Chapter 491
Just then, An Jin's cell phone rang.

"Hey, Tang Bao, you..."

"I'm sorry, An An." Tang Song's sudden apology stunned An Jin, and she forgot to say what she had said.

"Tang Bao, what's wrong with you? Why did you say sorry to me?"

Tang Song on the phone was silent for a while, and then continued: "I have taught Gu Lin a lesson and given him privileges. From now on, even if I am not around, he has the right to use funds to help An's."

An Jin instantly understood, "You called the one billion just now?"

"En." Tang Song responded, hesitated for two seconds, and then continued, "It's always bad to borrow other people's money. This is for you to pay back."

An Jin smiled, "Your news is well-informed, well, then I will keep it for now, but the public is for the public, and the private is for the private, this money is also counted as my loan to you, if I still don't pay, then... "

"Meat compensation." Tang Song suddenly said this.

An Jin was slightly taken aback, "Tang Bao, are you serious?"

"Cough cough." After coughing twice, Tang Song glared at Gu Lin in front of him, and quickly changed the subject, "I'll investigate the Lian family. After you finish handling the company's affairs, you can contact the Chu Group and call Shang Chu Let's discuss the follow-up plan together with Xiaoqi."

Hanging up the phone, Tang Song glanced coldly at Gu Lin, who was holding back his laughter, and said, "I'll give you 24 hours to thoroughly check the Lian family, and everyone with the surname Lian must be checked. If you can't complete the task, you Don’t even want this year’s year-end award.”

Getting up, Tang Song was about to leave, but when he reached the door, he stopped again.

"By the way, if you fail to complete the task, except for the year-end bonus, all your holidays within five years will be cancelled."

Gu Lin opened his jaw wide, looking at the back of his boss going away, wishing that Erkang would pull him back and kneel down to beg for mercy.

Year-end bonus, holiday within five years...

Gu Lin, who came back to his senses, quickly started calling and assigning tasks, with a solemn expression comparable to that of Dynasty when it was listed in country M.


On the other hand, An Jin did not contact Chu Daijun first, but asked Yuehui out.

It's still the Moxuan Tea House, and it's still the same location as the last two times, but this time, it's An Jin who cooks the tea instead.

"I didn't expect that, An Jin, you are not only beautiful and good at management, but you also have such a deep research on tea ceremony." Yue Hui looked at An Jin's tea cooking method, and couldn't help but admire.

An Jin smiled, "Tang Song likes to drink tea, so I learned a little while I have nothing to do."

In fact, An Jin knew the tea ceremony because she had to use all kinds of intense study and practice during the 1000 years in Tianqing Continent in order to forget the deep hatred and boundless longing.

The tea ceremony was just a pastime for her to meditate when she had nothing to do at that time.

Poured a cup of the brewed tea for Yue Hui, An Jin handed it over with both hands, "Mr. Yue, thank you for your help this time, An Jin took it for the kindness in the snow, and replace the wine with tea, I respect you."

Yuehui didn't refuse, took the teacup over, first smelled it, then took a sip, couldn't help giving An Jin a thumbs up, "Good tea."

Afterwards, An Jin handed over another check.

"This is the principal and interest, please accept it, Ms. Yue."

Yuehui looked at the check, and the smile on his face faded a lot.

"An Jin, do you have to figure it out so clearly with me? We are partners, aren't we?"

(End of this chapter)

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