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Chapter 89 Registration

Chapter 89 Registration
Although he felt weak for the time being, Chen Yang could clearly feel that his body was different from before.

Especially in the perception of the five sense organs, whether it is vision, hearing, or smell, it has become much more sensitive than before.

"It stinks!"

Only then did Chen Yang smell a special odor coming from his body. After recovering a little bit of strength, he hurriedly got out of bed and went into the bathroom to find that his body was covered with dark impurities, which made Chen Yang feel a burst of tingling. Suffering from the cold, he quickly made a flush to wash off all the impurities from his body.

These impurities are actually the remaining dirt in the body. After being stimulated by the medicinal effect of the strong body pill, it is slowly discharged through the pores of the skin by the medicinal effect, and gradually accumulates to become this appearance.

After Chen Yang took a bath, his physical strength had basically recovered, but he also felt a strong sense of hunger. Fortunately, there was bread in the dormitory, so he ate bread. I have to say that the current body and It is more powerful than before, and it feels like a new look.

Trying to punch, the speed was twice as fast as before.

"This body is really good!"

Chen Yang couldn't help grimacing.

After reaching the stage of strengthening the body, it is time to cultivate the golden energy, and this foreign object can't help you, and you have to rely on yourself.

After stuffing a lot of bread into it, Chen Yang clapped his hands and got on the bed. According to the memory in his mind, he sat cross-legged on the bed and began to meditate.

Cultivation is a step-by-step process. If you want to develop golden energy, you don't just rely on talent, it also takes time to accumulate.

But Chen Yang is an exception. He now has unique resources. Many of his gold masters have to find out their own methods. It's useless, and Chen Yang has no talent for martial arts at all, he just practiced according to a "manual", all he needed was time.

In fact, it is true, with the help of gods, useless people can become masters, let alone Chen Yang?
Taking a deep breath, Chen Yang closed his eyes. According to the memory in his mind, he began to adjust his breathing, try to keep his body in a relaxed state, and then began a special way of cultivation. Put it on the lower abdomen, touch the neck with one hand, spread one leg apart, and bend the other leg. Although Chen Yang couldn't figure out why, the memory in his mind said so, so he could only do it.

In fact, this is an efficient method summed up by countless immortal and old drivers. If you stick to it for two hours a day, you can quickly become golden in a month.

If those masters of golden qi know that they can quickly become golden qi within a month, they will die of anger.

Your sister, the golden qi that I have cultivated for more than ten years, you have cultivated it in a fucking month, and you still let people live!

Two hours is not too long for Chen Yang. He was a little irritable at the beginning of the practice, but after practicing for a while, he felt very calm and peaceful in his heart.


Noon two days later.

As soon as Chen Yang returned to the dormitory after class, Mao Shi and others dragged him in immediately: "Yangshen, I have something to tell you!"

"What?" Seeing that Mao Shi and the others were all mysterious, Chen Yang couldn't help asking in doubt.

"Ahem, then what, isn't this the brand-tearing competition is about to start?" Mao Shi chuckled: "I accidentally signed up for you."

"Eh!?" Chen Yang stared: "What kind of plane are you doing?"

Chen Yang also knew that this brand-tearing competition was created by a certain variety show. Several universities in the university town joined together to organize a similar competition. This competition became popular and has been held twice , this time it should be the third session.

But no one would have imagined that the dormitory fellows actually signed up for him. Although he didn't know if he would be selected, he felt depressed in his heart.

Mao Shi quickly said with a playful smile: "Yangshen, don't be angry, it's all because of an accident."

"Fart!" Chen Yang frowned: "The three of you are playing me together?"

Liu Yuan hurried up, and said with a bitter face: "Yangshen, we are also forced to do nothing. The college requires at least one person to sign up for each dormitory. The three of us are all old, weak, sick and disabled, so you are healthy, right?"

"Old, weak, sick and disabled?" Chen Yang looked strange: "You three?"

Zhang Rui sighed: "Yeah, I'm old and useless..."

Liu Yuan and Mao Shi nodded deeply.

