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Chapter 581 What else do you want! ?

Chapter 581 What else do you want! ?
Chen Yang can already imagine how the guy in his previous life got the Holy King of Nothingness. Maybe he accidentally discovered the wonderful setting of the Holy King of Nothingness, and then went to other people's houses to sing love songs every day. , this holy king of nothingness has become dependent on the previous life, and then in the previous life he showed various warm gestures.

Regardless of the strength of the Holy King of Nothingness, the mind must be very simple. After all, all the minds must be put on cultivation, and it is estimated that they have never been in love. How could this kind of little girl with no experience be from a previous life? The kind of super dude rival.

Now Chen Yang is still singing, with the music on the phone in his mind, and he sings along, and Xia Luoluo's killing intent is obviously not as strong as before, and his expression is not as repulsive as before.

The only way to save myself now is to get rid of Xia Luoluo's strategy. Anyway, she was still my wife in the previous life, and the fat and water don't flow to outsiders. As for Du Jia, she should understand. After all, it is to save her life. Yang also has no other way.

This Xia Luoluo's previous life, that is, the Holy King of Nothingness, was the most murderous among all daughters-in-law. In the Chaos Realm, she was also a great murderer. There were not a thousand or eight hundred saints who died in her hands. Even after being reincarnated, her killing intent remains undiminished. In order to keep her secret from being leaked out, she will still kill everyone who knows her secret. It can be said that she is really cruel and merciless.

Humming a song, Chen Yang hurriedly asked Di Qing what to do next in his mind.

"As you think, if you want to live, there are only two ways, either kill her or fuck her!" Di Qing said solemnly: "The possibility of killing her is very slim, and her current strength has actually reached the chaotic level. Yuan Da Luo Jinxian, plus the already awakened Dao of Nothingness, it is basically impossible for you to defeat her."

The realm of nothingness displayed by Xia Luoluo at this time is exactly the Dao technique that Chen Yang has dreamed of. No matter how many magical powers Chen Yang possesses, he cannot match it at all. It can be seen that the power of the Dao technique is extraordinary.

"Since you can't defeat it, you can only take a slant. Since you were a husband and wife in the previous life, your fate must be linked together. Otherwise, you can collide with each other after being completely reborn in two different worlds. This shows the magic of fate. .”

"If you want to gain her reassurance, you just need to grasp her fatal weakness." Di Qing said in a deep voice, "I also really fucking admire Tai Yuan. There are so many beautiful saint kings, each of whom is more powerful than the other. What the hell is going on with him? Heart-catching!"

"This guy's way of picking up girls is really unprecedented, and there will be no one in the future.",

The corner of Chen Yang's mouth twitched: "Don't change the subject!"

"I don't know much about the Holy King of Nothingness!" Di Qing smiled wryly: "I only know that she likes to listen to music, but I really don't know about the rest. You should figure it out by yourself. I will help you with this matter too." Nothing to do."

Chen Yang frowned secretly, thinking that since Xia Luoluo liked listening to music as much as in his previous life, he could only hold on to this life-saving straw.

The song she was singing suddenly stopped.

Xia Luoluo's expression suddenly turned cold: "Why don't you sing!?"

Chen Yang coughed and said weakly: "I'm exhausted, if you still want to listen, you can help me heal."

Xia Luoluo snorted coldly: "Since you don't sing, then die!"

While speaking, a few hands of nothingness were about to clap over at the same time.

Chen Yang was taken aback, and hurriedly said again: "You have thought about it! If you kill me, no one will sing to you again!"

The movement of the Void Hand froze suddenly, obviously Charlotte hesitated.

Chen Yang was overjoyed, and continued: "I promise, I will never say anything about you. From now on, if you let me go east, I will go east. If you let me go west, I will go west, even if it is to be yours." Servant, I am also willing!"

When Xia Luoluo heard it, he hesitated for a long time, and then said indifferently: "I offer your soul!"

Seeing that Xia Luoluo was really tempted, Chen Yang no longer hesitated, and hurriedly released his soul and flew towards Xia Luoluo.

