Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 60 Invitation

Chapter 60 Invitation

During class the next day, Chen Yang was still thinking about how to earn merit.

It will take two days for Sun Zi to hand over to the hospital. He estimates that it will be five days before he can officially enter the track of earning merit. He knows that he will definitely gain merit from here. After all, he is behind the scenes, but he doesn't know how much merit he can gain That's all.

As for the hospital, Director Li's proposal has been passed, and now they are preparing to recruit staff, and this time, Du Jia will follow, at least in two or three months. Du Jia told Chen Yang early in the morning When it came to this matter, Chen Yang originally disagreed, but Du Jia insisted on going. Besides, it was Chen Yang's money, so she naturally had to go over and supervise it.

Du Jia was very careful no matter whether it was a big or small matter, and she didn't want Chen Yang to suffer. Chen Yang was naturally moved and couldn't hold back her, so he had to agree to the matter. According to Director Li's convening speed, it might take three days You can call people around, and after five days, merit will be generated.

This way of earning merit is long-term. It is not that you can get a lot of merit at one time, but merit will be generated every day. It is just that you don’t know how much merit you can get. Chen Yang himself is not sure, so he still I have to think of another way to earn merit, and pay back the more than 8 merit owed within ten days as soon as possible.

This early in the morning, the effects of the wishful object control talisman and the heart talisman have passed, leaving only the magic power talisman and the sky eye talisman with a few hours of effect, but Chen Yang has principles and bottom lines, and he doesn't want to do it for the sake of The merit made his hands stained with blood.

However, apart from these, there are actually other ways!

After class, Chen Yang called Sun Zizai immediately.

Sun Zizai now regards Chen Yang as a god, and speaks respectfully: "Master Yang, what are your orders?"

Chen Yang thought for a while and said, "When will the hospital be handed over?"

"Maybe it will take two or three days." Sun Zizai said hastily.

"In the past few days, I'm going to arrange an expert consultation and free treatment. Do you have any ideas?" Chen Yang whispered.

"Eh!? Expert consultation?" Sun Zizai was taken aback when he heard that, "Master Yang, what is your name?"

"What, do you have an opinion?" Chen Yang said coldly.

"No, of course I have no objection!" Sun Zizai hurriedly said, "Master Yang, I'll make an arrangement for you right away. I wonder how many days you'll be in the clinic?"

Chen Yang frowned and thought about it, he didn't know how much merit he could get from sitting in the clinic, so he came to try the effect for a day first, if he made more money, he could do it for a few more days, but if he made less money, he didn't have the heart to do it up.

After thinking about it, he said, "Let's sit in the clinic for a day first, from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm. Tomorrow you will be doing an advertisement, and I will come over the day after tomorrow."

Sun Zizai can't wait for Chen Yang to come over. Chen Yang is a god, let alone a living person, even a dead person may be able to save you. Sitting like this in the hospital for a day will be equivalent to doing it to the hospital in disguise. A super ad!
Look, our hospital is so awesome, it can cure you of any disease, and even if you are not sick, come and have a checkup, what if you are sick?

Sun Zizai hurriedly said: "Master Yang, don't worry, I promise to handle it properly for you!"

But Chen Yang said: "Wait a minute, I haven't finished speaking yet, when the time comes, I will use your name for publicity, and don't let me appear."

Sun Zizai repeatedly agreed, and then proceeded to make arrangements.

Needless to say, Chen Yang really admired Sun Zizai's efficiency in handling affairs. Early the next morning, many people received a message on their mobile phones: "Sun Zizai, a famous doctor in Zhengzhou, was in Jiangnan Lantian Hospital on the 27th. Attend a consultation and conduct free treatment activities from 27:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm on the [-]th..."

Chen Yang was taken aback when he saw this information. He didn't expect that the advertisements for this product had reached the mobile company in Jiangnan City, and they must have spent a lot of money.

"Who is this Sun Zizai? I've never heard of it!"

Seeing that everyone had received such a text message, Mao Shi became curious. Zhang Rui looked it up immediately, and quickly said: "Tsk tsk, he seems to be a rather awesome character, the descendant of the medicine king Sun Simiao, encyclopedia It is said that he is proficient in medical skills, and he is not a problem with all kinds of difficult and miscellaneous diseases, he is completely an all-round genius doctor."

