Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 632 Devouring Memories

Chapter 632 Devouring Memories
"Let me see if you guys still have the ability to run again!"

Chen Yang picked up the God of War scythe and killed it directly. Alfred was startled and hurriedly dodged.

Alfred's magic defense shield can indeed make him immune to any abnormal state, but in contrast, once the magic defense shield is released, he will not be able to use any magic.

Now the entire field of nothingness is within the effect range of the Fudo King Formation, and Alfred can't remove the magic defense cover at all, otherwise he will be controlled by the Fudo King Formation at the first time, and then it will be true trouble.

However, Alfred, who doesn't know how to use magic, is like a toothless tiger. Seeing that Chen Yang took out the God of War scythe, how could he dare to confront Chen Yang? He could only dodge constantly, and Alfred's body The spell is also extraordinary, even without the spell, it is still like a rabbit, it is difficult to catch, but Chen Yang is not in a hurry, as long as he is trapped in the void domain, there is no possibility of this guy escaping.

Of course, this is not the real field of nothingness, and Chen Yang actually does not know how to use the power of nothingness, and the current field of nothingness is also built with the help of Xia Luoluo, anyway, Chen Yang is learning and selling now Yes, the effect is pretty good.

But Chen Yang like the Void Hand can't get it out. After all, it is Xia Luoluo's exclusive skill. Even if the power of Taiyuan can be transformed into the power of nothingness, Chen Yang has no mastery of the way of nothingness. , naturally cannot be summoned.

Seeing that Alfred was escaping so fast, Chen Yang summoned the nine disciples of nature without saying a word, and even sent out the big sun fire, directly surrounded Alfred, and then It is direct bombardment with various big moves.

Although the defensive ability of the magic defense cover is strong, the big sun fire and the elemental bombardment of the natural nine disciples can't last long at all.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Alfred to be defeated. As soon as the magic defense shield was broken, the whole person was immediately fixed in place.

"Boss, it's done!"

When the voice of the big sun came, Chen Yang grinned, looking at the motionless Alfred, he couldn't help grinning, and immediately rushed to this guy's side with a serious expression on his face, while the immobilized Ivor Red's face was gloomy, and his expression was frozen.

"Laugh! Why don't you laugh anymore! Wasn't it pretty embarrassing before!?"

When Chen Yang went up, the two big slaps greeted Alfred's face directly, and the blood came out directly, and Alfred's mood was hard to describe in words, he was so ashamed and angry!I didn't expect to fall into this guy's hands in the end, it's really aggrieved!
Chen Yang is not in a hurry to devour this guy's energy, but wants to devour this guy's memory first.

This guy is really strong, if there is no field of nothingness, Chen Yang can't handle this guy at all, so Chen Yang intends to accept all of this guy's combat experience and memory about magic, and Dang even reaches out and grabs Ivor Red's head began to devour the guy's memory.

It has to be said that the memory-swallowing spell learned from Man Lie is quite useful. Although it is a sorcery, Chen Yang doesn't care about good or evil, as long as it is easy to use.

And Alfred naturally began to initiate mental resistance, but it's a pity that his soul couldn't do it better than Chen Yang. Yuanshen is in a high-level form, and the low-level form of hanging and beating the soul is not easy and enjoyable.

After breaking through Alfred's mental defense, Chen Yang invaded Alfred's brain and devoured his memory directly. First, take out all this guy's memory, and then spend time screening it.

Being deprived of memory is naturally quite painful, and Alfred's mouth is dripping with blood, but Chen Yang has no sympathy at this time. Whoever let this bastard attack Man Li is purely what he deserves, Chen Yang He will not show mercy at all, this is directly devouring the energy in Alfred's body.

It has to be said that after the attrition war with Chen Yang, this guy's mana is still very full. Before that, Chen Yang felt a little strange, so he searched this guy's recent memory, and quickly tore off this guy's clothes , is to see this guy with a strange gray tattoo on his chest.

"No wonder this guy can use super-level magic casually, so he has been blessed!"

The pattern on Alfred's chest is the blessing pattern, which is the magic tattoo of the demihumans. This kind of tattoo can make people full of magic power for a period of time, and can use super-level magic unlimitedly, but The sequelae are quite terrible. After the effect of the blessing pattern ends, not only will the person lose the symbol, but also completely lose the ability to reproduce, similar to a eunuch.

This kind of blessing pattern can only be used once in a lifetime, and it is more vicious than the Sunflower Book. Chen Yang finally knows why the number of demi-humans is so rare, there are so many eunuchs, and they are still playing with wool.

After a while, Alfred was swallowed up by Chen Yang. This means that he removed the Void Domain and the Immovable King Formation, and returned to the cave where Man Lie was, and Man Lie had already awakened. Come over, the recovery power of the lich mixed blood is naturally extremely strong, the wound on Man Lie's body has basically healed, and at this time Man Lie is sitting cross-legged in meditation, recovering from the injury in his body, when he saw Chen Yang coming, he opened his eyes and was about to get up , Chen Yang hurriedly said: "Okay, you should recover from your injuries first."

Man Lie nodded slightly, and continued to close his eyes to heal himself, while Chen Yang also sat on the side, and began to sort out Alfred's memory, and learned a lot of things from this guy's memory, which can be regarded as letting him Chen Yang has seen it for a long time.

Of course, the most useful ones are this guy's combat experience and memory about magic. Most of the magic memory obtained from the dwarf's memory is basic knowledge, and here Alfred has A large amount of high-level magic knowledge, which naturally includes super-level magic, and even the magic of traveling through time and space, but Alfred still doesn't know how to use this kind of magic, so Chen Yang just gave it up after looking at it.

Time travel magic can only be released by mastering time magic and space magic, and to learn these two kinds of magic, its own magic attributes must be time and space.

In the long history, there is only one person who can release this kind of magic, and that is Maphester, and he is the only one who has mastered the two magical attributes of time and space at the same time, and Chen Yang also tested himself, as expected Well, he doesn't have any magical attributes at all, and he doesn't even have the basic conditions, let alone release the magical magic of time travel.

However, Chen Yang didn't think too much, and continued to search for something useful to him in Alfred's memory.

It didn't take long for Man Li's injury to be basically healed, and Chen Yang had sorted out Alfred's memory. After deleting all the useless ones, it was included in his own memory.

"My lord!" Man Li stood up and was about to say something when Chen Yang waved his hand: "Okay, there is no need to say anything between us."

Man Crack held back the words that had just come to his lips, and Chen Yang checked Man Crack's state. At this time, Man Crack's state had reached San Sheng, and he was still one step away from the strength of a saint, but his problem Like Chen Yang, to become a true saint, one must enter the Shengsheng Pavilion in the fairy world.

Of course, it is not necessary to enter the Chengsheng Pavilion in the Immortal Realm. If you become a master of Dao, you can also directly enter the realm of saints. Anyway, there is no need to worry about this matter now. It is natural to act together.

Xia Luoluo also showed his original shape, and introduced each other, but with Xia Luo's temper, everyone would have an iceberg face. Anyway, after each knew that they had their own existence, Xia Luoluo turned into a ghost again. Made a ball of nothingness and returned to himself.

The next step is to find the remains of ancient alchemy. Under the guidance of Xia Luoluo, Chen Yang and Man Li acted together. Not long after, Chen Yang stopped and stared at the front with an expression on his face. Somewhat ugly.

Not far in front of Chen Yang, there happened to be a dilapidated palace, which was already dilapidated.

(End of this chapter)

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