses, let out a quick oh, followed Chen Yang's footsteps, and entered the tavern.


After a few minutes.

Starlight City, the Feken family.

"Old man, something is wrong!"

Feikenliba, who was supervising the training of the Fkenliba family's children on the training ground, frowned when he heard the voice, and saw a housekeeper hurried to Fkenliba's side, panting profusely with sweat: "Master , Master, something is wrong."

"What's going on, it's so unreasonable to be in such a panic." Miles, who was also supervising the training, said displeased.

Not far away, Lenny also looked around curiously, walked over quickly, and quickly asked, "Did something happen to Little Nick!?"

"No, it's not." The butler took a few breaths, then hurriedly said: "At the gate of the family, all, all are people!"

Fekkenliba's face changed slightly: "Which family?"

"I, I don't know, I'm clamoring to join the Faken family!"

Um! ?

The three of Fekkenliba were taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but look at each other.

what's the situation! ?

"Let's go and have a look!"


The entrance of the Feiken family was already surrounded by people, densely packed with human heads.

"I want to join the Faken family!"

"I want to join the Faken family too!"

"I can do anything, as long as I'm allowed to join the Faken family, I'll do it even if it's a big shit!"

A group of people yelled loudly, which made many guards of the Feken family look nervous.

This was the first time they had seen so many people. The whole street was full of heads, and there was no shortage of relatively strong silver men.

What the hell is going on! ?
Usually, when there is a shortage of people, there are no bronze or silver experts coming, but now they are not recruiting, and a lot of bronze and silver are here!
"Don't be impatient, everyone! The patriarch will be here soon!"

"I want to join the Faken family!"

"I just want to join the Feken family!"

Fickenliba, Miles, and Lanny, who came in a hurry, just arrived at the gate, and when they saw so many people, they couldn't help but gasped.

"What the hell happened!? How come there are so many people!?"

Miles looked surprised.

"Be safe and don't be impatient." Fei Kenliba gave a low voice, which was to shout loudly to the excited crowd: "Everyone be quiet, everyone be quiet!"

"Patriarch, let me join the Faken family!!"

"As long as you let me join the Feiken family, I will change my surname immediately, and all the shops under my name will belong to the Feiken family in the future!"

When Fei Kenliba heard these words, he was also quite confused.

Is this collective medication?
"Nasak, you, why are you here?"

Suddenly seeing a familiar voice, Feknliba was also stunned.

In this Starlight City, there are still quite a few undisciplined masters, and this Nasak is one of them, and he is also a strong person at the upper level of Baiyin.

"It's a long story, Liba, we are old acquaintances, can you let me join the Feiken family too!"

Hold the grass!This is not right!

At the beginning, Nasak said that he would never work for any family. Even the Haibu family invited dozens of times and offered various conditions. Nasak did not let go. Today is What's the matter, he still begged to join the Feiken family!

"Clan, patriarch, what's going on!?" Miles asked in a deep voice.

"You ask me, how do I know?" Faken Liba was confused, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Nasak, you, why do you suddenly want to join the Faken family?"

Nasak hesitated for a while, but still said with some embarrassment: "Mainly, I came here for the eighth set of national radio gymnastics for elementary and middle school students of your Feiken family!"

! ! ? ?
The entire Feken family was stunned.

What the hell is the eighth national broadcast gymnastics for elementary and middle school students! ?
"Brother Sac, you, what are you talking about!?"

Nasak smiled quickly: "Okay, don't hide your clumsiness anymore, I know that I underestimated the Feiken family before, but I didn't expect you to have such a powerful magic. Anyway, as long as you let me join the Feiken family, learn this If the eighth set of national radio gymnastics for elementary and middle school students, I am willing to do anything."

Fekengliba smiled wryly: "No, I don't know what national gymnastics you're talking about!"

"Patriarch, I know that ghost art is of course not something that will be spread to the outside world, but today, Master Fekenick has performed the eighth set of broadcast gymnastics for primary and middle school students nationwide, easily beating two bronze superiors from the Haibu family. If you fly away, you don’t have to hide it from us.”

wft! ?
The entire Feken family was dumbfounded again.

His mother has lived for such a long time. How come no one knows about the Eighth Set of Nationwide Broadcasting Gymnastics in the Feken family! ?
Fei Kenliba had an as weird expression as possible, the corner of his mouth twitched, and a question mark couldn't help appearing in his mind.

Possibly, I made a fake patriarch! ?

(End of this chapter)

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