"Your soul form is really quite advanced."

Xia Luoluo said indifferently, stretched out her hand, pulled out a trace of the light of the soul, and put it in her hand, Chen Yang's soul trembled slightly, and then suddenly returned to her body, and the trace of soul just now The light is the life gate of the primordial spirit, just like the engraving of the soul. If Chen Yang has a little heart of betrayal, Xia Luoluo can easily kill his own primordial spirit.

Fortunately, this chick doesn't know that Chen Yang's soul and body are completely separated. Even if the soul is destroyed, Chen Yang's body will still exist, and his consciousness will not dissipate. Just like those demons in the devil world, they will no longer have a soul. , death is really dead, there is no such thing as reincarnation.

But now this is the only way to gain Charlotte's trust.

After finishing all this, Xia Luoluo stopped, and the entire field of nothingness suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the picture changed, and the two appeared in Xia Luoluo's boudoir again.

Chen Yang looked uncomfortable. Fortunately, Taiyuan Nucleus had already started to repair his body automatically, but it might take a few days to move.

Xia Luoluo's eyes returned to normal again, and became those bright eyes, but they were still cold and without any emotion. She glanced at Chen Yang, and then threw a crystal bottle, which happened to be thrown on Chen Yang's body. Side: "Eat it, and it won't take long for you to regain your mobility."

Chen Yang barely grabbed the crystal bottle, opened the bottle cap, and there was a tangy and refreshing fragrance, poured out a blue pill, and threw it into his mouth without thinking.

The pill melted in the mouth, bringing a coolness that penetrated deep into the bone marrow, driving away the severe pain in Chen Yang's body in an instant, and the wounds on his body were also recovering rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It seems that after Zhuan was reborn, the Void Sage King has learned new skills." Di Qing suddenly said again: "This pill can even recover the body of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in such a short period of time. It can be seen that her level of refining medicine is high, if you can capture her peace of mind, it will be like a tiger with wings added."

"You'd better stop talking, I really can't help but want to kill you now! If you fucking said it earlier, I would have become like this!?"

"Hey, it's none of my business." Di Qing immediately lost his voice, but it was Wu Huang and the incarnation of Lingmai who were talking non-stop in Chen Yang's mind at this time, but the meaning was similar to that of Di Qing, so don't think too much about it. Too much, if you can't win, just soak!

Sometimes, Chen Yang really wants to put his mind in silent mode...

The effect of Xia Luoluo's elixir is indeed surprising. In just a few minutes, Chen Yang's serious injury has recovered seven or eight out of ten, and he has the ability to move. This is to stand up and see Xia Luoluo again. Sitting on the chair with arms folded, two long white legs dangling in front of Chen Yang's eyes, that was when Xia Luoluo asked indifferently: "Who the hell are you!?"

Chen Yang smiled wryly, would you believe me when I said that I was your husband in the previous life?
If you say this, maybe you will be killed.

Chen Yang didn't dare to say a word: "I am not from the demon world, nor from the underworld, but from the human world."

"Human world!?" Xia Luoluo's pretty face turned cold: "You are lying to me!? People from the human world, how could it be possible to come to the underworld!?"

"Besides, the human world will also have such a powerful guy like you!?"


Haha, it's really ironic...

Being strong doesn't mean being abused so badly by you...

Chen Yang shrugged helplessly: "That's the truth, if you don't believe it, I can't help it."

Xia Luoluo hesitated for a while, and then asked: "Then why are you coming to the underworld!?"

"What else can I do, practice!" Chen Yang spread his hands and said, "I entered the underworld in order to improve my strength."

"Cultivation!?" Xia Luoluo sneered: "I don't think so!?"

"I said that I have a grudge against Lucifer, and I came to the Demon Realm to kill him, do you believe it or not!?"

Xia Luoluo was stunned for a moment, and then looked contemptuously: "It's just you!? Still want to fight against Lucifer!? Idiots."

Chen Yang curled his lips secretly, you don't believe the real one, and you don't believe the fake one either.

What else do you want! ?
(End of this chapter)

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