Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 837 Snow Field

Chapter 837 Snow Field
However, although the Tongtian Tower exists, so far, only seven people have entered the Tongtian Tower, and these seven people without exception have either become great gods or become great monsters, and six of them have entered the Chaos Realm among.

Moreover, these are the conditions before the seal of the fairy world. Since the seal of the fairy world, no one has ever heard of seeing the Tongtian Tower. It seems that it has disappeared. The Tongtian Tower has no fixed location, so I want to go to the original place. Finding the Tongtian Tower is basically impossible.

Jiuxin Little Buddha suddenly mentioned the Tongtian Pagoda, which immediately whetted Chen Yang's appetite. Among the countless treasures in the Tongtian Pagoda, there must be some that can enhance the soul. Even if they are not, those treasures are used to strengthen the body. A pretty good thing.

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Yang quickly asked, "You have already found the Tongtian Pagoda!?"

"It can't be considered found!" Jiuxin Little Buddha said in a deep voice: "Jiuxin Temple occasionally has hunters who get lost in the snowfield come in. Once a hunter once said that he saw a hunter in the vast snowfield. A very tall giant tower, looming, was about to go over to see what was going on, but the tower suddenly disappeared!"

Chen Yang frowned: "Based on just such a sentence, you think Tongtian Tower is in the snow field? What if it's just the hunter's illusion? After all, it's normal to have illusions in such a confused situation!"

"No, it shouldn't be an illusion!" Jiuxin Xiaofo said in a deep voice: "I have had people investigate this matter. It is true that many people have seen a giant tower reaching the sky in the snowy field, but no one has ever found it. , In several nearby villages, there are rumors of Tongtian Tower!"

Chen Yang frowned: "So, is it really possible that Tongtian Tower is in this snowfield?"

"That's why I came to find Master Shaoyang!" Jiuxin Little Buddha said in a deep voice, "With my cultivation, even if I found Tongtian Pagoda, I'm afraid that Tongtian Pagoda would run away before I arrived. Daoist Shaoyang's cultivation base is unfathomable, if he finds the Tongtian Tower, he only needs to use his divine power to enter the Tongtian Tower!"

Just as Jiuxin Xiaofo said, Tongtian Pagoda can't be entered casually, at least the cultivation base must be Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, otherwise Tongtian Pagoda has disappeared before arriving, and Chen Yang doesn't know Is this guy real or not? If it is true, then it is a good thing. If it is false, there is no need to worry about what kind of tricks Jiuxin Xiaofo will play. It's all useless.

Raising his eyebrows, Chen Yang stood up and said, "Okay, I can cooperate with you on this matter, but first you have to do one thing!"

"But to apologize in this underworld?" Jiuxin Xiaofo asked hastily.

"The young man is not bad, he is quite enlightened!" Chen Yang smiled: "Then don't waste time, come with me!"

Jiuxin Little Buddha nodded, and the two immediately came to the underworld. After Yan Luowang and his party gathered together, Jiuxin Little Buddha naturally apologized solemnly. No matter whether Jiuxin Little Buddha is sincere or not, the form will always be It was a wave of walking to let the people in the underworld vent their anger.

Di Ting didn't say anything there, after all, this matter wasn't considered a big deal in the first place, and the trouble at the gate of hell actually had nothing to do with Jiuxin Little Buddha, it was all a solution thought up by the Black Wind Tree Spirit.

This black wind tree spirit is young, so he often doesn't think about the consequences when doing things, and it's normal for him to be not too mature.

The apology ceremony was over, and Chen Yang followed the Jiuxin Little Buddha to the vast snowfield.

Finding the Tongtian Tower is not something that can be done in a short while. Chen Yang needs to stare at the entire snow field 24 hours a day. Once the Tongtian Tower appears, he can easily enter it. However, when will the Tongtian Tower It will come out, Chen Yang can't be sure at all, it may be an hour, a day, a month, or even a year. The Tongtian Tower has not appeared within a month, so he will not participate in this matter.

