Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 570: There Are Still People Who Dare to Challenge! ?

Chapter 570: There Are Still People Who Dare to Challenge! ?

Herman boarded the martial arts arena, looked solemnly at Blaisley, and shouted in a deep voice: "The Feken family, Feken Herman, Iron Master!"

Feikenliba said at the same time: "The Feiken family, the two mines in the north of Starlight City!"

The whole place was boiling.

The Haibu family dared to play, and took out three taverns, and the Ficken family dared to play even more, directly suppressing all their wealth!
Who in Starlight City doesn't know that all the sources of income of the Feiken family depend on the two mine veins in the north, and now they have all gambled on it, which is too much to play! ?
Looking at the high platform again, the patriarch of the Feiken family, Feikenliba, had a calm expression on his face, and the people below couldn't help but sigh secretly.

"The patriarch of the Feken family must be in pain!? Two mines, that's much more valuable than the three taverns of the Haib family!"

"Damn it, rich people are capricious, and it's a big gamble every now and then!"

"Envy, I don't know when, we can be so willful once."

"Okay, stop daydreaming, and watch the competition!"

"It's really hard to say this game. Herman of the Feken family has always been the pride of the Feken family, at least before the rise of Fekenek."

"Actually, I'm even more curious about Fekenick's eighth set of National Radio Gymnastics for Primary and Secondary School Students. I heard that the power is astonishing. It instantly defeated two bronze masters and made a leapfrog attack."

"It seems that these two big families are playing the same routine. Haibfis and Fekenik are both arranged to the end, obviously they want to play the big one in the last game! Now Herman and Rice Li, it’s just an appetizer.”

"It's just an appetizer, it must be quite exciting, let's wait and see!"

While everyone was discussing, the person in charge of the Tianma Hall on the high platform said in a deep voice: "Hey Blaisley and Fenken Herman are both superiors of Iron and Steel, the two Patriarchs, - do you want to start a competition?"

The two Patriarchs nodded, and the competition officially began.

From the very beginning, High Blaisley immediately released his wraith. After all, he knew in his heart that the Faken family, like the Haib family, were very good at melee attacks, and the Faken family Melee attacks are more dominant, because of the Phantom Wraith, another clone of the same strength will be transformed.

Sure enough, after High Blaisley's skin turned gray, Herman's figure also became blurred, and it took only a moment to transform into two bodies.

"The Phantom Wraith of the Feken Family!"

"Sure enough, even if the avatar is a steel superior, the battle of High Blaisley will definitely not take advantage of it."

As everyone had expected, when faced with the siege of two steel superiors, High Blaisley could only defend passively for a while.

Herman urged the main body and the avatar, shouted in unison, and immediately launched a fierce offensive, one left and one right to kill High Blaisley.

High Blaisley's spiritual power flowed all over his body, and the steel wraith in his body turned rapidly, and even let out a loud roar.

"Not moving like a mountain!"

Both legs stepped on the ground hard, the whole body was arched, and the head was protected with both hands, the originally gray skin began to turn slightly white.

"The second stage, this is the second stage of Iron Wraith!"

The people below immediately exclaimed.

"After entering the second stage, Iron Wraith's defensive power has been greatly enhanced, and his entire body is truly as hard as steel. It is extremely difficult to break through his defense even if it is an opponent of a high-level steel."

"I didn't expect that besides Fez, there would be a genius like Leslie in the Haib family. Being able to cultivate the Iron Wraith to the second stage is already quite powerful!"

The situation on the field changed quietly when Leslie released the second stage. Herman, who had already transformed into a clone, couldn't help but change his face when he saw this. He knew that Leslie was not easy to mess with, but who would have thought that The Iron Wraith has been cultivated to the second stage.

This time, it's really hard to deal with!

In the blink of an eye, Herman and the transformed avatar had already approached Leslie. Now that you are defending, then use a powerful attack to break your defense abruptly!

Herman really didn't sloppy when he shot, all his spiritual power poured into his fists, and when he came to Herman's side, he punched Leslie's body one after another.

The continuous sound of metal clashing like iron strikes rang out in the audience.

He punched heavily, and the attack was fierce. Under the pincers from the left and right, Hai Blaisley seemed to curl up, not daring to resist at all, and Herman was constantly looking for Leslie's weakness, the position where the fist fell. It is also constantly changing.

Most people think that it is Herman who has the upper hand at this time, at least that's what they see in their eyes, but it is not the case. Leslie seems to be passively defending, but in fact it only consumes a small amount of spiritual power, urging the steel Wraith is defending, and Herman's fierce offensive requires more than several times the spiritual power of Leslie.

If it goes on like this, if Herman's spiritual power is consumed too quickly, he won't be able to hold on for too long later, and once High Blaisley fights back, Herman can only lose.

"This kid, why don't you withdraw?" Miles looked a little anxious. After all, he was his son. It doesn't matter if he loses, but it would be troublesome if he was beaten like David Hurt. He couldn't practice martial arts for three years. , neither Miles nor Herman can accept this fact.

Sure enough, under the huge consumption of spiritual power, the damage caused was nothing to Leslie. Seeing this situation, Herman was also anxious, and had no choice but to withdraw quickly.

The avatar transformed from Phantom Wraith consumes half of the spiritual power in the body to activate it. Herman didn't have much spiritual power in his body, and with such a large consumption, he felt a little tired at this time. meaning.

On the other hand, Leslie raised his head at this moment, his eyes full of sternness.

The spiritual power he consumed was only a small part, and most of the spiritual power was still circulating in his body, and now it was time for him to fight back.


With a low shout, Leslie's figure moved suddenly, and every step that fell could crack the bluestone slabs on the martial arts arena. The speed was extremely fast, and the explosive power was jaw-dropping.

Herman was startled, and didn't dare to think too much. The clone directly faced Leslie, ready to block this wave of attacks, but saw that Leslie who was attacking violently didn't even put out his fists, and directly Hit it with your body.

There was just a muffled sound, and the strong force directly knocked Herman's clone away, and after Leslie's body paused for a moment, he swooped towards Herman again, his whole body suddenly changed, Leslie Slidon yelled loudly.

"Steel fist!"

An iron fist slammed towards Herman in front of him simply and roughly. It was too late to dodge, so Herman had to raise his hand to block it.

The tyrannical strength plus the weight of the steel body, the superimposed power of the two increased the power of the steel fist by a few points, and with one punch, Herman's body was also thrown out abruptly, and fell directly tower.

"Hibaris wins! The lottery goes to the Haibu family!"

The voice of the person in charge of Tianma Hall on the high platform came again.

The faces of the people in the audience were full of surprises. They didn't expect that it was just an appetizer, and the Heb family sent out a hero like Leslie. solve!

Miles hurriedly walked down the high platform. After seeing Herman, he saw that Herman's hands were covered with blood, and felt a little tight in his chest: "How is it?"

"Father, I'm fine. I'll be fine after a few days of recuperation." With the support of the Feken family, Herman could barely walk, but his expression was still a little ugly: "I'm sorry, but I still lost the competition."

Miles sighed: "Okay, you have tried your best, and no one will blame you, as long as there is nothing wrong."

Herman nodded slightly: "I will definitely practice more in the future, absolutely, definitely will become stronger!"

Miles hummed, and this meant that someone took Herman down to heal his wounds. At this moment, there was a loud shout from the Haib family: "My Haib family's fortune will not be changed, and the Faken family But there are still people who dare to fight!?"

Fei Kenliba and the others all looked at Chen Yang who was drinking the juice. Chen Yang shrugged slightly, put the juice down, stood up, and walked towards the fighting field...

(End of this chapter)

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