Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 671 Time May Be A Little Long

Chapter 671 Time May Be A Little Long

Chen Yang looked indifferent, sitting on top of Bai Muxiao, silent.

Looking around, twenty villains surrounded in all directions to prevent Chen Yang from escaping.

Among them, the most powerful monk was a monk in the distraction period, looking at Chen Yang with a serious face, and his greedy eyes focused on Bai Muxiao.

A famous horse like Bai Muxiao is naturally well known, and it has very distinctive characteristics. It is normal for these villains to know Bai Muxiao.

Moreover, Bai Muxiao is now a priceless horse. Originally, the last Bai Muxiao was in Longfengzhai, but the latter Bai Muxiao disappeared inexplicably. Everyone guessed that it was stolen by someone. Who would have thought that a group of people from myself would bump into him today.

A group of villains were very excited. As long as they captured Bai Muxiao and sold them on the black market, the money and cultivation resources they got would be enough to make them live comfortably for the rest of their lives.

"You are the man behind the robbery of Bai Muxiao!" The villain leader grinned: "You are unlucky, you met us today!"

"Bai Muxiao stay, you can get out!"

Chen Yang looked indifferent, and hesitated for a moment before asking: "Whose people are you!? Ji Wushang!? Hua Teng!? Or Zheng Ke's people!?"

Ji Wushang, Hua Teng, and Zheng Ke are the three villains in the Canglan Realm, and the villains who rob houses on weekdays are basically subordinates of these three.

However, Ji Wushang's people generally have no such possibility. Chen Yang should have been included in Ji Wushang's white list a long time ago, and his appearance, Ji Wushang's people should know him, let alone looking for him If you are in trouble, you have to be polite when you see him.

"Oh Huo, you're quite a brat!" A thin man next to the villain leader shouted coldly: "How dare you ask our boss back!"

However, the villain leader frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

Although the current Chen Yang can't see his cultivation level, if he is an ordinary monk, he would have been terrified when he saw them. It must be unusual, even the people in Longfengzhai don't know who stole Bai Muxiao, so that's a big deal.

The villain leader hesitated for a while, then said coldly: "It's okay to tell you, we are Zheng Ke's subordinates!"

Zheng Ke! ?
Chen Yang had never seen this person before, he shook his head slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Go back and tell him, come and have a good talk with him when I'm done with the matter in hand!"


A group of people couldn't help being a little bit surprised.

Chen Yang waved his hand lightly, and there were screams everywhere, and all the people around Chen Yang fell to the ground one after another, wailing in pain.

! ! ? ?
The villain's leader suddenly looked confused, he was the only one who was still standing, and the rest were already lying on the ground.

This unexpected turn of events made the villain leader's forehead instantly covered with cold sweat, Chen Yang glanced at him: "Go back, tell Zheng Ke exactly what I said before, do you hear me!?"

The villain leader swallowed dryly, and nodded subconsciously.

"get out!"

As if being pardoned, the villain leader turned around and ran away, leaving Chen Yang's sight in a short while.

"It seems that the gangster forces in the Canglan Realm really need to be rectified! After all, it can be regarded as a merit!"

Chen Yang muttered, this is riding Bai Muxiao, rushing towards Mingyue Palace again.


Not long after, the Forest of Bones exited.

The figures of Chen Yang and Bai Muxiao gradually became clear, and the disciples of Mingyue Palace guarding the Forest of Bones clasped their fists and saluted after seeing Chen Yang.

"See Master Shaoyang!"

Chen Yang smiled and waved his hands: "There is no need to be polite, is your Palace Master here?"

One of the female disciples hurriedly said: "The palace master is not here, and has already gone to the Moluo domain. The palace master explained before leaving that if Master Shaoyang has something to do with her, he can go to Elder Qingcheng!"

Chen Yang nodded slightly: "Then please take me to meet Elder Qingcheng!"

A female disciple nodded repeatedly: "Master Shaoyang, please!"

Chen Yang took Bai Muxiao to follow the female disciple, and not long after, he saw Elder Qingcheng in the living room of Mingyue Palace.

"Shaoyang Daoist is here, and it's not surprising that we are far away to welcome him!"

