Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 813 3th High School

Chapter 813 The Third High School
The so-called forgiveness and forgiveness, Chen Yang is nothing more than trying to scare Lingfeng Group, he has no intention of actually bankrupting Lingfeng Group, or even buying it over, everything he has done now, since he has proven himself The identity, naturally can be stopped.

After Zhao Wu on the other end of the phone got the news from Chen Yang, he naturally stopped the stock attack immediately. The large amount of money rushed in before was to buy Lingfeng Group's stock frantically, and then sold it in large quantities. It will cause the stock to plummet, and after the stock is sold off in large quantities, it will be bought back immediately, so that the stock of Lingfeng Group can return to normal levels.

As for how much Zhao Wu spent, Chen Yang didn't know, and he didn't want to know, but it was quite cool to be so willful once in a while.

The shareholders' phone rang again, and the stock of Lingfeng Group returned to normal again. The big rock hanging in everyone's heart gradually fell to the ground, and they all breathed a sigh of relief, but their eyes were naturally all focused on Chen Yang. .

Being able to easily manipulate Lingfeng Group between applause shows that Chen Yang's means and identity are extraordinary.

When they came back to their senses, they looked at each other in blank dismay. After provoking such a big shot, the Lingfeng Group would not die now, and they might have to retreat.

Once again, the room was so quiet that a needle could be heard, Cai Boyuan in front of Chen Yang didn't dare to say a word, but seeing that Chen Yang didn't speak for a long time, he was very anxious in his heart, he didn't know what Chen Yang wanted to say, but Obviously, Chen Yang will not let Lingfeng Group go so easily.

After a while, Chen Yang smiled slightly: "Miss Shen Ning stays, everyone else goes out!"

Shen Ning thumped in her heart, and her face was ashen. If she stayed in this conference room, she didn't know what kind of means Chen Yang would use to retaliate against herself. She was desperate for a while, and turned her attention to the chairman of Lingfeng Group for help. Cai Boyuan, the only one who can save her now is Cai Boyuan.

However, Cai Boyuan can't protect himself at this time, not to mention that Shen Ning made all these things. He was naturally angry with her in his heart, and he would not care about her. As soon as Chen Yang gave orders, he hurriedly beckoned people to go out, without any hesitation. There was no sympathy at all, and after a while, only Chen Yang, Chen Xu, and Shen Ning were left in the conference room.

Shen Ning's face was pale, and she didn't dare to raise her head to look at Chen Yang, for fear that Chen Yang would pronounce her death sentence if she raised her head.

After a while, Chen Yang smiled slightly: "Miss Shen Ning, don't you want to say something?"

Shen Ning remained silent, wondering if anything would be useful now?
"Actually, you are really powerful, and you are very scheming. If ordinary people play with you, they may not be your opponent!" Chen Yang said lightly: "I originally thought that you relied on unspoken rules to get ahead. After investigating, I found that you From a small designer to today's position, I have used countless means to eliminate dissidents, well, this is a society where the jungle preys on the jungle, and all of this is understandable."

"It's just that this time you were unlucky and fell into my hands!" Chen Yang said indifferently: "I don't care about the past, but you don't plan to have an explanation for Chen Xu's matter!? "

Shen Ning tremblingly said: "Chen Xu, I'm sorry!"

In fact, Chen Xu has stopped being angry for a long time now, and he was so excited that he couldn't think that his brother would have such ability, and the huge Lingfeng Group would directly play with the applause.

This pretense was probably the happiest time in Chen Xu's life. As for the matter of being beaten before, it had long been forgotten. Seeing that Shen Ning was so frightened that she almost died of fright, this was enough.

Chen Xu hummed, and then fell silent. Now he must listen to Chen Yang, but he knows Chen Yang's temper very well, and he usually doesn't do things very well, and this time the two of them have achieved their goals. up.

"Chen Xu, go out and wait for me outside!" Chen Yang said lightly.

Chen Xu nodded repeatedly, glanced at Shen Ning, and walked out of the conference room. As soon as Chen Xu left, Chen Yang asked, "I want to ask you something, where is Sun Xueyi!? You should still have Let's get in touch!?"

