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Chapter 658 Cooperation

Chapter 658 Cooperation
The method Dai Wen proposed to make the Spirit of Annihilation really deserves Chen Yang's careful consideration.

No matter how good the wood gods and Liuyu gods are to him now, the situation is not good. After all, it is to deal with the possible changes in Alazzi Mountain, and at the same time to leave the land of exile. His use value has not disappeared, so He is only alive now, once his use value is gone, these people will definitely kill him mercilessly.

Therefore, Chen Yang had to take a long-term view. However, Chen Yang also had to worry about the great changes in Alaz Mountain. He believed that Lydia would not joke about such things. Good proof, if you just deal with it casually, there is no need to take out such a precious thing, even people like Breuer gave Chen Yang the absolute treasure they have in their hands, so it can be seen that the great changes in Mount Araz Nine!

The power of the Annihilation Spirit is indeed powerful enough to destroy the ancient city territories of the Liuyu God Clan and the Qimu God Clan, but it may not be so easy to kill Brewer and the others, and at this juncture, Chen Yang always felt that he was trying to die.

Chen Yang hesitated for a long while, and under Dai Wen's earnest gaze, he shook his head: "I'm not interested in your idea, even if you can create the spirit of annihilation, you can't directly destroy the two protoss Well, to put it bluntly, it would be a breeze to find any one of these two clans and kill us!"

Dai Wen's face changed slightly, and her eyes were full of thinking: "If you add humanoid ancient weapons and..."

Lucy and Natalie on the side also showed eagerness in their eyes.

"It doesn't make much sense. Unless your strength reaches the Holy Emperor one by one, don't even think about it!"

Dai Wen looked gloomy, lowered her head, and said nothing again.

Chen Yang looked at Lucy and Natalie again, and asked indifferently: "What do you two have to say!?"

The faces of the two of them were ashen. At this time, even Chen Yang, who was from the same family, was unwilling to partner with them, so what's the point! ?

"Since that's the case, it's time to talk about private matters after discussing business matters!"

Chen Yang snorted coldly, and his expression changed as soon as he said it: "Should we settle the matter of chasing me before!?"

While speaking, Chen Yang looked directly at Dai Wen: "Especially you, you are the one who yelled the most viciously about chasing me, and you are the leader of this group of people, right!?"

Dai Wen's heart trembled, she clenched her teeth, raised her head to look at Chen Yang, and said in a deep voice: "It's you who destroyed our plan first, otherwise we will have no grievances, no need to chase you down!"

"You woman, you are really ruthless!" Chen Yang snorted coldly: "Your plan!? Is to destroy the two realms of the devil and the underworld!? Make countless creatures annihilate under your hands!"

Natalie snorted coldly: "You have never tasted the feeling of being exterminated. Once you have tried it, you will know why we did that!"

Chen Yang curled his lips secretly: "I have really convinced you, it has been thousands of years, even ten thousand years, time has not resolved your hatred!?"

"I know that the demons and the Mingzu did something wrong, but if you want revenge, find those who took action!" Chen Yang shrugged and said: "So many innocent creatures don't even know that this thing happened , You don’t need to harm them for this, do you?”

The three of Dai Wen were silent for a while, as if they were no longer willing to talk to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang shrugged his shoulders: "Forget it, anyway, I don't want to care about your affairs. Now, I will only talk about your hunting and killing me!"

Lucy raised her head and looked at Chen Yang angrily: "Don't you feel ashamed that you have murdered people of the same clan? Wouldn't your conscience be condemned!?"

Chen Yang sneered: "Beauty, don't get me wrong, I am not of the same family as you, I am a serious human being, and also a descendant of the Chinese planet in the solar system, the same family!? Joke, you are to me, They are all aliens!"

The expressions of Dai Wen, Lucy, and Natalie changed slightly.

"Okay, okay, I don't want to talk nonsense anymore!"

"You, what are you doing!?"

Chen Yang came directly to Dai Wen's side, and suddenly lifted Dai Wen onto his shoulders, causing Dai Wen to scream and struggle unceasingly.

"It's time to fulfill my promise!" Chen Yang's eyes were filled with sternness: "It's so hard that you doubt your life!"

Amid Dai Wen's screams and cries, Lucy and Natalie watched in horror as Dai Wen was taken away by Chen Yang.

It's not that they don't want to help, but even they can't protect themselves at this moment, and their hearts are full of despair for a while.

If they fall into Chen Yang's hands, their fate is already doomed, and Chen Yang can't let them go!
However, in the actual situation, how could Chen Yang really slap Dai Wen? It was nothing more than to frighten her. If she was disobedient, she would touch her body a few times. Under the threat of Chen Yang, the proud Dai Wen became honest in an instant, obediently standing beside the bed, breathing a little short of breath.

"Listen well, you are lucky to meet someone with a conscience like me!" Chen Yang snorted coldly, "I called you here just to save your lives! You are the ones who fall into the hands of Vicklein." A real dead end!"

Dai Wen sullenly, hesitated for a while, then whispered: "I know you are not an ordinary person, you must have your own plan, I believe you are not the kind of person who sits and waits to die!"

"You are indeed very smart, and as you said, I have my own plans!" Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "However, you don't need to intervene in this kind of matter, and you don't need to intervene!"

"Also, where is Jessica!?" Chen Yang asked coldly.

"You, how do you know Jessica!?"

"You don't need to know about this!" Chen Yang said coldly, "None of you died, but she disappeared, so something must have happened!?"

Dai Wen smiled bitterly: "I, I don't know too well!"

Chen Yang frowned: "Are you kidding me!?"

"No!" Dai Wen sighed helplessly: "When we first entered the Exiled Land, we realized that this place is not simple, so we dare not go together, for fear of being caught by others, so we divided into three teams, I was going to find a way back, but I was out of luck. The team led by Fudi and I were all captured by Wicklein's people. As for Jessica, it seemed that she was captured by someone with wings, and she was in the city wall. I also saw that person last night, and he seems to be one of the leaders of the winged people!"

Chen Yang frowned: "How big is He La?"

"That's what other people seem to call him!"

"Okay, I understand!" Chen Yang had a sullen face, and when he was about to leave, Dai Wen suddenly said: "Wait, wait a minute, you, can you rescue Fudi too, now, now we just He is the last companion left!"

Chen Yang curled his lips, and said helplessly: "It's easy for me to find a woman, but how can I find a man!? What reason should I use!? Say I'm tired of being a woman and want a change!?"

"I know it's embarrassing, but, he is our compatriot after all, you, you can't do nothing like this, can you!?"

Chen Yang curled his lips: "Understood, I will go to Vicklein to ask someone, but if Foddy is also dead, there is nothing I can do."

After thinking for a while, Chen Yang said again: "Go over and tell those two women clearly, if you want to survive, listen to my arrangement now, otherwise, don't force me to return them to Vicklein!"

Dai Wen nodded again and again, and hurried out. After communicating with Lucy and Natalie for a long time, she brought Lucy and Natalie, who had rekindled hope, to the bedside.

"You, you really won't kill us!?"

Chen Yang snorted coldly: "If I really want to kill you, how can you still live till now!?"

"Listen, now take off all your clothes and get into the bed!"

"What, what!?"

The expressions of all three of them changed drastically!

"Hurry up, I'm not interested in your bodies!" Chen Yang said coldly, "If you don't want to cooperate, it's okay!"

"Just take it off here!?"

A blush could not help appearing on Dai Wen's face, Chen Yang curled his lips secretly, and immediately turned his head away, not looking at them again: "Hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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