Chapter 475
An Jin raised her eyes in surprise, and glanced at Zong Wei. Then, with a slight movement of her finger, a silver needle was shot out.

Zong Wei dodged in a hurry, anger came from his heart, "What are you doing?"

An Jin smiled and shook her head, "It's all right, Patriarch Zong doesn't need to panic, the needle is not poisonous, I just want to test how thick-skinned Patriarch Zong is, he can even say such shameless words."

"You!" Zong Wei became angry again, "What a sharp-tongued poisonous woman, you hurt my son yesterday, robbed his spiritual weapon, and humiliated me like this today, I want to see how capable you are! "

After saying those words, Zong Wei stepped forward, aroused his true energy, and slapped An Jin with his palm.

"Xiao Jin!"


"Senior An!"

The people in the room were stunned for a moment, and hurried forward, trying to help An Jin block this move.

However, another person appeared faster, and a dark red light flashed. Zong Wei was overturned and fell directly to the opposite wall. come out.

"Master!" Zong Wei's disciples hurried forward and helped him up.

Zong Wei got up tremblingly, and slowly raised his head. When he saw Tang Song's face, his whole body trembled, and his air was chilled.

"You, you are..."

Tang Song turned his head and came to An Jin's side to confirm that she ignored her, so he was relieved.

"Dare to hurt my fiancée, Zong Wei, how many lives do you have to pay me?" Tang Song asked in a deep voice, not hiding the killing intent in his eyes.

Zong Wei was shocked again, if not for his apprentice's support, he might have fallen to the ground directly.

"Fifth Master? Why are you here?"

This was Zong Wei's subconscious question, but as soon as he said it, he regretted it.

Sure enough, when Tang Song heard the words, he snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and expressed deep displeasure, "Where am I, do I still need to inform you?"

"No, no, Mr. Tang Wu, you misunderstood." Zong Wei shook his head again and again, "It was me who said what I said, and you said, this is your fiancée?"

"What? Do you want to follow the ceremony? It's fine, just stay." After Tang Song finished speaking, he turned his head and held An Jin's hand, his coldness turned into tenderness in an instant, "An An, it's time to eat. Today I will personally Let's cook."

An Jin originally wanted to play with Zong Wei again. After all, she has been holding back in the secular world for so long, and finally came to the cultivation world where she can do whatever she wants. Of course, she must release it.

But after hearing Tang Song's words, all thoughts were left behind.

"Tang Bao, you said you cook yourself?" An Jin stood up suddenly, took Tang Song's hand, and walked out, "Then what are you waiting for, go quickly, I want to taste my Tang Bao's cooking."

In the room, Zong Wei was completely stunned. He came to mess things up, why did he just leave him here and leave?
"Old man Lu, you actually brought Tang Wuye into Mount Xuyu, are you not afraid that the guild will scold you and drive your Lu family out of here?"

Without Tang Song and An Jin around, Zong Wei regained his arrogance just now, but because he was seriously injured by Tang Song, he looked a little embarrassed, and his arrogance was greatly reduced.

Lu Xiling stood up with a smile, and cast a cold glance at Zong Wei, "Old man Zong, do you think Fifth Master Tang is afraid of the guild? I'm afraid that those people in the guild will run away in fright when they hear the news of Fifth Master Tang's return." Don’t you dare to show your face? After all, although Tang Wuye has never pursued what happened back then, it doesn’t mean that he really doesn’t hate him.”

(End of this chapter)

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