Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 68 Smiling slightly, hiding merit and fame

Chapter 68 A Slight Smile, Hiding Merit and Fame

Whether it's the people from Qianlong's side or the people from Shangdao Jersey, they all stared at the Shangdao Jersey lying on the ground without making a sound, as if they had been immobilized, and remained motionless. .

Fly with a slap?

that's it?
Someone turned his head mechanically, and put his horrified gaze on Chen Yang.

Ueshima Jersey, who had easily defeated many veteran powerhouses in a row, was slapped away without even a chance to make a move!

My God, how strong is this "Ye Chen"?

More and more eyes were focused on "Ye Chen", as if in a dream.

This is real?

Or am I hallucinating?

Someone couldn't help pinching his own hand, and the pain hit him, only then did he realize that it was not a dream!

On the island of Jersey, he was slapped away by "Ye Chen" so simply and rudely!
No resistance!

However, before everyone recovered from their astonishment, the figure of "Ye Chen" suddenly disappeared!

Forehead! ?


The eyeballs of the already shocked people almost fell out!

Before he came back to his senses, there were continuous screams in his ears.

I saw the dozens of people brought by the upper island Jersey on the opposite side, who were standing in place one second, and fell to the ground the next second, with blood in their mouths and bright red palm marks on their faces!
Everyone took a deep breath!
"This, is this one of the legendary top ten national arts, apparition!?"

Some people made unbelievable voices, and many people were shocked.

Shape-shifting phantom is the strongest movement technique in the legendary Chinese art. When it reaches the extreme, it moves so fast that it is impossible to catch the figure with the naked eye!
Hasn't this strongest movement technique been lost long ago?

How come this Shapolang Ye Chen knows this apparition phantom! ?
Could it be that this Shapolang is the descendant of this apparition phantom! ?
Everyone's hearts were full of doubts, and at the same time, they were extremely envious and jealous.

Why can't this kind of agility fall on my head, it will always be someone else's!

Three strikes, five divisions and two divisions, more than a dozen people from the opponent were brutally slapped, fell to the ground, and were knocked out alive, and the figure of "Ye Chen" appeared in front of everyone again.

That Qian Long was overjoyed, and immediately came behind Chen Yang, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you so much... Poof!"

Before he finished speaking, Qian Long only felt as if he had been hit hard on the face by a car, turned over suddenly and fell to the ground, fainted, with blood flowing from his mouth.

Why hit me! ?
This was Qian Long's last cry before he regained consciousness!
! ! ? ?
Seeing that Qian Long was also knocked to the ground by a slap, everyone was stunned for a moment.

This, what is the situation! ?

My own people also fight! ?

Wouldn't it be red-eye?

Everyone came back to their senses, this guy might have lost his mind!

Thinking of this, many people immediately retreated and retreated, ready to find a free time to sneak away!

The upper island Jersey was sent flying by a slap, which shows how terrifying the power of this slap is!
Not only can it vomit blood, but it can also have the effect of fracture, and I am afraid it also has the attribute of disfigurement!
your sister!I'm not playing anymore!

In just a few seconds, the people who had originally gathered suddenly dispersed.

"Ye Chen, we are our own people!"

"That's right! We're all on our own, so don't beat me up!"

Seeing "Ye Chen" standing there quietly, everyone felt even more frightened, and shouted quickly.

"Brother Ye, we two killed people together back then!"

"When we were young, we even took off Xiao Ming's pants together!"

Before the crowd finished speaking, the figure of "Ye Chen" disappeared in front of everyone again.

There were screams one after another, but in a blink of an eye, the standing dozens of masters all fell to the ground in unison, with blood in their mouths, slap marks on their faces, and fainted.

"Who is your own person?"

When Chen Yang appeared, he glanced around and saw that everyone had been beaten to the ground by him, and the corner of his mouth showed a satisfied smile.

After clicking on the merits in my mind, I found that there is a total of more than 5 merits in Punishing Rape and Eliminating Evil!
Chen Yang smiled slightly, and with a movement of his body, he disappeared in place.

Hidden strength and name.


The next day.

Somewhere in Huanglian Mountain.

