Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 663 Help you with a helping hand

Chapter 663 Helping You

Chen Yang's expression was shocked, and he said quickly: "I'm here to help you!"

"Help me!?" The voice couldn't help being stunned: "You, you have broken through the restriction!?"

"That's right, I have already broken through the restriction!" Chen Yang said quickly.

Liuyun Iceworm was a little excited: "Has anyone from the Iceworm Protoss come!?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but smiled wryly: "This, this, the Ice Silkworm God Clan was exterminated 4000 years ago..."

"What!?" Liuyun Bingcan obviously couldn't believe it: "How is it possible!? How is this possible!?"

Chen Yang said helplessly: "The fact is like this..."

Liuyun Bingcan was silent for a while, then sighed: "In this case, you should run for your life, I can't suppress Xuanyinhuo anymore..."

"Without the divine power of the ice silkworm protoss, I will only get weaker and weaker..."

The voice of Liuyun Iceworm became weaker and weaker.

"Ice silkworm power!?" Chen Yang's expression was shocked: "You only need ice silkworm power to recover!?"


Chen Yang hesitated for a while, and immediately shouted: "I can indeed help you!"

"Young man, stop joking, you are not the Ice Silkworm God Clan, how could you have the ice silkworm divine power of the Ice Silkworm God Clan!" Liuyun Bingcan whispered: "Even if you are really the Ice Silkworm God Clan, your strength is too much You are humble and can't help me, I accept your kindness..."

Chen Yang shouted in a deep voice: "If you don't try it, how will you know I can't do it!? Give me some ice silkworm power in your body, and I can help you!"

Liuyun Iceworm was helpless: "Young man, you think highly of yourself too much. My iceworm power is enough to freeze you to death in an instant. It is impossible for you to hold it. Besides, you have the power of ice silkworm." What's the use!?"

"The exercises I cultivate are quite special, and I can transform my power!? As long as you give me some ice silkworm power, I can immediately transform the power in my body into ice silkworm power!"

"What!?" Liuyun Bingcan was astonished: "There is such a strange cultivation method in this great world!?"

"I'm definitely not joking!" Chen Yang shouted quickly: "Hurry up, give me some ice silkworm power!"

"Okay, just stand there and don't move!"

I saw the Liuyun Iceworm floating in mid-air trembled slightly, it released a trace of icy power, and flew towards Chen Yang quickly. Chen Yang immediately lifted the immune magic shield and replaced it with Putting down an ordinary magic shield, it was instantly scorched by the burning power of Xuanyinhuo!
Although this is a bit risky, Chen Yang has no choice, otherwise, the immune magic circle will block the ice silkworm's supernatural power of Liuyun ice silkworm.

Suddenly, a bone-piercing chill swept through his whole body, Chen Yang felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his body and expression turned into ice cubes in an instant!

Chen Yang clenched his teeth, frantically urging the devouring power of the Taiyuan Nucleus before he was frozen to death, but he could feel this bone-chilling power disappearing again and again!
Liuyun Iceworm is taking back the divine power of these iceworms!
"No, it's okay!" Chen Yang's voice was a little trembling: "I can still bear it!"

"You, are you sure!?" Liuyun Bingcan's voice seemed a little startled: "Your life is almost in danger!"

"I'm sure!"

The divine power of the ice silkworm is really ferocious. After entering Chen Yang's body, Chen Yang's internal organs were frozen to pieces. If he hadn't relied on his willpower to persist, he might have fallen down already. The strength has already been activated, and it has begun to devour the ice silkworm divine power of Liuyun Ice Silkworm.

The ice silkworm's divine power wandering around in Chen Yang's body was quickly pulled by the devouring force, and then entered the Taiyuan core, and the Taiyuan power also began to assimilate the ice silkworm's divine power.

After a while, the ice film on Chen Yang's body began to fade away, and the power of Taiyuan had already assimilated the ice silkworm's divine power.

"Angel Light!"

Chen Yang hastily released a healing magic. Under the golden light all over his body, his frozen body was also recovering quickly. After a while, Chen Yang recovered as before, his eyes flashed, and he quickly sent a message to Liuyun Iceworm Said: "Liuyun ice silkworm, I have mastered the power of ice silkworm, how should I send the power of ice silkworm into your body next!?"

