Rebirth of the strongest business woman

Chapter 441 Stay away from him!

Chapter 441 Stay away from him!

"I'm thinking about shit!"

Tan Yingjun stared, "You two are bullying me here, and you want me to treat you well? Who the hell gave you such a big face?"

This time, not only the surroundings were stupefied, but even Chu Hangyi himself was stunned.

"Hey! Bump, what are you talking about? Who is your man?"

Only then did Tan Yingjun dare to turn his head to look at Chu Hangyi, and said in a low voice: "No, believe it or not, the headlines of all magazines and newspapers tomorrow will be about your love triangle, and you will become the third party, Mr. Chu If you see..."

There is no need to talk about handsomeness, Chu Hangyi can already predict how angry his father will be if he sees such news.

Seeing Chu Hangyi's silence, a smile flashed in Tan Yingjun's eyes, he turned his head, looked at Lian Ziqun again, and sneered, "Lian Ziqun, when you harassed my Qiqi last time, you were already beaten up by me." Paused, why, didn’t you get beaten enough? Want to do it again? It’s really rare for me to be beaten like you.”

With a few words, the person who was a bit despised Chu Hangyi just now, who is a big man and still acts as a third party, suddenly realized.

It turned out that it wasn't Chu Qishao who was the third party, but Lian Ziqun himself cheating on unrequited love.

"Are you together?" Lian Ziqun couldn't help looking at Chu Hangyi, unable to believe this fact.

Chu Hangyi raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Although this country bumpkin is a bit rustic, but he wants money, power and power, and most importantly, he is loyal to me. Of course I will choose him."

Lian Ziqun wanted to ask more questions, but was slapped in the face by another slap.

"Lian, Zi, Qun!" Cheng Wanrong was completely furious. Today, she really lost all her face in this man Lian Ziqun, "You are really worthy of me!"

Turning her head, Cheng Wanrong said to Tan Yingjun, "I'm sorry, Mr. Tan, what happened today is our fault, how much is this vase, I'll take my leave as soon as you ask someone to send a bill to my company later. "

After finishing speaking, Cheng Wanrong left, and a moment later, two bodyguards in black appeared, one on the left and one on the right, and escorted Lian Ziqun out.

An Jin was puzzled, "This bodyguard..."

"That's Cheng Wanrong's personal bodyguard team. They will take them with them wherever they go. They are all good players." Tang Song explained from the side, and then lowered his voice a little, "There are many practitioners among them."

An Jin knew that Tang Song was reminding her to be more careful when meeting Cheng Wanrong in the future.

"I see." An Jin nodded, then, looking at Chu Hangyi and Tan Yingjun, asked, "Are you really together?"

"How is it possible!" Chu Hangyi hurriedly took two steps back, curling his lips in disgust, "My taste is not that strong."

At this time, the exhibition had already continued, and the few people could only go to a corner to talk.

"Tan Boss, what did you mean just now?" Yu Ziyan frowned with a sullen face, and pulled Chu Hangyi behind him, forbidding him to get too close to Tan Yingjun.

Tan Yingjun snorted coldly, "Young Master Yu, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with you. Even if you and Xiao Qi grew up together, you are too lenient, right? I don't know, I thought you..."

Yu Ziyan's complexion changed, his eyes flickered slightly, and he took Chu Hangyi's hand, tightening and loosening.

"Xiaoqi is my younger brother, no matter what, I will not allow anyone to play with his feelings, talk about handsome, if you remember what you said that day, stay away from him!"

(End of this chapter)

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