"What did you say, Jersey on the island was injured and is still unconscious?"

"Yes, Doctor."

"Jersey on the island is an A-level powerhouse, and there is someone in this little Jiangnan who can injure him!?"

"Yes, Doctor."

"Or was he injured with a single slap?"

"Yes, Doctor."

"Ya Lei, don't talk, Layton, you go and check the situation!"

"Okay, Doctor!"


The Jiangnan Branch of the Special Incident Investigation Bureau.

"Uh...what's the origin of this Ye Chen?"

"I asked the information department to check. The master of Chinese martial arts has already developed a golden energy, and he is in the ranks of B-level powerhouses."

"B-level hits A-level!? And slapped it!? Is the information wrong?"

"No, the data shows that Ye Chen's strength is at this level, but the data is from a year ago. It is very likely that Ye Chen's strength has been improved by leaps and bounds during this year!"

"But this is impossible, right!? In just one year, you can easily defeat the A-level powerhouse? Besides, that Ushima Jersey is from Crete!"

"Actually, what's even more strange is that Ye Chen was originally invited by Qian Long to participate in the Xiongxiong Conference, but Qian Long's people were all wiped out. The B-level one was also knocked out, judging from the situation at the time, it seemed that he didn't even have time to react."

"You mean, this Ye Chen is very likely to be a supernatural being?"

"Only people with supernatural powers can have such a fast speed. Not to mention other people, the speed of flying on the South China Sea Grass is not slow. If he can't run away, only people with supernatural powers can do this. It's..."

"I think it's better to report to the headquarters. This Ye Chen is at least an A-level powerhouse, and none of our people is an opponent!"

"Well, I see, report to the headquarters immediately."


At this time, Chen Yang, who was the instigator, was humming leisurely and leading Tian Tian for a walk.

Sun Zizai officially took over Lantian Hospital and became the director of the hospital. Many welfare matters made the media astonished.

Many people thought that after the Blue Sky Hospital became famous, it would definitely increase the fees in various ways, but what they didn't expect was that the fees didn't go up at all, but dropped a lot. The average charge level of the national hospital!

This surprised the media, and rushed to interview Sun Zizai, the new director of Lantian Hospital.

That Sun Zizai looked sympathetic, saying that saving the dying and healing the wounded is the ancestral precept, and he never dared to disobey it. The purpose of lowering the cost of treatment this time is to make more people sick and have money to treat them. In our Blue Sky Hospital, no distinction is made between rich and poor , as long as you are a patient, we will do our best to save people.

Good guy, as soon as this picture was broadcast, the entire Internet exploded in an instant.

Chen Yang watched the news report yesterday, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Damn, why does it feel like Sun Zizai is more pretentious than me?

The Lantian Hospital was officially put into use. From yesterday to now, Chen Yang's merit account has added more than 1000 merits. I am afraid that there will be at least [-] merits in one day.

Three thousand merits a day, what a concept! ?

As long as Chen Yang doesn't spend these merits, he can easily reach tens of millions of merits in ten years.

This time Chen Yang felt relieved, with the Lantian Hospital producing merits for him every day, it would be safe to buy flat peaches within ten years.

However, no one thinks that there are many merits, and the same is true for Chen Yang. Naturally, the more merits the better, after all, after becoming a fairy, it is difficult to move forward without merits. The immortal WeChat group told me that whoever has more merits will have the right to speak.

Du Jia also arrived safely, and the medical activities to the countryside will start tomorrow. The two meritorious projects have officially entered the right track, and the day of becoming a god of meritorious deeds must not be far away.


The Zhao family in the south of the Yangtze River.

Zhao Wu really didn't dare to forget Chen Yang's instructions. He had been sending people to watch Zhao Ke for the past few days and refused to let him go out, for fear that Chen Yang would appear suddenly and beat up his precious son again.

But Zhao Ke is not a master who can endure loneliness. He is still brooding about Chen Yang's humiliation last time, but he is not an idiot. Yang is powerful.

However, he naturally also has a trump card, and that is his grandfather, Liu Sanyuan, who is invincible with an iron fist!

(End of this chapter)

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