Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 6 Welfare Halo?

Chapter 6 Welfare Halo?

The police officers rushed to Chen Yang's side first. Seeing that Chen Yang was covered in wounds, they hurriedly ordered the ambulance to drive over and carried Chen Yang inside.

"Young man, are you okay?" The police officer who looked a little older asked quickly.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little tired!" Chen Yang took a breath and smiled bitterly: "Uncle, can you give me some water, I'm dying of thirst."

The middle-aged police officer smiled and asked someone to fetch a bottle of water, and then helped Chen Yang to feed him water.

"I'll do it myself!" Chen Yang laughed dryly, a little unaccustomed, took the mineral water and poured it all in, the middle-aged policeman took the water bottle and smiled: "You boy is really good, Such a big fire can save people!" While speaking, he couldn't help giving a thumbs up.

"It looks big on the outside, but it's not that big on the inside!" After Chen Yang had just finished speaking, he accidentally touched the wound on his body, and grinned in pain. Let someone help you treat the wound first."

Chen Yang hummed, heard the noise outside, and heard the sound of a police car, and said quickly: "Uncle, just send me to the hospital directly, don't let any reporter interview me!"

In fact, Chen Yang was just guilty. Such a big fire not only rescued him, but also suffered only a little injury. Who knows what those journalists who like to open their minds will write.

The middle-aged police officer nodded and smiled, just thinking that Chen Yang didn't want to leave his name: "Okay, I promise you, let someone help you treat the wound first!"

Chen Yang hummed, and the middle-aged police officer got out of the car and closed the door. After a while, a nurse walked in, and immediately after, the medical car started to move.

"Wait a moment, I'll treat your wound right away."

Chen Yang was taken aback for a moment, and hummed, but he didn't expect the nurse's voice to be so nice. He glanced subconsciously, and saw that the nurse turned out to be a beautiful woman, estimated to be around 24 or [-] years old, wearing a nurse's uniform, invisible Exudes a sexy temperament.

For Chen Yang, she is regarded as Yujie, um, very like Yujie, Big White Rabbit Yujie!
"I didn't expect such benefits to exist. It seems that my character is not bad..."

However, when he thought of the explosion just now, Chen Yang also had lingering fears. Fortunately, he reacted in time at that time and hurriedly turned his back to protect the baby, otherwise the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Although he was injured, Chen Yang was still very comfortable in his heart.

Just when Chen Yang was thinking wildly, Big White Rabbit Yujie began to help Chen Yang treat the wound, and Chen Yang couldn't help but gasp because of the pungent pungentness.

"Be patient, it won't hurt after a while."

Big White Rabbit Yujie said softly, Chen Yang hummed and closed his eyes.

"What's your name?"

Big White Rabbit Yujie asked gently again.

"Chen Yang... hiss..."

While talking, she couldn't help but gasped again, which made Big White Rabbit Yujie couldn't help but chuckle: "You said you could run into the fire to save people, why can't you bear the pain? ?”

"It's different!" Chen Yang smiled wryly, "I've been afraid of pain since I was a child!"

Big White Rabbit Yujie sneered: "Okay, then I'll take it easy." After a pause, she added: "However, I really admire your courage."

"Thank you!"

Chen Yang said lightly, but his thoughts were all on the WeChat chat group, but it was hard to take out his mobile phone to look at it now, and he was worried that Shui De Xingjun would tell his own affairs, or just casually Find a god and ask if there is such a god as Shaoyang...

The mobile phone in the bag remained silent for a long time, which made Chen Yang more and more worried.

"God bless, don't let them kick me out because I'm saving people!"

Chen Yang kept praying in his heart.

Originally, if Chen Yang was really an old driver, he would definitely have to communicate with this big white rabbit, Yujie, and leave a phone number or something for the convenience of contacting in the future. I didn't exchange a few words with the big white rabbit Yujie, and didn't even ask her name.

Immediately, he went directly to the hospital, and the results of various examinations came out, only a little skin trauma, nothing serious at all.

