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Chapter 803 3 years

803 Three Years
I saw Man Li's open eyes, the scarlet color gradually dimmed, and replaced by a normal pitch black, apparently regaining his sanity.

This made Chen Yang overjoyed, and he could also see that the cracked expression was no longer as ferocious as before, and gradually eased, and the cracked wounds on the surface of the skin were also slowing down at a speed visible to the naked eye. slow recovery.

Chen Yang finally heaved a sigh of relief, Qiqiao Linglong's heart had completely submerged into Man's cracked chest, apparently the fusion of hearts had been completed.

"Okay, it's okay, Man Lie has completely controlled the situation!" Chen Yang couldn't laugh or cry: "It was a false alarm after all!"

There was also cold sweat on Chen Yang's forehead. With a wry smile, he quickly reached out to wipe the cold sweat off his forehead, and Babinal's expression finally relaxed.

Man Li sat cross-legged quietly without making any sound. Naturally, he was dealing with the follow-up work of heart fusion. Chen Yang and Babenar waited silently beside him. After a while, Man Li finished molesting and vomited heavily. He breathed a sigh of relief: "Your Majesty, fortunately you have fulfilled your mission!"

Chen Yang smiled and nodded: "How is the situation in the body now!?"

"Very good!" Man Li said in a deep voice: "I'm in the process of getting in touch with Qiqiao Linglong, and it won't be long before I can master the power of the wild!"

"Well, then I'm relieved, that's enough, I won't talk nonsense, let's take a step first!" Chen Yang said with a smile: "Be careful in everything!"

Man Li nodded: "Your Majesty, rest assured!"

Chen Yang has left the No.18 level of hell, and the next step is his personal cultivation. He went to cross the holy mountain to become a saint, and then returned to Huangquan Minghai to practice. This time he said goodbye, and after a while , I'm afraid it's also invisible.

After returning to the human world again, Chen Yang suddenly remembered something, hurriedly bought presents, and went to see Du's father and Du's mother. After all, Du Jia still has relatives in the world, so he hasn't contacted the family for so long. , the family must be terribly worried.

Just in time for dinner, Chen Yang finally came to Du Jia's house and knocked on the door. It was Du's mother who opened the door. When he saw Chen Yang coming, he immediately had an excited expression on his face: "Xiao Yang, what are you doing?" coming!?"

"Auntie, let me come to see you and tell you something by the way!" Chen Yang laughed quickly.

"Hey!? Why are you alone, Jiajia!?"

"Auntie, let's talk after we go in!" Chen Yang said hastily.

"Okay, okay, come in quickly!" Mother Du smiled and let Chen Yang enter the room, and after going in for a look, Chen Yang put the things aside: "By the way, isn't uncle here?"

"He has something to do at school today, so he can only come back at night, Chen Yang, you sit by yourself, and Auntie will pour you tea!"

Chen Yang hurriedly said: "Auntie, don't bother! I have something to tell you!"

Mother Du nodded, and sat next to Chen Yang. Chen Yang smiled: "Auntie, Du Jia didn't come this time because she went abroad for further training!"

"Further study!?" Mother Du couldn't help being taken aback: "What's going on!?"

"It's like this. Their hospital has a quota to go abroad for further study, and it happened to be given to her. This trip will take at least three years!"

Mother Du was taken aback: "Ah!? Three years!? Such a long time!"

Chen Yang smiled wryly: "Yes! It's quite long, and they have a fully closed education, and they don't even allow the phone to be used. I just came back from abroad, why don't you hurry up and talk to your elders, so that you don't worry about it. Well!"

"Fully enclosed!?" Mother Du frowned: "What kind of training is this!? You don't even use your mobile phone!?"

Chen Yang quickly said: "Yeah! I also think it's nonsense, and I'm not a primitive person, why didn't I even use my mobile phone, so I wanted to bring Du Jia back, but she insisted, and I really did no way."

Du's mother smiled bitterly: "She has that temper, sometimes she really can't control her, but, Chen Yang, Du Jia has been away for three years, if she comes back, she will be really old, you two have known each other for such a long time Now, shouldn’t it be time to consider getting married!?”

