Fairy WeChat group

Chapter 93 Swipe 1 Swipe, Shake 1 Shake

Chapter 93 Scan and Shake

Zhang Jie pulled hard there, but Chen Yang didn't move at all.

Chen Xuanlong was stunned, what, what's going on?
Hasn't this Jie already cultivated the golden energy?
Why Mao still can't move Chen Yang?

This is not scientific!

On the side of the Unity Square, looking at the big screen, Chen Yang stood in place, no matter how hard Zhang Jie pulled, he remained motionless, with a relaxed expression on his face.

The audience was a little confused.

Doesn't this situation seem a little too weird?
The male and female hosts were still active at first, but when they saw the picture on the big screen, they didn't know what to say for a while.

At this time, who knows who shouted "Yangshen is mighty and domineering", and the audience immediately shouted like crazy.

"The Yang God is mighty and domineering!!"

"The Yang God is mighty and domineering!!"

The big rock in Mao Shi's and others' hearts finally fell to the ground.

Seeing that Chen Yang was still showing off his power, they were relieved.


In fact, Chen Yang didn't want to use the divine power talisman.

However, this Jie was so arrogant that Chen Yang couldn't stand it.

It's okay to be arrogant, but don't do it in front of me, okay?
If we don't pretend, we can still play well.

Zhang Jie blushed and his neck was thick, and he used all his energy to feed, but he didn't pull Chen Yang over.

Chen Yang didn't want Zhang Jie to be too embarrassing, so he pulled that Zhang Jie over with all his strength, and quickly stretched out his hand to tear off Zhang Jie's name tag.

One can imagine what Zhang Jie's expression would look like when he looked at Chen Yang.

It's completely like I want to hit you but dare not hit you.

"Sorry." Chen Yang smiled, and stuffed the name tag into Zhang Jie's hand.


Zhang Jie's heart was broken instantly.

"Jiangnan University of Technology, Zhang Jie is OUT!"

Accompanied by the sound of the radio, Zhang Jie was taken off the stage.

At this point in the game, there is basically no suspense.

Chen Xuanlong didn't dare to resist at all. Facing Chen Yang, who was even more terrifying than Zhang Jie, he didn't even have the intention of resisting. He just stretched out his hand and tore off the name tag behind him, and blew himself up.

Seeing this, the remaining Su Jin also tore off the name tag with a wry smile and exploded.

There's nothing to play with anymore, if you play Mao with Chen Yang, plus Lu Yao, you will be torn up anyway, it's better to blow yourself up!
After the two blew themselves up, the game ended.

Chen Yang and Lu Yao led Jiangnan University to win the championship in the third brand tearing competition.

The scope of Chen Yang's reputation further expanded, spreading to several nearby colleges and universities, which also added a lot of fun to the students' conversations.


Two days after the famous brand competition.

Chen Yang is leading Tiantian for a walk in the school woods.

Du Jiana happened to be resting, so she called Chen Yang, said that everything was fine there, and asked mischievously if she missed her.

Although shy, Chen Yang hummed, which made Du Jia giggle, saying that my mother will be back next month, and she will bring you some local specialties.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yang took out his mobile phone and clicked on WeChat, wanting to see if there was anything special in Moments.

Click on the circle of friends to search, but he couldn't see anything, which made Chen Yang stunned. Now that he is playing on WeChat, he should post a photo or something like that!

Shaking his head, Chen Yang felt bored. After quitting Moments, he glanced at WeChat. There were other functions on it, such as scanning, shaking, and drifting bottles.

This mobile phone has been refined into a magic weapon, shouldn't it be just for chatting?
With doubts, Chen Yang clicked on the scan first. As soon as the screen of the mobile phone was turned, a picture of taking pictures appeared. As a result, a prompt appeared at the bottom of the screen: "Take a picture of the item, and the item can be stored in the In the treasure chest."


Chen Yang grinned, and I knew that this Taiyuan mobile phone must not be that simple.

Immediately, Chen Yang couldn't wait to pick up a small stone, put it in the palm of his hand, and quickly photographed it. The next second, the small stone in his hand disappeared in place. At the same time, the display in his mind and on the screen of the phone A barrage came out: "I got a stone, which has been stored in the treasure chest and can be withdrawn for use."

