Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 880 Thunderbolt!

Chapter 880 Thunderbolt!
Chen Yang controlled the magic circle beast, grabbed a sharp awl of the iron chain, and plunged it into the Tianshi tree. At this time, Meng Lai, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately gave an order: "Pull!"

Someone had already pulled the iron chain up the tree. Hearing Meng Lai's voice, dozens of monks in the realm of the third heaven of the Holy King suddenly pulled the iron chain. The guardian beasts, those guardian beasts focused all their attention on the magic circle mechanism beasts, and didn't notice the existence of the iron chain at all. Just a blink of an eye, the iron chain was pulled up to a height of nearly seven or eight meters , making the samurai tree completely inaccessible.

Seeing this, Meng Lai's expression was a little excited. At this time, a group of people hurried over not far away, and hurriedly said: "Brother, it has been fixed, and it will never be loosened!"

"Okay!" Meng Lai nodded, and immediately shouted: "Let the brothers get ready! Take all the guys that should be taken!"

The man hurriedly nodded and backed away, conveying Menglai's words to everyone, everyone nodded their heads, the plan is actually very simple, as long as the iron chain is fixed, everyone can follow the iron chain to avoid the servant beast, and then climb up Go up to the Heavenly Guardian Tree, so that the Heavenly Guardian Fruit can naturally be in the bag.

The faces of a group of people were full of excitement. After all, according to the legend, as long as the monks in the realm of the third heaven of the holy king eat the fruit of serving the sky, after the realm of the primordial spirit is improved, it is a matter of course to enter the realm of the holy emperor.

After Chen Yang got the iron chains done, he turned around and returned immediately. With the protection of the magic circle mechanism beasts, he could come and go freely among the herd of beasts, and there was no guardian beast that could resist Chen Yang's progress.

When Liu Wubing and his group saw that the Magic Formation Beast broke into the group of Heaven-Serving Beasts in a simple and rude way, their faces were filled with astonishment for a while. After all, they didn't know how powerful the Magic Formation Beast was. At first glance, it was shocking to be able to escape safely under the siege of the guardian beasts.

After Chen Yang manipulated the magic circle mechanism beast to rush out from the group of servant beasts, Meng Lai hurriedly shouted: "Let's start!"

As soon as the words fell, the first holy king grabbed the iron chain with both hands, and moved towards the Tianshi tree from the air. The speed was very fast, and he entered the sky above the group of beasts, and the beasts kept coming. Jumping around, but it did not pose the slightest threat to the Holy King.

The holy king also breathed a sigh of relief, and after a while he finally came to the tree of servants and climbed up directly. Even if it was the second person, the third person, one after another, four or fifty people had already climbed up. After getting off the Tianshi tree, they quickly climbed towards the height of hundreds of meters. In order to avoid appearing, many people had iron claws in their hands to prevent them from falling. Waiting for Menglai's order.

On Chen Yang's side, he was also secretly waiting for the opportunity. Most of Meng Lai's men had already left, and there were still about forty people, including Meng Lai. There is no way for ten people to leave the Shi Tianshu.

He secretly glanced at Meng Lai, this guy just looked up at his subordinates who kept climbing up, and suddenly, he looked at Chen Yang with all eyes!

Chen Yang was startled, and shouted in a deep voice: "Meng Lai, what do you want to do!? Cross the river and tear down the bridge!?"

"Little brother, don't be so nervous!" Meng Lai approached Chen Yang step by step.

Chen Yang frowned, and he could tell at a glance that this guy wanted to do something to him. He sneered and said, "Meng Lai, you want to kill me!? I'm afraid you don't have the ability! What's more, if I put The iron chain is torn, and those of you may not be able to leave the Heavenly Guardian Tree! In the end, they can only become the belly of the Heavenly Heavenly Beast!"

Meng Lai said with a serious face: "Don't worry about this, they will naturally have a way to leave the Samurai Tree at that time, but your luck is not very good!"

Chen Yang snorted coldly, and saw the Magic Formation Beast suddenly raised its hand and broke the iron chain, and heard Chen Yang yelling fiercely: "If you want to fight, then come!"

As soon as the words fell, Meng Lai's figure was like lightning, and he shot directly towards the beast of the magic circle.

