Rebirth of the strongest business woman

Chapter 479 This is the Holy Artifact

Chapter 479 This is the Holy Artifact
After Wu Pei'er finished speaking, she jumped up and walked straight towards An Jin.

Everyone on both sides exclaimed and retreated one after another.

They know Elder Wu's ability, if they are not careful, they will easily be injured by mistake.

"Senior An, be careful!" Hao Huandong and the others were impatient, and hurried forward, ready to help An Jin resist.

"Overreaching! Looking for death!" Wu Pei'er snorted coldly, with cruelty in her eyes, she suddenly pulled out a long whip from her waist, swung it forward, and a red-yellow light suddenly came out, shaking Hao Huandong Wait for someone's eyes to hurt.

An Jin frowned, stepped lightly, and spun in mid-air. When she swung her arm, she pushed Hao Huandong and others several meters away, and successfully avoided the blow. However, her arm did not move. Be careful to be swept away by the vigor of the long whip.


An Jin landed on the ground, and looked down at her arm, because she dodged in time, the wound was not deep, but it was extremely painful, and the amount of blood left was also very strange.

Out of the corner of her eye, she quickly glanced at the long whip in Wu Pei'er's hand, An Jin frowned, this not right.

"Hmph! Damn girl! Today, I will let you know how powerful my whip is!"

With that said, Wu Pei'er attacked again. This time, An Jin didn't dare to be careless, and quickly took out a dagger.

Seeing this, Wu Peier smiled.

"Hahaha... you actually want to use such a fruit knife to fight my Shadow Transformation Whip?"

An Jin chuckled, without making any excuses, she quickly dodged Wu Peier's long whip again, and quickly came to Wu Peier's side at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

In close combat, Wu Pei'er's long whip is a disadvantage.

An Jin's wrist moved slightly, and the dagger swung flexibly at her fingertips, sweeping towards Wu Pei'er.

When she dodged sideways, her left hand turned into a fist and attacked.

Wu Pei'er's long whip couldn't exert its power, so she could only temporarily set up a barrier to separate An Jin's attack.


In this way, the two fought for a long time, except that An Jin was injured by Wu Pei'er once because An Jin wanted to save someone, but she never succeeded again.

Wu Pei'er was a little impatient, it took so long to deal with a yellow-haired girl, wouldn't she be laughed out of her teeth?

Suddenly, Wu Pei'er showed a cruel look, she withdrew her body, and threw the long whip into the air, just when everyone thought, did Elder Wu go mad with anger?When he didn't even want the weapon, he saw the long whip in mid-air, suddenly seemed to have a spirituality, and swung it towards An Jin by himself.

An Jin frowned, she thought, she found the weirdness of this whip.

An Jin chuckled lightly, neither dodging nor dodging, her thoughts moved slightly, and the next second, the giant Linglong Pagoda, which was originally in the distance outside Lu's courtyard, suddenly appeared beside An Jin.

The coercion of the sacred artifact is not something ordinary people can bear. Everyone feels a strong coercion exerted on them, making them unable to help but worship the sacred artifact.

And the long whip that seemed to be screaming in midair, the moment Linglong Tower appeared, also turned into a frost-beaten eggplant, completely wilting.

All the light converged in an instant, and fell to the ground with a slap, as if surrendering.

Wu Pei'er looked embarrassed, with both the anger of being slapped in the face and the longing and coveting for Linglong Tower.

" this...the holy artifact?"

An Jin smiled, "You still have some knowledge."

"It's impossible for a sacred artifact to recognize its owner easily. Where did you steal it from? Tell me!" Wu Pei'er glared at An Jin and shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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