Chen Yang immediately opened the treasure chest to take a look.


Explanation: An ordinary pebble does not seem to be of much use.

"It turns out that this treasure chest can not only be withdrawn, but also stored, which means that this treasure chest is actually an existence similar to a storage bag."

At this time, Chen Yang saw the top of the page of the treasure chest, there was a string of numbers, 28/120, which should be the weight.

Chen Yang extracted the pebbles, and sure enough, 28 turned into 27.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Yang probably understood how the weight of the treasure chest was calculated.

It should be that any item put in will be counted as a unit, even if it is superimposed, it will also be counted. For example, if there are nine of the same divine power talisman, the load will also increase by nine.

I really didn't expect that the function of scanning is so magical. Chen Yang fiddled with it, and thought that since WeChat can also be controlled in the brain, can it be used when there is no mobile phone?
Thinking in this way, Chen Yang entered the menu option of WeChat in his mind as soon as his consciousness moved. Sure enough, he saw that there was a scan function, so he quickly controlled his consciousness and clicked it. In the next second, a miraculous thing happened again !

Chen Yang's eyes are actually equivalent to cameras. If you want to collect something, you only need to say a word and take a picture, and you can put the item directly into the treasure chest.

I have to say that this function is really extremely convenient. If you want to bring anything in the future, you can directly store it in this treasure chest.

Chen Yang tested it again, and even tested it with Tiantian, and found that it was the same as the description of the storage bag, and the treasure chest could only store non-living items, not living items.

Chen Yang grinned, and after quitting the scan function, he was ready to try the shake function again.

After clicking it, I immediately shook the phone.

"I go!"

Chen Yang was also shocked when he saw a reminder appear on the shaking screen.

"Searching for treasure!"

Yes, that's right, the shake function can actually search for treasures, with its own treasure hunting function!

Let me go, this Taiyuan mobile phone is really going against the sky!
At this moment, the phone vibrated suddenly.

"Mysterious Spirit Grass, 723 kilometers away."

Mysterious Spirit Grass! ?

Chen Yang couldn't help being taken aback. According to the memory in his mind, this Xuanling grass was just one of the herbs needed to enter the stage of strengthening the body!
But is 723 kilometers too far away?
Chen Yang frowned, and shook again.

"Jinling flowers are 1676 kilometers away."


Farther, come again!

"The fire stone is 902 kilometers away."

"Bronze Stone, 4273 kilometers apart."


After shaking it for ten times in a row, I found that these treasure materials or precious medicinal materials are all 500 kilometers away!

your sister!This is fucking funny!
The corner of Chen Yang's mouth twitched, and he was completely speechless for a while.

After quitting the shake function, when I was about to try the last floating bottle, a call came from my phone, it was from Lu Yao.

Chen Yang was slightly taken aback, then connected the phone, and then heard Lu Yao ask: "Chen Yang, are you free?"

"What's the matter?" Chen Yang asked.

"Well, wasn't a shopping card issued at the end of the game?" Lu Yao quickly said, "I, I want to go shopping. If you are free, can you accompany me there?"

Lu Yao was actually very nervous on the other side, and it wasn't she who came up with this idea, but Xia Xiaofei on her side. Seeing Lu Yao said it, Xia Xiaofei smiled and gave a thumbs up, saying in a low voice that it was a good job.

Chen Yang thought about it, and he was bored anyway, so he agreed, and after meeting with Lu Yao, he took a taxi to Wall Supermarket.

As the reward for the brand-tearing final last time, the school gave Chen Yang and Lu Yao a 5000 yuan Wall shopping card each, and Xia Xiaofei saw this opportunity and asked Lu Yao to invite Chen Yang to go shopping together to increase his favorability.

Chen Yang didn't want to buy anything at first, but after thinking about it, he wondered if this food could be refined?
What if some high-end products could be refined?

Thinking in this way, Chen Yang suddenly got excited, and took Lu Yao straight to the food area as soon as he entered the mall...

(End of this chapter)

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