This was unexpected by many people, but it was within Chen Yang's expectation. If he was really injured, he would be too sorry for Shui De Xingjun's favorite talisman.

Fortunately, the medical expenses will be reimbursed by the government, and Chen Yang can live in peace of mind. When he came here in the afternoon, except for the nurses and doctors who could enter and leave the ward, none of the reporters were seen. Obviously, the middle-aged police officer had fulfilled his duties before. promise.

This made Chen Yang heave a sigh of relief. As the saying goes, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Chen Yang has no plans to become a celebrity.

Of course, what made Chen Yang very happy was that, as usual, he was not mentioned in the immortal WeChat group. After looking at Shuide Xingjun’s WeChat, the last sentence was: "Shaoyang Xianyou, you are welcome. If you can help me, you can find me."

Chen Yang Yile, at first he didn't think this merit was useful, but now it seems that it is of great use. If he needs something, he can directly chat with a god in private, and send red envelopes to buy it?
But it’s unrealistic to think about it. Shui De Xingjun is a diving party after all. He rarely has water groups, and he belongs to the kind of person who is not suspicious. The water group is active, and they may be able to expose themselves all at once, but the gain will not be worth the loss.

It's still the same sentence, be careful when sailing for thousands of years, in order not to have any accidents, it's better to avoid death yourself.

Looking through the chat history, it was because of the photo of Chang'e Fairy that caused a lot of screen swiping activities. After the heat passed, the group became deserted and bored, so Chen Yang clicked on the wallet , I plan to see if there is an explanation of merit or something.

"Huh!? That's weird!"

Seeing that the merit points increased by 100, Chen Yang couldn't help being a bit stunned.

I clearly remember that there were 22 merits before, and all of them were distributed to Shui De Xingjun, why is there an extra 100 merits now?
After looking through it, there was no god who gave him merit. Chen Yang couldn't help frowning. Could it be because of saving people before?

"That's right! Don't you often say that doing good deeds is a merit? Maybe it's because you gave a hundred merits for saving people before?"

Thinking in this way, Chen Yang clicked on the merits again, and another screen popped up. Sure enough, there were details of the income and expenditure of the merits. Merit.

Chen Yang immediately figured out the source of merit, and he couldn't help but feel happy. Maybe he will do more good deeds in the future, and more and more merits will be accumulated. Maybe he will become a local tyrant with merit. At that time, many gods will come to him What about selling something?
Just when Chen Yang was thinking wildly, the cell phone rang suddenly, it was Mao Shi calling, Chen Yang thought of his brothers, quickly connected the phone, and reported that he was safe.

"Your father is scared to death. Which hospital are you in? My fathers will come to see you immediately!"

"No need, get out!"

Chen Yang has black lines all over his head, and these guys are taking advantage of him all the time!

"Why are you so angry!" Mao Shi smiled heartlessly: "If you survive a catastrophe, you will have future blessings. Is there a beautiful nurse by your side now..."

"You're right, she's not just a beauty, she's a big beauty!" Chen Yang curled his lips: "He's giving me a massage, it's so cool that I don't want it."

"If you say you're fat, you're really out of breath. That's fine, as long as you're fine, we can rest assured."

"I'm fine, I just suffered a slight injury, and I'll be back later, you don't have to come and see me, it's so troublesome!" Chen Yang thought for a while, and then urged: "Remember to feed Tiantian dog food Ah, it’s enough to feed one or two at a time, don’t feed more!”

"Okay, got it!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yang felt relieved. He put the phone aside and yawned unavoidably. Not to mention, he was really tired. It was time to sleep and replenish his energy.

But not long after I closed my eyes, the door suddenly opened.

"Chen Yang?"

Hearing the coquettish voice, Chen Yang subconsciously opened his eyes, looked sideways, and saw the big white rabbit Yujie sticking her head out from the door and looking at him with a smile.

Chen Yang couldn't help blinking his eyes. Could it be that brother has a halo of welfare?

(End of this chapter)

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