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Chapter 661 I worship you as the Holy Lord!

Chapter 661 I worship you as the Holy Lord!
The top of Mount Alazz, where the stone caves are forbidden.

Chen Yang continuously released the blue second-order natural fire, impacting the restriction in the cave.

Lydia, Ike and others did not stay on the mountainside this time, but stayed at a place tens of meters away from Chen Yang and watched. Everyone was already mentally prepared to welcome the arrival of Tianlei At that time, there was no movement from Tianlei for a long time.

Looking up at the dark clouds in the sky, there was still rolling thunder, but there was no thunder coming down for a long time, which made Lydia and the others feel suspicious, and even felt that the situation in Alaz Mountain was very strange. The so-called sky thunder had already been swallowed up by Chen Yang's thunder disciples, and the rolling thunder at this time was exactly the sound made by Lei disciples.

On the surface, Chen Yang concentrated on breaking the restriction, but in fact, he asked the spirit vein avatar to check the situation within the restriction.

After a while, the incarnation of Lingmai shouted in a deep voice: "As I said before, in the restriction, there is a seventh-level natural fire!"

"What!?" Da Rihuo exclaimed, "It's really a seventh-order wild natural fire!?"

The incarnation of the spirit vein hummed: "What's more troublesome is that the seventh-order natural fire is not a good one. Chen Yang, I'm afraid this restriction is not that simple!"

Chen Yang nodded slightly. This restriction is improper to prevent others from entering it, and it may also be to confine this seventh-order natural fire, so that he cannot escape to harm the world!
It is no wonder that the Yin and cold energy of the entire Alazzi Mountain is so strong. Chen Yang was also very puzzled before. Now that he thinks about it, there is probably some treasure in the restriction that is suppressing this seventh-level natural fire. Although the energy of this restriction is weird, But Chen Yang could also feel a cold force from it, perhaps the source of the power of this restriction is this cold treasure.

In this way, the situation becomes very complicated. Once Chen Yang breaks the restriction, it is very likely that the seventh-level natural fire will be released, and all the creatures in the entire exiled land will suffer!
With a gloomy face, Chen Yang suddenly interrupted the movements in his hands, and quickly came to Lydia and the others.

"Chen Yang, what's the matter with you!?" Brewer asked sullenly.

Chen Yang's face was ugly, he looked around, and couldn't help shouting in a deep voice: "Just now, I felt a very terrifying holy fire power from the restriction, which is several times stronger than the holy fire power I have!"

"What!?" Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and Vicklein looked at Chen Yang in disbelief: "You, what you said is true!?"

The expressions of the others were also unbelievable.

Chen Yang nodded gloomyly: "I don't need to deceive you, there is really a high-level holy fire inside, and it's not a good kind!" After a pause, Chen Yang said again: "If the seal is broken, I'm afraid that the holy fire will come out , when the time comes, all creatures in the entire Exiled Land will have to die!"

Everyone looked uncertain, but they were not as flustered as Chen Yang imagined. After making constant eye contact, Brewer suddenly said in a deep voice: "It seems that the ancestor's precepts are indeed true!"

"Within this restriction, there is not only the terrifying Holy Fire, but also the Ice and Snow Spirit Orb of the Ice Silkworm God Clan! Otherwise, the Holy Fire would have come out to make trouble, why wait until now!"

Lydia nodded slightly, and said with a gloomy face: "The change in Alaz Mountain may be due to a problem with the Ice and Snow Spirit Orb, which means..."

"Our two races, the end is approaching!"

The expressions of Ike and the others immediately became gloomy, and their strange eyes kept looking at Chen Yang, which made Chen Yang startled and secretly on guard!

"Chen Yang!" Breuer suddenly shouted coldly: "Are you really sure that you can break the restriction!?"

Chen Yang couldn't help feeling a little uneasy in his heart. The eyes of these people made Chen Yang's heart tremble. If he said no, he always felt that he would die in their hands immediately.

Chen Yang nodded and nodded: "Yes! I can break the restriction!"