Although he was a bit annoyed that these three guys killed him first and then played tricks on him, but having said that, Chen Yang felt pretty good after two days of cultivation, so he just took this opportunity to see how his body is better than before.

Thinking of this, Chen Yang waved his hand: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with the three of you!"

The registration is registration, but generally speaking, the college uses it to gather the number of people. It shows that the students in our college are still very active.

This kind of competition is usually selected by the Sports Academy, because the physical fitness is generally good, so it's fine if you can't be selected. If you are selected, Chen Yang doesn't mind participating.

Seeing that Chen Yang agreed, Mao Shi immediately smiled: "Look, I knew that Yangshen would definitely not care about such trivial matters!"

"Go away, you bastard..."


Office of the Student Union of the School of Physical Education.

Several members of the student union were sorting out the student lists reported by various colleges. As the heads of the Physical Education College, Lu Yao and Xia Xiaofei were naturally too busy to start screening among the numerous lists.

This time, the brand-tearing competition is hosted by Jiangnan University. There are a total of six universities participating, and each school needs to draw [-] contestants to participate.

Xia Xiaofei had participated once before, so he also had experience, and Lu Yao was basically a pure newcomer, so Xia Xiaofei was more responsible for the screening work.

In a blink of an eye, Xia Xiaofei picked out seventeen boys and sixteen girls, all of whom were elite soldiers of the sports academy, and had participated in two competitions, so they naturally had some experience, and the remaining places, of course, It has to be given to the newcomers, but Xia Xiaofei doesn't know the situation of these people very well, and it is difficult to make a decision for a while.

Suddenly, while looking at the student's information, Xia Xiaofei asked in a low voice: "Sister, do you think this Chen Yang will participate in this competition?"

Lu Yao on the side was slightly taken aback: "I don't know, but he probably isn't interested in participating?"

"It's hard to say!" Xia Xiaofei raised his eyebrows: "I'll look for it!"

As he said that, he searched for Chen Yang's name in the personnel list, and it turned out that Chen Yang really signed up.

Seeing that Chen Yang had also signed up, Lu Yao couldn't help being taken aback.

Xia Xiaofei chuckled: "If Chen Yang participates in the competition, this time it will be fun! Last time I managed to survive to the end, but I bumped into that Zhang Jie from the University of Science and Technology and was bullied by him. This time, Let Chen Yang deal with him, let's see how he is!"

Lu Yao frowned: "Zhang Jie? That guy is not simple. He seems to be from the Zhang family in Baima County. He has been the champion of the National Judo Championship for three years."

"It's more than that!" Xia Xiaofei sighed: "Every university here is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. The University of Industry and Commerce has Su Tianhao, Su Jin, and Huang Lingxuan, the University of Science and Technology has two brothers Chen Xuanlong and Chen Feiying, and the Normal University has Duan Muyi. Which one is not a master? ? But this time we and the Su family have become teachers."

Su Tianhao and others, Lu Yao and others have all joined the Iron Fist sect. According to the order of the head of the Iron Fist, Liu Sanyuan, they will have to report to the sect in June next year. Lu Yao, Su Tianhao and others are related to the sect, and it is already It's a done deal.

Lu Yao fell into silence for a moment, and Xia Xiaofei's mention made her think of the wedding.

"Sister, what are you thinking?" Xia Xiaofei asked in a low voice.

"It's not about the wedding!" Lu Yao sighed.

"Isn't there still two months left? Don't worry!" Xia Xiaofei raised his eyebrows: "I see, you should also sign up this time. Together with Chen Yang, maybe the relationship between you two will be good?"

Lu Yao frowned: "Is this useful?"

"Of course it's useful. This competition is the easiest way to cultivate relationships!" Xia Xiaofei smiled: "Anyway, if you perform well, after the competition is over, maybe you and Chen Yang will get to know each other well. Then you can tell him about it. Great, even Liu Sanyuan gave face, the Huang family's wedding is not a piece of cake for him? No matter how powerful Huang Wenlong is, can he be as powerful as Liu Sanyuan?"

Lu Yao frowned, pondered for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll sign up too."

(End of this chapter)

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