Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 598 Don't You Want a Participation Token?

Chapter 598 Don't You Want a Participation Token?

The strange energy on Beluka's body has been completely absorbed by Chen Yang. Without the control of that strange energy, Beluka's consciousness has recovered, but it is obvious that regarding the previous memory, he is already It's blurry, so I don't know what happened.

"You were controlled by something just now, and you completely lost your sense of autonomy. You wanted to kill anyone you saw!" Daisy said in a deep voice, "You really don't remember anything?"

Beluka looked confused: "Yes, is there such a thing?"

"I don't need to lie to you!" Daisy curled her lips: "You were chasing me just now, but fortunately with his help, I subdued you in no time, otherwise, I might not be able to escape !"

"What!?" Beluka exclaimed, and said with a look of disbelief: "Daisy, I love you so much, how could I chase you down?"

Obviously, Belluka is also one of Daisy's suitors.

"I don't know what's going on. Anyway, I vaguely remember that I felt very tired after picking up a low-level crystal fighter, and then I seemed to fall asleep, ah, hiss..." Beru Ka seems to have affected the wound, and he took a quick breath: "Damn, why does it feel like the bones are broken, you guys can't be gentler!"

Chen Yang shrugged helplessly: "Do you still remember the place where you killed that low-level crystal warrior?"

Beluka hesitated for a moment, and was about to speak when he suddenly came back to his senses: "Why should I tell you?"

Seeing this, Daisy said helplessly, "He saved you anyway, it's fine if you don't thank me, why are you still so arrogant?"

"Hmph, if I hadn't lost consciousness, would a gold junior fighter have the ability to restrain me!?" Beluka looked at Chen Yang with contempt, and then looked at Daisy with a smile: "Daisy, I Remember where that place is, do you want me to take you there."

Daisy reached out her hand helplessly and touched her forehead. She was worried about Beluka's IQ in her heart. Even she couldn't control Beluka before she ran away. Since the other party was able to control Beluka, it was obvious that his strength was unpredictable. This guy didn't even turn the corner, it's really speechless.

Chen Yang was not angry at all, but he was surprised by the strange energy just now. Obviously, this strange energy can affect the spirit, and it can stimulate the desire to kill in the human body. After being controlled by this spiritual force, , the whole person will completely become a machine that only knows how to kill.

And this kind of spiritual power, Chen Yang is really familiar with it. This is the power of the source of evil. Man Li has it, and he naturally has it too, but the obvious difference is that this spiritual power is not weak, but very strong. Powerful, Beluka is obviously only the ability of a diamond subordinate, but his previous strength has reached the platinum level. Obviously, it is this evil force that forcibly improved his strength.

Then, this source of evil should belong to the one with a higher level. Chen Yang was overjoyed. He just needs energy to replenish the Taiyuan core. This opportunity cannot be missed.

"Take me there to have a look!" Chen Yang said suddenly.

Beluka was slightly taken aback, and sneered: "You are so brave! How dare you order me!" As soon as the words fell, the sword in his hand suddenly moved, and it was placed on Chen Yang's neck directly, with a serious expression on his face He said calmly: "Hand over all the competition tokens on your body, and I don't intend to torture you anymore!"

Daisy's expression changed: "Beluka, you..."

But Beluka quickly interrupted Daisy with a smile: "It's okay, I don't need your help, I'm enough alone."

Daisy almost vomited blood in no hurry!

Damn, you mentally retarded!
People can kill you easily, even if you don't know how to repay him, you still have the guts to threaten him in turn, so die?
Daisy had no choice but to give a wry smile, no one could blame this guy for committing suicide.

"Um, are you sure you want the participation token?"

There was also a trace of helplessness on Chen Yang's face. It was really difficult to deal with this guy. After all, he had to take him to find the source of the evil, so he spread his hands and said, "Then how much do you want?"

"Didn't you understand what I said? Hand over all the competition tokens on your body!" Beluka shouted coldly.

"Okay, okay, I'll give it to you if you want it..." Chen Yang shook his head slightly, then he took out an interspatial bag from behind, opened it and dumped it on the ground.

Ding Ding Dang Dang~!
Nearly 1000 competition tokens fell directly on the ground and collided together, full of the sound of metal collisions.


Daisy, who was watching from a distance, opened her mouth slightly, and her eyes were somewhat dull.

Well, a lot!

The competition tokens on her body are only forty or fifty in total!

And Nabeluka looked at the participation tokens piled up on the ground more than one meter high with a dazed expression, and there were even two diamond intermediate tokens among them!

In the air, there seemed to be an extremely subtle breath flowing.

Beluka raised his head mechanically, and squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying: "Brother, brother, I, I was actually joking with you!"

Chen Yang had a bright face: "Don't you want a competition token?"

Beluka is about to cry!
Want your sister's token!
With nearly thousands of participation tokens, being able to easily subdue himself just now, and Daisy's weird expression just now, it was only then that Beluka realized that he should be trying to die.

"No, it's okay if I don't want it..." Beluka felt even more uneasy when he saw Chen Yang's grim smile.

"It's okay if you don't want to, take me there to find the place where you cleaned up the lower crystal just now, I don't care about this matter with you!"

With a wave of his hand, Chen Yang put all the participation tokens on the ground into the space bag, and just such a small action shocked Daisy and Beluka.

If you want to put away these tokens at once, you need to have extremely high control over spiritual power, at least not at their level!

Beluka wanted to cry even more in his heart, what kind of person did I provoke! ?
This guy is not a golden subordinate at all, but a wolf in sheep's clothing!
However, the two of them didn't know that for immortal cultivators, it was nothing more than an extremely simple mana control, even those in the foundation establishment period.

After Chen Yang received the entry token, this was where Belluca led him to find the source of the evil, and Daisy naturally followed.

To be honest, Daisy became more and more curious about Chen Yang. Who is this guy?

Obviously the spiritual power in the body is just a gold subordinate, why the ability displayed is stronger than the diamond level!

Whether it was what happened in the blacksmith shop before or what happened now, it really proved that Chen Yang is definitely not a gold-ranked warrior!
Under the leadership of Beluka, the group of three went to the place where the crystal subordinate was cleaned up, but something abnormal happened soon.

"Here we come, two!"

Chen Yang frowned, and immediately gave a cold shout.

Beluka and Daisy were taken aback, and stopped in a hurry. Before they could react, they saw Chen Yang had already rushed out, and only heard two muffled bang bangs, and they saw that the two had already fallen down. On the ground, his eyes were loose and he had lost consciousness.

OK, so fast!

The hearts of the two were full of astonishment. The two figures that suddenly appeared were so fast that they could only catch afterimages, but Chen Yang's movements were several times faster than theirs. Personally won it directly!
"This, isn't this Neil and Clay?"

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Belluka was astonished.

These two are both figures on the martial arts list, ranking seventh and ninth!
He was subdued by Chen Yang in the blink of an eye!
Oh my God!
Belluka's scalp tingled.

Chen Yang, who had swept away the source of evil in the two of them, frowned and looked forward. His spiritual sense had already sensed the change, and he shouted in a deep voice: "The front will be very dangerous, there is no need for you to follow!"

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yang's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

Beluka and Daisy looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and immediately chased after...

(End of this chapter)

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