Liu Yuan muttered to the side: "Crap, I feel like hype!"

"Shouldn't it be hype!" Mao Shi was also a little confused: "But it's none of our business, so why don't you care what he is doing, anyway, Chen Yang, it's your turn to take Tian Tian for a walk today!"

"Understood." Chen Yang responded, thinking that once Sun Zizai's advertisement was sent out, there must be a lot of people coming. According to the speed of saving people with the nine-turn soul-returning needle, as long as it is not Li Yibai's kind The situation can basically be cured very quickly. In one day, if you can save 80 or [-] people, you will definitely get a lot of merit.

Chen Yang's mood immediately improved, and in the afternoon, he led Tiantian out for a walk, and wandered around the school.

But now Chen Yang is also a celebrity. Although the upsurge of saving people has passed for several days, there are still many fans. No, from time to time, someone will come up to take pictures with Chen Yang or something , There are also many goddesses who see that Tiantian is cute, and they can't help but want to touch them while taking a photo.

Chen Yang was also helpless. He planned to go out for a good walk, but he couldn't even take a walk after doing this.

Just when he was planning to go to the dormitory, his mobile phone rang. When he looked at the caller ID and saw the word Lu Yao, Chen Yang couldn't help being taken aback. Since he came back from Lantian City last time, he basically didn't contact her. I didn't expect this sports queen to call.

After answering the phone, Lu Yao said to have a meal together, she also wanted to learn some basic medical skills, and asked Chen Yangneng if he could teach her.

In fact, after Lu Yao returned to Jiangnan City, she was thinking about how to get along with Chen Yang. If she were another girl, she might have thought of a bunch of ways to get close to Chen Yang, but Lu Yao's communication skills are low. Terrible, I thought for a long time before I came up with such a solution.

Lu Yao on the other end of the phone was also a little apprehensive, not knowing whether Chen Yang would agree, and felt a little nervous for a while.

And Xia Xiaofei was right next to her, feeling rather dumbfounded, Lu Yao actually didn't hide it from him, she had already told him about the matter, and he had already thought of a lot of ways, but Lu Yao was either saying that she was shy, or that she didn't want to. Face, everything was rejected anyway.

When Chen Yang heard this, he smiled wryly. How could he know any nonsense medical skills? After thinking about it, he said, "Well, my medical skills are passed down from my ancestors, and can only be passed on to my descendants. Outsiders can't say a word, even if it's the basics. His medical skills are not good either."

When Lu Yao heard it, her face was filled with disappointment. Xia Xiaofei who was on the side was quite speechless, grabbed Lu Yao's mobile phone and said, "Chen Yang, I'm Xia Xiaofei, it's like this. Didn't you help treat it last time?" Doudou, my sister and I just want to treat you to a meal, how about it, would you do me a favor?"

"That's it, that's fine!"

"Well, we'll meet at the school gate later, and we'll get in touch when the time comes!" Xia Xiaofei hung up the phone after saying that, "Sister, it's okay to do this, why are you looking for so many reasons?"

"Okay, okay, you are the only one with the ability!" Lu Yao snatched the phone a little embarrassedly: "Then tell me, how can I ask Chen Yang to help me?"

"It's very simple, look at Chen Yang's stupid look, invite him out to dinner a few times, and gradually become good friends, besides, look at the last time he helped Doudou treat him, he paid a penny for it." No, it must be a second fool, this is not easy to coax!?"

Lu Yao was speechless: "That's not stupid, it's noble!"

"Okay, okay, noble, noble!" Xia Xiaofei said again: "Then such a noble person will definitely not refuse to save him. When the relationship is almost developed, you can cry for him, and he will definitely agree to it immediately." !"

"Crying for your sister! I think you want to cry?" Lu Yao looked at Xia Xiaofei coldly.

Xia Xiaofei smiled wryly: "I'm just making an analogy. Anyway, I think he will definitely not die."

Lu Yao thought about it, and felt that what Xia Xiaofei said was quite reasonable. Whether it was saving Xia Xiaofei or Doudou on the train, it was a duty to do so, and they didn't ask for any thanks. Such a person might be able to do it once. Here to help.

"That's okay, just go to the restaurant last time?"

"Okay, I'll book now..."

(End of this chapter)

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