There was only a muffled sound, and Meng Lai directly kicked the body of the magic circle mechanism beast. With the muffled sound, the magic circle mechanism beast was kicked flying by Meng Lai!

Fuck!Is this guy a witch?! ?
Physical strength is so powerful!

Chen Yang inside the Magic Formation Mechanism Beast was secretly startled, no wonder Liu Wubing and his party called this Meng Lai the Great Killing God. Just this physical strength has far surpassed many holy kings in the third heaven realm.

With a muffled sound, the magic circle beast hit the ground, and there was a crack where Meng Lai kicked just now. Fortunately, the magic circle beast had an automatic repair function, and the crack disappeared without a trace after a while. However, Chen Yang's scalp was also numb, and he could even do magic circle organ beasts. This Meng Lai is really amazing!
"Boy, I want to kill you, but it's easy!"

Meng Lai moved swiftly, and immediately chased after him. Judging by his posture, it was obvious that he wanted to forcibly dismantle the magic circle mechanism beast. Chen Yang sneered, and with a thought, the magic circle mechanism beast shrank into After hitting a ball, it immediately spun at a high speed, and rushed towards Meng Lai in the next second!
Meng Lai let out a smirk, and raised his hands abruptly, unexpectedly resisting the impact forcefully!


On the other side, most of the saint kings under Meng Lai focused their attention on Meng Lai.

"It's useless for this kid to resist, sooner or later he will die at the hands of the elder brother!"

"That's for sure, Huangfu Shengjun's name is not in vain!"

"Hehe, that kid thought that if the iron chain was broken, our people would not be able to get down, but he couldn't think of it, the elder brother had already thought of a countermeasure in his heart, and asked our people to bring big cloths, so that we can float Floating down, why are you using any iron chains!?"

"Fight with us, this kid is still a little tender!"

While everyone was discussing in low voices, Liu Wubing and his party, who were surrounded among them, also made movements.

Elder Wu Huo glanced at Elder Long Yi, Elder Long Yi sneaked a glance at Elder Fei Liao of Ciling Hall, and Elder Fei Liao glanced at Elder Bai Yi of Shui Wu Pavilion, the eyes of the four met Among them, the guardian elders of the three major forces also nodded secretly, and each of them quietly touched the dark and dark thunder.

"Listen up, three of you, as soon as we move, you all get down!"

An elder guardian who was closest to Liu Wubing and the other three said in a low voice.

Liu Wubing and the others nodded slightly, and suddenly, Elder Long Yi yelled softly: "Let go!"

The three of Liu Wubing immediately lay down on the ground, and immediately, all the elders threw out the Thunderbolt in their hands one after another!

For a moment, the earth shook, the flames shot into the sky, mushroom clouds soared into the sky, the screams were drowned in the loud noise, and blood splashed everywhere.


Meng Lai, who was fighting with Chen Yang, heard the movement, his face suddenly changed, he turned around, saw the mushroom clouds rising into the sky, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it for a while: "Shocking Thunder !?"

Chen Yang couldn't help being stunned for a moment. When he came back to his senses, he saw that Meng Lai had already stayed where he was. Without saying a word, he manipulated the magic circle mechanism beast and slapped Meng Lai with one paw. Meng Lai was caught off guard. It was directly sent flying by Chen Yang, smashing an unknown number of trees in a row.

"It seems that Liu Wubing and the others are quite sinister!"

The corner of Chen Yang's mouth grinned, who would have thought that Liu Wubing and the others would give a divine assist at this time and released a thunderbolt. The situation that Chen Yang didn't expect could only be blamed for the bad lives of these people. Before Chen Yang could deal with them, Liu Wubing and his team took care of them. There were no bones left, and they were blown to pieces!

On the trunk of the Shitian Tree, those holy kings who had already climbed up the tree were stunned for a while when they saw this situation. He ran all the way towards the entrance of the Heaven Servant Realm.

"Damn, don't let them get away!"


I saw the people on the Tianshi tree took out a large piece of white cloth one by one, grabbed the two horns with one hand, jumped suddenly, and drifted away from the attack range of the Tianshi beasts...

(End of this chapter)

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