Elder Qingcheng also knew him, but Chen Yang didn't bother to be polite, so he smiled and said, "Elder Qingcheng doesn't need to be so polite, we are old acquaintances! I'm here this time, I think Elder Qingcheng knows why! ?”

"The palace lord made it clear before he left!" Elder Qingcheng smiled, waved his hand, and a golden light flew out from his cuff. Chen Yang reached out to catch it, and found it was a piece of paper. Looking at the things recorded on it, Chen Yang knew it was a piece of paper. The materials needed to make the Time-Space Universe Ring, and Elder Qingcheng laughed and said: "In the past few months, all the forces in the Canglan Realm have been running here and there to find the materials on this list for Master Shaoyang, but because of limited time, there are still A lot of precious materials have not been found, and have been written down on paper in the hands of real people!"

"That's really troublesome everyone!" Chen Yang smiled, and had to say that Gu Xiao and the many forces in the Canglan Realm were very efficient in their work. Originally, Chen Yang thought that it would be enough to collect half of these people at most. Thinking that three-quarters of the materials have been collected, as for the next materials, they are indeed more precious, and even if they are, they are not so easy to find.

"By the way, I heard from my disciples that the palace lord has gone to the Moluo domain!" Chen Yang said with a smile: "It seems that the palace lord's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds!"

When mentioning this matter, Elder Qingcheng's expression looked a little weird: "It's really advancing by leaps and bounds. In the past few months, the cultivation base of the Palace Master has been continuously increasing. Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian!"

Um! ?

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, this is impossible! ?

In the world, there is obviously no immortality, and it is impossible to become a true immortal. How could Gu Xiao become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian! ?
"We don't know why, even the palace lord himself doesn't know what's going on!" Elder Qingcheng couldn't help but wryly smiled.

"No matter what the situation is, it is a good thing to be promoted!" Chen Yang smiled, without thinking too much: "By the way, Elder Qingcheng, I wonder how Lu Yao and the others are doing!?"

"Shaoyang Zhenren and these friends have good qualifications, especially this Lu Yao, who has reached the stage of distraction. As for Su Yingxue and Zhou Mu, they can't keep up with her! This little Su Jin Nizi, I usually like to play more, but this cultivation level is relatively low, and it is still only at the golden core stage!"

The corners of Chen Yang's mouth twitched secretly. The golden core stage is already very powerful, at least he is more talented than him. With Chen Yang's cultivation talent, he almost couldn't even pass the Qiling stage, and if there is no help from the Taiyuan Core in the future, I am afraid that this strength will last forever. It's all in the foundation building period, how could it be possible to reach this level.

"Then they are in the Mingyue Palace!?"

Elder Qingcheng shook his head slightly: "A month ago, I let them go home to visit their families!"

Chen Yang smiled slightly: "During the time I was away, thanks to Elder Qingcheng for taking care of them!"

"It should!" Elder Qingcheng hurriedly said: "Shaoyang Daoist is my benefactor of Canglan Realm and my benefactor of Mingyue Palace, such a trivial matter is nothing to worry about!"

Chen Yang waved his hand: "Look, I came here in a hurry, and I didn't bring any gifts. I don't know what weapon Elder Qingcheng is good at using!?"

"Here, Master Shaoyang..." Elder Qingcheng seemed a little awkward.

"It's okay, Elder Qingcheng just say it."

Elder Qingcheng also knew that Chen Yang was rich and powerful, and the various forces helped him find materials, and everyone had a magic weapon. She naturally wanted it too, but she was just embarrassed. Seeing that Chen Yang had opened his mouth, she said cheekily: " I am good at using long swords."

Chen Yang smiled slightly: "Can you show me the elder's magic weapon!?"

Elder Qingcheng flashed out his magic sword: "This sword is called Lanyue, and it is the magic weapon taught to me by my master!"

Chen Yang took it over and saw that it was only a treasure-level mage. He smiled and said, "With the cultivation of Elder Qingcheng, it should be enough to control the six god-level mages!?"

"Six god-level magic soldiers!?" Elder Qingcheng immediately became excited: "Yes, how long will it take!?"

"Hmm...it might be a little long..."

"How many?"

"About ten minutes..."

Um! ?

Uh uh uh uh! ! ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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