Chen Yang scratched his head and smiled: "Auntie, I actually proposed a long time ago, and Du Jia also agreed. When she returns to China, she will get married right away!"

Mother Du's expression was startled: "Why didn't you inform us about such a big matter, since we are planning to get married, but the parents of both parties have never met!"

"Well, let your parents come to Jiangnan the day after tomorrow. They are going to get married. The parents of both sides must meet!"

"Okay, of course there's no problem, I'll tell my family right away, and the parents of both sides will meet the day after tomorrow!"

Du's mother smiled bitterly: "Du Jia is a dead girl, why go abroad for nothing! If your parents see that Du Jia is not here, they must not have a good impression!"

"Auntie, don't blame her. You don't need to worry about this matter. I will explain the situation to my parents. They must have no idea. Don't worry about it!"

Mother Du nodded, and Chen Yang asked again: "By the way, Auntie, you should accept this card first!"

Chen Yang quickly took out a bank card and handed it to Du's mother. Du's mother was taken aback, and quickly refused: "Chen Yang, what are you doing, you don't need it!"

Pushing it back while speaking, Chen Yang quickly smiled and said: "Auntie, just accept it, I will be your son-in-law from now on, half a son, and you are my mother, do the family need to be so polite!? Besides, don't you still have a loan for buying a house at home? It's hard for me to find an opportunity to show my hospitality, if you refuse, I will feel very uncomfortable in my heart!"

Du's mother didn't accept it for a while, and it didn't matter if she didn't accept it. Chen Yang smiled again: "Okay, Mom, why are you being polite to your son, accept it!"

After all, Mother Du accepted the bank card, and Mother Du said a little coyly: "Chen Yang, this money..."

"Oh, just accept it!" Chen Yang smiled bitterly: "If you don't accept it again, I will be very sad!"

"Okay!" Du's mother finally agreed, and Chen Yang smiled: "The password is Du Jia's birthday. It was made temporarily, and there is actually not much money in it."

Not much money! ?
Mother Du smiled wryly in her heart. She knew the identity of Chen Yang, and he didn't have much money in his mouth, so the amount might not be small.

However, what Chen Yang did made her feel very relieved. With Chen Yang being so filial, Du Jia must be happy in the future.

After Mother Du collected the bank card, Chen Yang asked again; "By the way, Mom, hasn't anything happened at home recently!?"

Chen Yang changed his words directly, but Mother Du sounded very pleasant, and smiled: "Nothing serious happened!"

Chen Yang raised his eyebrows: "That means there is some little trouble!? Tell me, I've come here so hard, and I can't do something for you. I feel so guilty in my heart!"

Mother Du smiled: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just that the old man has been complaining all the time."

"What are you complaining about!?"

"A lot of teachers' daughters in this school are married, right? There's no news about him, and those son-in-laws are better than the other, and they show off in front of him from time to time. He feels very uncomfortable when he looks at it. The old man doesn’t say anything on the surface, hehe, I know what’s on my mind!”

Chen Yang smiled: "So that's the case, why don't I go to school to meet the old man? Show my attitude!?"

Mother Du thought for a while: "It's fine, but Chen Yang, you have to keep a low profile and don't talk nonsense. After all, he is a teacher, so the influence is not good!"

"Okay, don't worry!" Chen Yang grinned: "Then Mom, I'll be leaving first!"

"Okay, okay, let's go!" Mother Du smiled all over her face.

Chen Yang just left Du Jia, and when he went downstairs, he called his parents. They knew about Du Jia. In fact, they had said a long time ago that their parents were going to meet each other, but Chen Yang was too busy to forget. That's all, so this time when they called, the two elders agreed immediately, saying that they would wait in Jiangnan City tomorrow, and Chen Yang asked them to go directly to Sun Zizai.

After hanging up on his parents, Chen Yang immediately called the Special Investigation Bureau.

"Hello, Special Bureau!"

This is the dedicated line of the Special Bureau, and only the insiders know the number.

"Hi, I'm Chen Yang!"

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and then the female voice said tremblingly: "Chen, Chen Yang!? Yang God?"

(End of this chapter)

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