Jiuxin Xiaofo readily agreed. This guy seemed easy to get along with, but Chen Yang didn't think he would be a good person. The reason why he didn't dare to have any conflicts with Chen Yang, and even asked for reconciliation, was because Because Chen Yang's strength is far superior to him, if Jiuxin Little Buddha is stronger than Chen Yang, even if he is the same as Chen Yang, this matter will definitely not be so easy to solve.

In the vast snowfield, Chen Yang sat cross-legged, with a magic shield growing on the surface of his body, blocking the wind and snow.

At this moment, Chen Yang's sky eyes had already covered the entire snowfield, and any troubles inside could not be hidden from Chen Yang's eyes at all.

The Jiuxin little Buddha on the side is chanting scriptures cross-legged in the wind and snow. This habit developed over thousands of years has become natural. Even though he no longer mixes with Manjusri Bodhisattva, some habits are still retained. Well, chanting scriptures and chanting Buddha every day is already the norm, and this guy's storage ring is full of all kinds of Buddhist scriptures.

Those who practice Buddhism rely entirely on the Dharma. In fact, they don’t need any materials such as spiritual stones to improve their realm. They rely entirely on comprehending the Dao Dharma in the Buddhist scriptures to increase their cultivation and improve their realm. The other is merit. Compared with gods, merit often does not mean trading goods for gods and Buddhas, but cultivation. Gods and Buddhas can directly transform merits into cultivation, although this speed is very slow, and it is better than cultivators to improve their realm. It's even slower, but the advantage is that it's simple, and you don't need to worry about the training materials.

This Jiuxin little Buddha should have been in the world for almost a thousand years. What he has done during these thousand years is not to save the world, but to constantly subdue demons and eliminate demons. Therefore, there are a lot of goblins under his hands, and many of them are from ancient times. The monsters of the period are similar to Gui Yao and Feng Shun.

If the Jiuxin Little Buddha were a beauty, Chen Yang would be willing to dedicate his merits and virtues, but unfortunately the other party is a man, and it is not yet determined whether he is a good person or a bad person, so Chen Yang is not interested at all. Although Buddhist practitioners can change their gender at any time, like Guanyin Bodhisattva, in fact there is no distinction between men and women, he can be a man or a woman, and the same is true for Jiuxin Little Buddha, but when he thinks about it, Chen Yang is gone Besides, he just thinks about it, he has few merits, and he is not willing to share them with others except his wife, after all, he is not such a selfless person.

In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed, and there is still no news from Tongtian Tower. On Caiyun's side, Shi Lingzi has already repaired it and sent it directly to Chen Yang. This makes Chen Yang very happy, Xiantian Lingbao, The power is not small, even if it is the third heaven of the Holy Venerable, it must be afraid to see the Xiantian Lingbao!
However, Houtian Lingbao and Xiantian Lingbao do not have a specific classification, unlike fairy artifacts and artifacts, there are specific grades. Although there are high and low points, it is not clear. At this time, Chen Yang I like to use my own division method, which is divided into hundreds of levels just like the body of the Wu clan.

The stone Lingzi restored by the Nuwa Empress is actually the same as the Sky Rope. It has both offensive and auxiliary functions. It can be used to smash people and trap people at the same time. However, the way of trapping people is a bit special. The Sky Rope is tied, and Shi Lingzi fixed it. Once it works, the weight of Shi Lingzi's stone ball will increase greatly, even comparable to the weight of several mountains, and those iron chains can lock the opponent's limbs, greatly reducing the opponent's strength. Movement speed, even attack speed.

Of course, the current Shi Lingzi's power is actually quite average, and his level is estimated to be around ten, which is a low level among the innate spiritual treasures. At most, his power can trap a saint in the second level of heaven. Reaching around level [-] should be able to break through the upper limit. Not only can it threaten the Holy Venerable, but also the level of the Holy King. If it reaches the full level, it is not difficult to easily win the third level of the Holy Emperor.

It's just that the merits and virtues needed to upgrade the Xiantian Lingbao are even greater than the Acquired Lingbao. Chen Yang can only save these magic weapons for later...

(End of this chapter)

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