Everyone's expressions were shocked, and they looked at each other. After hesitating for a long time, Ike said in a deep voice: "Chen Yang, I am willing to offer my soul to you as master!"

Chen Yang was taken aback, his eyes almost popped out: "Ah!?"

Vixen's face was gloomy, and he hesitated for a while: "In ancient times, the great throne of our wood god clan predicted that one day in the future, the land of exile would be doomed, and only one person could save us! Because of this, our ancestors set up ancestral precepts one after another, and if that day really comes, all the clansmen will regard this person as their master!"

Forehead! ?

Chen Yang immediately froze in place.

Are you sure you didn't set me up?Random nonsense! ?
Vixen shouted in a deep voice: "Now all the signs have shown that you should be our savior!"

"You, are you sure!?" Chen Yang's tone was a bit stunned.

Breuer shouted in a deep voice: "It doesn't matter if you're really not sure, it's a dead end anyway, I might as well let you try it!"

As soon as the words fell, Breuer's expression was slightly ferocious, and after a while, his soul flew out of Breuer's body, and came to Chen Yang's side, and heard Breuer say: "After all, it is I have to make a choice, so I choose to believe in you!"

Even Bruel, the peak powerhouse of the Six Feathers Protoss, donated his soul. Lydia and others no longer hesitated, and donated their souls one after another. Naturally, this move was to dispel Chen Yang's doubts , Remove Chen Yang's potential threat!

Although everyone felt a little reconciled, but now that death was approaching, it was related to the survival of the race. As leaders, they had to make a choice!
Chen Yang was still a little dazed, not to mention him, even Di Qing, Da Ri Huo, and Wu Huang were all dazed.

"Boss, boss, is this a surprise!?" Wu Huang's voice was quite strange.

Da Rihuo is obviously a little unbelievable: "Five strong men in the realm of holy kings, and countless saints, strong men in the realm of holy venerables, boss, even if you go to the realm of chaos, you are still awesome!"

Di Qing coughed dryly, and then said: "Chen Yang, with this force, you are enough to fight against many great forces in the Chaos Realm!"

Chen Yang looked excited, and without any hesitation, he engraved the souls of Breuer and others!
Everyone lowered their heads one after another, and shouted in a deep voice: "See Holy Master!"

Chen Yang couldn't help coughing, and felt a little unreal. After all, before this, these people were constantly threatening his own life, but now he actually regarded himself as the Holy Lord, which meant that Chen Yang controlled the six All the resources of the Yu God Clan and its Wood God Clan!
God! ?

Chen Yang doesn't know either, anyway, now that all the crises have been lifted, and he has become the Holy Master of the two great protoss again, he naturally has to consider the problems he will face next.

Anyway, he is no longer an outsider now, and Chen Yang has also changed his appearance back. This group of peak powerhouses are not surprised at all, and then he heard Chen Yang say in a deep voice: "The current crisis is mainly caused by the restriction. The seventh-order natural fire in the middle!"

"And I don't only have one kind of natural fire, that is, the holy fire in your mouth!" Chen Yang raised his hands, and his left hand transformed into the blue second sister's natural fire, and his right hand transformed into a fifth-order purple big sun fire: "Da Ri Huo, say hello!"

Da Rihuo trembled slightly, and immediately said: "Hello!"

As soon as the big sun fire made a sound, Brewer and the others looked shocked.

"The big sun fire can easily destroy this restriction!" Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "That also proves that the power of the ice and snow spirit beads in your mouth is no longer enough to suppress the seventh-order natural fire. The reason for the accident."

Chen Yang couldn't help looking at the stone cave restriction: "My next plan is to only burn a small hole in the restriction, enough for my consciousness to enter it, so that I can enter it, and the restriction Not enough to break!"

Brewer said in a deep voice: "Do you need me and Lydia to go in with you!?"

Chen Yang hesitated for a while: "No need, the seventh-order natural fire, even a strong person in the realm of the holy king, is enough to burn you to ashes in an instant!"

"Since you have enshrined me as the Holy Lord, I will naturally do my best!"

(End of this chapter)

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