"I didn't expect you, kid, to be really capable!" Liuyun Bingcan hurriedly said: "Release your ice silkworm power, and I will naturally receive it!"

"it is good!"

Chen Yang nodded, without hesitation, he immediately released the ice silkworm divine power in his body.

It has to be said that the attack ability of the ice silkworm's divine power is indeed terrifying, and it is very easy to use. After that, Chen Yang can try to expand the use of the ice silkworm's divine power and come up with a few big moves.

On the other end, Liuyun Iceworm immediately began to receive the divine power of iceworm released by Chen Yang, and was startled when he received it: "This, how is this possible!? How could your kid's divine power be so strong!? "

"You haven't even reached the realm of a saint, but you already have a strong divine power comparable to that of a saint king, no, no, even stronger than the realm of a saint king! This is too incredible!"

Chen Yang grinned: "In this way, it should be able to help you!?"

"Of course, I can restore my peak state again, and in this way, Xuanyinhuo will be suppressed by me again!"

Chen Yang suddenly said in a deep voice: "I'm not helping you in vain, I plan to subdue this Xuanyin fire!"

Um! ?

Liuyun Bingcan was obviously stunned, and then smiled wryly: "Well, I advise you not to try it, let alone subdue it, it is impossible for you to get close to it, even if I can suppress it, But it is impossible, absolutely impossible for him to accept the Lord obediently!"

"I want to give it a try!" Chen Yang hurriedly shouted, "Suppress this guy first!"

Liuyun Iceworm was helpless, but he didn't say much. With the supplement of Chen Yang's iceworm's divine power, Liuyun Iceworm, who was in a decadent state, slowly cheered up, and the dim light gradually brightened again. Get up, the power of icy cold is also constantly growing!
The silver-white Xuanyinhuo on the opposite side trembled suddenly, and finally discovered the abnormality, and uttered a slightly vicissitudes of voice: "Why is your ice-cold power getting stronger and stronger!? This is impossible!? You have clearly been suppressed by me!"

"There must be something helping you!"

The Liuyun Iceworm, who remained silent, trembled slightly, and hurriedly activated the iceworm's divine power, immediately sealing the end of the path, and in the blink of an eye, it formed a dark blue ice cube, under the silver-white firelight It looks dazzling!
"Sure enough, there really is something helping you!"

Xuanyinhuo made a ferocious sound, and the billowing silver-white flame immediately smashed towards the dark blue ice wall.

Bang bang bang!
One after another silver-white flames continuously hit the ice wall constructed by the ice silkworm's divine power, which made the situation of Liuyun Ice Silkworm look a little bad, and hurriedly sent a message to Chen Yang: "Little guy, I'm sorry, Xuanyin Huo has discovered your existence, and I have sealed the end of the trail with the power of the ice silkworm!"

"In this way, my consumption will increase exponentially!"

Chen Yang squinted his eyes: "This also means that you need more ice silkworm power!?"

"That's right! Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to suppress it at all!"

"Okay, I'll give it to you!"

At this time, Chen Yang didn't dare to be stingy. The Taiyuan Nucleus was constantly mobilizing, and a steady stream of ice silkworm divine power surged out of Chen Yang's body. Through the long-distance absorption of Liuyun Ice Silkworm, the situation became clearer and clearer.

"Damn! Damn!"

Xuanyinhuo found that the situation was not good for him, and kept cursing, the silvery white flames smashed into the thick ice wall one after another, and Liuyun Iceworm didn't dare to be careless at all, the ice silkworm released The divine power is always a bit more than the burning power released by Xuanyinhuo, so as to ensure that the ice wall will not be damaged.

Under the crazy output of Chen Yang's ice silkworm divine power, Liuyun Ice Silkworm gradually gained the initiative, and after a while, it counter-suppressed Xuanyinhuo. Extend away.

"You want to suppress me!?" Xuan Yin laughed grimly: "It's not that easy! I won't let you succeed!"

Suddenly, Xuanyinhuo began to tremble violently.

"Even if I'm injured, I have to cut off your energy source!"

Liuyun Bingcan immediately sent a message in a panic: "Little guy, run!"

(End of this chapter)

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