Shen Ning was taken aback for a moment, then nodded immediately.

I'm ashamed to say that Sun Xueyi was Shen Ning's best friend in high school. She didn't look very good-looking, and she was a little fat. She had a crush on Chen Yang for a while and took good care of him. At that time, Chen Yang Someone delivered it to the table earlier. At first, Chen Yang didn't know who delivered it, but someone later said it was Sun Xueyi.

At that time, Chen Yang was very upset, because he knew that Sun Xueyi was Shen Ning's best friend, so he naturally had no good temper towards Sun Xueyi. Once Chen Yang couldn't bear it anymore. That morning, he met Sun Xueyi secretly delivering breakfast. When he came over, he slapped him early in front of him, and even scolded him, which was quite ugly.

After knowing the whole story later, Chen Yang regretted it. He wanted to apologize, but Sun Xueyi had already transferred to another school, so the matter was left alone. But the last time Chen Xu mentioned Shen Ning, Chen Yang thought about it again, feeling quite ashamed in his heart.

So this time, pretending to be coercive is secondary, and asking Sun Xueyi for news is the real thing, after all, I want to do something to make up for it.

"Where does she work now!? Jiangnan City?" Chen Yang frowned.

"I'm a teacher now, in the No. [-] High School in Jiangnan City."

Chen Yang nodded slightly: "I am not interested in haggling with you about the past and the present. I know you are capable, but this is not the capital for you to look down on others. The teacher should have taught you these principles, and I don't want to say more !"

"If you don't want to lose your job as chief designer, you can do it yourself!"

Chen Yang stood up, put on his sunglasses, and immediately left the conference room. As soon as he went out, he saw Cai Boyuan and others gathered at the door.

"Let's forget about today's matter. Hailou Fengyue plans to ask Shen Ning to change it and change it all into apartments. In addition, the welfare facilities are planned. Well, I am investing in charity now. After the changes are made, call me !"

Cai Boyuan nodded again and again: "Okay, Mr. Chen!"

Chen Yang nodded, and this is to leave Lingfeng Group with Chen Xu. After getting into the car, Chen Xu was naturally excited and asked all kinds of questions like a cannonball. Chen Yang frowned: " Why do you talk so much!?"

"Brother, what on earth are you doing!?" Chen Xu smiled bitterly: "Both uncle and aunt say you work in Lantian Hospital, I have never seen you before!"

"Keep this matter a secret from me!" Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "Don't tell your parents, you will honestly do your work in Lantian Hospital, and when I am in the mood, I may tell you that I am What are you doing!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, drive, and go to Jiangnan No. [-] High School!"

"Huh!? Why did you go to high school!?"


Chen Xu let out a cry, and quickly started the car. Not long after, the car stopped at the gate of Jiangnan City No. [-] High School. After Chen Yang got out of the car, he asked Chen Xu to go back directly.

"Brother, what about this car!?" Chen Xu asked quickly.

"It's fine to park in the parking lot!" Chen Yang waved his hand, and then headed towards the security at the door.

When the security guards saw Chen Yang coming down from the Lamborghini, and the clothes looked either rich or expensive, they knew that Chen Yang was definitely not an ordinary person. As soon as Chen Yang walked to the door of the security room, the security guard immediately asked politely: "Mr. , what's the matter?"

Chen Yang smiled: "I want to find Teacher Sun Xueyi in the school, well, I'm her friend!"

The security guard couldn't help being taken aback, with an ambiguous expression on his face: "You are also Teacher Sun's suitor!?"

"No." Chen Yang shook his head: "Her friend!"

"It doesn't matter, you can go in if you go in, but buddy, you can't make any trouble! You have to be rational in your pursuit!"

Chen Yang laughed dryly, but nodded his head. As soon as the security gate was released, Chen Yang entered the school and headed all the way to the school's teaching building.

It didn't take long to come to this teaching building. The students were just resting, and the corridors were full of students playing and fighting. Chen Yang couldn't help but feel like he had returned to the beginning.

Shaking his head and smiling, this is heading for the teacher's office...

(End of this chapter)

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