Rebirth of the strongest business woman

Chapter 468 Who Is Your Master?

Chapter 468 Who Is Your Master?

Lu Zhiyuan first glanced at his father, then nodded, and continued: "The Dabi stipulates that only those who have reached the inedia stage can participate. At that time, lots will be drawn to determine the opponent, and the promotion will be promoted through the elimination system."

An Jin nodded, "So, that is to say, it is impossible to predict what kind of opponent the Lu family will encounter at that time?"

Lu Zhiyuan hesitated, and after a while, he continued: "Master, in fact, the competitions of the past few years are all controlled by the guild behind the scenes, and whoever competes with whom is all in their plans."

"Hehe." An Jin couldn't help laughing, "There is also a shady scene here? Then what kind of opponent do you think the so-called Cultivation Guild will arrange for the Lu family?"

This time, Lu Zhiyuan and Lu Xiling were silent at the same time, and there was a trace of indistinguishable complex emotions on their faces, which seemed to be embarrassment, or...

An Jin frowned, and suddenly had a very bad premonition.

"You don't want to tell me that among the disciples of the Lu family, there is no one who has broken through the bigu stage?"

Lu Xiling touched her nose in embarrassment, nodded, "Indeed."

Lu Zhiyuan also nodded and said: "In the generation of the Lu family, I am the only one who has cultivated above the bigu stage."

An Jin couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "If I'm not mistaken, there should be an age limit for this contest, right?"

"That's right, the master is really smart." Lu Zhiyuan was afraid that he would run away from the master, so he quickly flattered the master, and then continued, "The regulations of the Dabi are that people under the age of 40 and above the bigu period can apply join."

An Jin was slightly stunned, "Zhiyuan, so you are over 40 years old?"

"That's right, I'm almost forty, and I don't even find a wife. This old man is so old that I can't even hold a grandson." Seizing the opportunity, Lu Xiling complained a few more words.

Lu Zhiyuan looked helpless, "Father, this kind of thing is about fate, you can't just marry someone..."

"When did I let you marry casually, which time didn't I give you a lot of opportunities to get along, but how did you do it? Either let others dove, or use words to run on other girls. Just like you, you still want to ask for a wife? I think it's a lifetime of being a bachelor!"

The more Lu Xiling thought about it, the more angry she became, she turned her body aside, not wanting to take another look at this disappointing son.


After talking with the Lu family's father and son, An Jin finally got a little more understanding of the Xuyu Mountain. After dinner, she and Tang Song held hands and strolled by the stream near the Lu family's ancestral house, feeling the abundant energy around them. With spiritual power, there is an indescribable joy in my heart.

"Tang Bao, it stands to reason that this is a place in the realm of comprehension, and the barrier should prevent all demon cultivators from entering, but why doesn't it seem to be useful to you?" An Jin thought for a long time, and finally remembered what she felt Something is wrong.

When they entered the enchantment of Mount Xu, Tang Bao was completely fine, which was so strange.

Tang Song shook his head, "I don't know, my dantian is indeed a black dan, but as long as I don't take the initiative to release the magic energy, no one will notice my identity. In the past, I have been in and out of here several times , there is no problem."

An Jin also felt strange, the situation of her family Tang Bao was really weird.

"Tang Bao, I have never asked, who is your master? Is he also in this mountain?"

(End of this chapter)

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