Chapter 130
When she asked this question, You Qian kept searching in her mind for the people she had offended, but her circle of friends was very simple, except for conflicts with Jiang Chuchu and Yang Guoer in the circle, there was no other suspicious person .

Yang Guoer has long since disappeared from the entertainment industry. As for her disappearance, it was rumored on the Internet that she offended a certain boss and was banned. Yang Guoer's agency was also hit hard by the appearance of several drug addicts, and has not been able to rise so far. .

As for Jiang Chuchu?
Although Jiang Chuchu had always been at odds with her, but this time it was Bai Yalan who suppressed Jiang Chuchu on the surface, and she never thought that she would blame herself and Tang Zheng, and it was impossible to blame herself.Besides, Jiang Chuchu is currently too busy to take care of herself, so she should not be able to plan another kidnapping case, unless there is someone behind her to help her.

But who wants to go out of their way to fix themselves?

Excluding the above two people, only the Song family is more suspicious, or people related to the Song family.

In one thought, a lot of thoughts came to mind, You Qian raised his head and looked at the three people in front of him calmly.

The gangster on the co-pilot was the fake driver. When he heard You Qian's voice, he suddenly turned his head and said to his accomplice, "Shut her mouth up, and watch out for this bitch playing tricks."

It's enough to suffer the loss just now, as a kidnapper, you'd better be cautious.

It was obvious that the car had already driven to a deserted place, and screaming loudly now would only be asking for trouble. You Qian couldn't get an answer, and had no time to call out, so she could only watch helplessly as the other party sealed her mouth with scotch tape.

About an hour later.

The car was parked at the gate of an old abandoned factory. The gangsters didn't know how to be sympathetic, so they pushed and dragged You Qian to a room, and quickly locked the door.




He took a few photos of You Qian one after another, with a burly figure, stared at You Qian at the fierce man, touched his chin: "This little girl is so pretty."

After finishing speaking, she reached out to touch You Qian's face, but You Qian immediately turned her head away.

The man stared and stretched out his hand with displeasure on his face. His companion suddenly knocked off his claws and cursed: "Until the matter is settled, this woman cannot move."

"Bah!" The man spit out a mouthful of saliva, glanced at Youqian a few times with naked and evil eyes, and said unwillingly, "What's wrong with touching two? Who knows?"

"Damn it, I told you to stop. You can do whatever you want after finishing the business." Companion A cursed and knocked off his hand: "Sooner or later you will die of lust|desire."

Listening to the few people's words, You Qian guessed that this was a group of desperadoes, and it was obvious that no matter what the result was, the other party had no intention of letting her go.what to do
His hands were tied backside down, his feet couldn't move, and he couldn't even utter a sound. He squatted on the ground with his knees bent, and You Qian lowered his head, wanting to cry without tears.

If she couldn't be saved in time, what would happen to the child in her womb?
She died as soon as she died, but the child has only been in the world for two months, and has not yet seen the world, so she is going to follow her?You Qian gritted his teeth, very much resisting to believe this result.

A kidnapper was guarding the room, another burly man who wanted to blaspheme You Qian was guarding the outside, and another was guarding the gate. The division of labor between the three was clear, and it was difficult for You Qian to find a loophole.

"Has the photo been sent?"

"Send it to the other party."

"How does the boss respond?"

"He said he got us a few fake household registrations in the Philippines. After we're done, go hide there for a while, and come back after the limelight passes."

Although she lowered her head, You Qian kept listening to their conversation carefully, but she couldn't figure it out at all, she only vaguely guessed that this group of people planned to threaten someone with their own photos.

This person is Song Zhicheng?
Those who can threaten Song Zhicheng with themselves are obviously not Li Yali or Bai Yalan and others. These people don't need to use such indecent methods now.So is it Song Zhicheng's opponent in the business field?
You Qian remembered that before going out, she suddenly found that the number of guards in the old house had inexplicably increased. She didn't think it was strange at the time, but now that she thinks about it, You Qian really hates herself for being so vigilant.

Moreover, Song Zhicheng told himself two days ago that he should stay in the old house well and spend more time with his grandfather.At that time, his tone was very bad, and You Qian only felt that Song Zhicheng was deliberately angry with himself, and did not understand the deep meaning of his words.

Annoyance, remorse, mixed in You Qian's heart, at this moment the door opened suddenly, and the burly man stepped in, opened his mouth, and smiled at You Qian with his yellow teeth bared.

"The boss called and asked to take a video."

"The other party didn't respond, did they not receive it? This time, send him a sharp message." After speaking, he tore off You Qian's shirt, exposing half of his shoulders in an instant.

Fair, delicate collarbone, soft skin... Coupled with a look of distress, You Qian at this time has a kind of tenderness, which is very attractive.

Sucking his saliva, the kidnapper sighed: "Song Zhicheng is very beautiful, women are so beautiful, no wonder they are so well hidden."

Sure enough, it was almost the same as I guessed.

You Qian raised her head slightly and stared at the other party fiercely.


The burly man who hit someone didn't seem to have the slightest thought of pity and tenderness. This slap was thrown down without warning, and a red mark immediately appeared on You Qian's fair and tender face. It echoed with the previous one, one left and one right, You Qian He looked even more embarrassed.

The other partner just watched and didn't stop.

Women, to these desperadoes, are obviously just a living toy. Of course, they will not have too much pity or sympathy for toys.

"Be honest with me."

"If you stare again, I'll dig it out." After beating someone, he threatened You Qian by the way.

"What's going on? Why didn't Song Zhicheng respond at all? Isn't it Song Zhicheng's woman? How could it be wrong?" the kidnapper muttered.

Accomplice A said: "Impossible, we have been guarding for so long, it is impossible to find the wrong person." He believed in his intuition, and he finally caught the opportunity to catch the wrong person. ?

The kidnappers did not want to believe this possibility.

"Could it be that? The one named Li Sha? She is Song Zhicheng's real woman?" The kidnapper muttered, "I heard from the sixth son that Song Zhicheng met Li Sha a few days ago."

"I should have known better to catch that one."

The other person looked solemn: "But that little star, there are too many people around, it is even more difficult to catch than this."

You Qian was listening carefully, but suddenly heard that Song Zhicheng had met Li Sha, and he said that he was very busy these days, and he was so busy that he didn't even call home.


With a sad smile, You Qian stared at the cold concrete floor absently.

"Boss has a message."

"You said Song Zhicheng wanted to call?" the kidnapper was taken aback.

As soon as the voice fell to the ground, the bell rang, and the kidnapper hurriedly picked up the phone directly, and opened his mouth to yell: "My surname is Song, your woman is in our hands, if you know her, just..."

The receiver went silent for a moment.

A cold voice came out: "I am Song Zhicheng."

You Qian raised her head suddenly when she heard Song Zhicheng's voice.

Song Zhicheng's voice was cold, word by word came to the ears of everyone present: "I don't know the woman in your hand at all, so, you can deal with it as you please."

 The second update, good night everyone\(^o^)/~
(End of this chapter)

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