Rebirth of the strongest business woman

Chapter 496 1 million, spend slowly!

Chapter 496 100 million, spend slowly!

When Zhao Xinrui heard this, she panicked, and hurriedly moved back, only to find that this was already a corner, and there was no way to retreat.

"How dare you! If my young lady finds out, she won't let you off lightly!"

Zhao Xinrui believed that An Jin would definitely come to rescue her.

"Hahaha... Your eldest lady must be raising money everywhere now, how could she take care of these things? Don't worry, I will try to be gentle for a while."

With that said, several people rushed over.

Because Zhao Xinrui's eyes were blindfolded, her hearing and other senses became more acute. When she sensed their approach, she hurriedly yelled.

"Get out! Get out of here!"

At this moment, a man who threw himself on Zhao Xinrui suddenly paused and turned his head to look outside.

"Looks like someone is coming."

"Where is someone? Chengzi, don't scare yourself." The other person obviously didn't believe it.

However, others believed it, "Have you forgotten that Chengzi's hearing is sharper than ordinary people? Maybe someone really came, the employer said, once someone finds this place, they must immediately know about this little girl's life, Never leave alive!"

Several people glanced at Zhao Xinrui. Although they felt it was a pity, they naturally wanted to do things for him after taking money from him.

"Come on, help, lift her up!" Cheng Zi first knocked Zhao Xinrui out, and then carried her out of the lounge with several others.

When An Jin and Tang Song rushed to this room, they saw messy beds, a pile of leftover beer and takeaways, but no one was there.

"Over there." Tang Song swept his consciousness, quickly locked the location of those people, and rushed over with An Jin.

Chengzi and the others originally planned to leave, but they didn't want to be blocked so quickly.

"Where are people?" An Jin asked sharply.

Cheng Zi and the others glanced at each other with innocent expressions on their faces.

"Who are you? Who are you? Who sent you to my place?"

An Jin sneered, "Don't you want 100 billion from me? Why, I'm here, but you don't recognize me?"

The people in Chengzi were stunned, "100 billion?"

They have never seen so much money in their entire lives.

"Did you really bring 100 billion?" At this time, Chengzi already knew An Jin's identity, but she was just a rich lady, so don't worry about it, his attention was all attracted by the bag in An Jin's hand.

The same goes for the others, their eyes seemed to be shining when they looked at the bag.

A cold light flashed in An Jin's eyes, and she threw the bag in her hand, "100 billion, you guys put it away, spend it slowly!"

Afterwards, An Jin walked towards the cement mixing furnace not far ahead, under the signal of Tang Song's eyes.

"Xiao Rui!" An Jin looked at Zhao Xinrui, who was about to sink, and shouted, and quickly grabbed her hand, "Hold on to me! Don't let go!"

Zhao Xinrui originally thought that she would die like this, but she didn't expect that at the critical moment, her young lady really came.

"An Jin!" With just one glance, Zhao Xinrui cried excitedly.

At this time, Gu Xin also rushed over, jumped into the stirring furnace without thinking, and hugged Zhao Xinrui out, "Xiao Zhao, are you okay?"

Zhao Xinrui was still bound, but Gu Xin hugged him tightly, and even felt the trembling on his body.

"Brother Gu, what's wrong with you? I'm fine." Zhao Xinrui said in Gu Xin's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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