Rebirth of the strongest business woman

Chapter 403 Borrowing Your Boyfriend

Chapter 403 Borrowing Your Boyfriend
Lian Yaqing sat down in the gazebo, staring at the surface of the artificial lake, a cold light flashed in her slightly drooping eyelids, with a strong jealousy and resentment.

"You want to take revenge, can't you just talk about it? No action at all, you bastard!"

Xiang Yutong and Chen Panpan gritted their teeth, with expressions of disbelief, "Now, the entire emperor knows that An Jin belongs to Tang Wuye, if we openly oppose An Jin, aren't we provoking Tang Wuye?" ? At that time, not only will you not be able to take revenge, but your family may also be affected."

Lian Yaqing sneered, "You two are really stupid. You can't do it clearly, so why don't you come secretly? At that time, there is no proof, even Tang Wuye, he can't do anything to you."

Xiang Yutong's eyes lit up, he walked forward, sat beside Lian Yaqing, and asked, "Yaqing, have you thought of a good solution?"

Chen Panpan also looked over. She dreamed of seeing An Jin in trouble. The more miserable she was, the happier and relieved she would be.

Lian Yaqing chuckled, looked at Chen Panpan, and said, "This time, I will borrow your boyfriend."



"An Jin, your flower."

Before class, a girl walked into the classroom from outside and placed a large bouquet of red roses on An Jin's desk.

An Jin raised her eyes, "Mine?"

The girl nodded, "Yeah, isn't it written on the card? Give it to my favorite classmate An Jin."

This sentence attracted the attention of many people in the classroom.

"Huh? An Jin, who gave you these flowers? They are so beautiful. Are they from your boyfriend?"

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, now you say you don't know that An Jin's boyfriend is Tang Wuye."

An Jin ignored the gossiping eyes of the people around her, picked up the bouquet of flowers, waved her arms, and dropped them into the trash can in the corner. Then, she lowered her head and continued to read, as if nothing had happened.

However, the matter was not over yet. When An Jin returned to her seat in the next class, she found that there was an extra cup on the table, which was still warm. When she opened it and removed it, it turned out to be hot tea.

"Wow, An Jin, you are so lucky. Today, the water dispenser in our teaching building is broken, and we can't drink hot water. Someone is thinking of you and sent it all the way to you."

An Jin glanced at the girl next to her, and put the water glass on her table.

"Since you want to drink, here you go."

"Really? But, this is not very good, it was specially given to you by someone else."

An Jin chuckled, "Who said this must be for me? I think someone accidentally left it here. If you want it, you can take it. If you don't want it, the trash can is over there."

In this way, this cup of hot tea was ruthlessly given away by An Jin again.

During lunch time, because there were classes in the afternoon, An Jin didn't go out to eat, but came to the student cafeteria with Zhao Xinrui. As soon as they entered, they saw a long queue, which was almost overcrowded.

"An Jin, there seems to be no place left. What should we do? Are we still eating here?"

Zhao Xinrui said while looking around.

At this time, a boy suddenly came over, "Two girls, can't find a seat, I happen to have two here, if you don't mind, let's sit together."

"Is it really possible? Thank you so much." Zhao Xinrui nodded without thinking too much, "An Jin, go and sit down, I'll cook for you..."

"Oh, no need, how can girls do this kind of thing? Sit down and I'll buy it for you." The boy interrupted Zhao Xinrui and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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