Rebirth of the strongest business woman

Chapter 410 Be careful not to be infected by this person's neurosis

Chapter 410 Be careful not to be infected by this person's neurosis

"Is there a classmate in there? The phone in my room fell on the floor and broke. I want to borrow the phone in your room. Can I?" A boy's voice came from outside the door.

Zhao Xinrui blinked and looked at An Jin, "Why is this voice so familiar?"

An Jin didn't answer, but went straight to the door and opened it. Sure enough, as she expected, it was Lin Quan who came.

"It's you?" Zhao Xinrui looked surprised, took a few steps forward, stood beside An Jin, and blocked the door tightly.

Lin Quan was also taken aback, and then the smile on his face deepened, and he looked at An Jin affectionately, "Sister An Xue, I didn't expect that our rooms are next to each other. Tell me, isn't this fate?"

"Yuan you big-headed ghost!" Zhao Xinrui stepped forward again, using her body to block Lin Quan's sight, "Are you okay? See you later, An Jin and I still have a lot of private things to say."

Lin Quan's eyes suddenly flashed a hint of evil, but the smile on his face deepened again, "Zhao Xuemei, I don't think I offended you, right? Why do you seem to be so hostile to me? Don't worry, I don't Will be bothering you for too long, I just wanted to call the front desk and ask them to bring me some wine."

"Hehe, you're quite clear, you even know my surname, and the investigation is quite detailed." Zhao Xinrui didn't have a good impression of Lin Quanzhen at all now, she turned her body slightly, pointed to the phone over there, and said : "1 minute is enough for you to finish the phone call, go now."

Lin Quan nodded, looked at An Jin behind Zhao Xinrui, and said, "Thank you, Xuemei An." Then, he went straight to the phone.

Zhao Xinrui rolled her eyes speechlessly, then turned to look at An Jin, "Obviously I let him in, why is it you who he wants to thank? It doesn't have to be so obvious to get close."

Her voice was not deliberately lowered, so it was naturally impossible for Lin Quan not to hear her.

However, without the slightest embarrassment, he put down the phone, turned around and said to An Jin: "Sister An, since we are so destined and the rooms are connected, why don't we have some wine and something to eat together? It’s probably not here yet, we’ll have to wait a little longer.”

Zhao Xinrui was speechless again, did this person treat her like air?

"My room is not far away, so we are also destined, why don't you invite me?"

Lin Quan smiled and said, "Zhao Xuemei, you know that I am pursuing An Xuemei, so why bother to embarrass me like this? I know that there are many girls who like me in school. It is normal for you to be unconvinced and jealous. However, I really only have Xuemei An in my heart..."


Zhao Xinrui stretched out her hand, made a stop movement, then turned her head to look at An Jin, and said, "An Jin, why don't we go to my room, and be careful not to be infected by this man's mental illness."

An Jin smiled, and then, when she looked at Lin Quan, her face suddenly became condensed, her eyes were calm, she pointed in the direction of the door, and said, "Xiaorui and I don't know how to drink, and we don't have any interest in drinking. Strangers share a room together, so please get out."

Lin Quan didn't expect that An Jin would be so ignorant of current affairs, but the more he was like this, the more he wanted to conquer her.

"Okay, then I won't bother the two school girls. If you need any help, you can call me. I'm next door."

After saying that, Lin Quan really left An Jin's room, but the moment the door was closed behind him, a smug smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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