Chapter 155
After You Qian finished filming "Looking for the Track", Tang Zheng arranged for her to be a cameo in the next movie. Her role was a house girl with high IQ and low EQ. She appeared in several scenes with a serious face He told some cold jokes on his face, the filming process went smoothly, and You Qian passed it all in one go.

The play party is very satisfied.

After finishing all the work at hand in a hurry, Tang Zheng did not arrange any work for You Qian. There was no way, because after three months of pregnancy, You Qian could no longer cover her stomach.

After losing her job, You Qian had some free time. Before going to New York to accompany her grandfather, she went back to her hometown, Xiaohe Village, which was a small village with poor traffic.

Layers of clouds and fog blocked the road ahead, and the car drove very slowly. It took more than ten minutes to cover a few hundred meters. After turning a corner, You Qian stopped.

"I'll get out of the car."

"Walk over there."

The driver looked embarrassed, their responsibility was to protect You Qian, if something unexpected happened and Mr. Song got angry, who would be responsible?

You Qian smiled slightly: "It's okay, it's just an hour's walk, you all follow me."

The entourage couldn't resist You Qian's agreement. Moreover, in this kind of road conditions, driving may not be as fast as walking. In addition, the only road leading to Xiaohe Village can't enter the car at all, and you need to walk to the back. Get off now, just in advance. It took a while.

Smelling the stench of the soil, You Qian stopped and looked at the surrounding scenery, and suddenly found that the places she was familiar with had become a little strange in recent years.

For example, this road is more than twice as wide. The reinforced concrete pavement feels very solid. Even the roadside has built guardrails, and the hillside has been specially reinforced. With such layers of protection, it is estimated that it will be difficult for landslides to occur after heavy rains. ...

Xiaohe Village is just a small village with a population of about [-]. It is located in a depression. It used to be so poor that it didn't even have electricity. In the past two years, not only have roads been repaired, but electricity has been connected. I heard that even the Internet can be connected...

In the past, the whole village lived on nothing but a few acres of Susukida, picking herbs in the mountains, drying the herbs, and then traversing the mountains to exchange for some money, and buying some rations to feed the whole family.

The reason for this change is that the villagers in Xiaohe Village only know that it is a big boss who has taken a fancy to the scenery of the village and wants to spend a lot of money to invest in the construction of the village.

Changes have been evident over the years.

The improvement of life, the villagers are of course very happy, and they are very grateful to the big boss, but the big boss behind him has never shown up in public, and entrusted his assistant to handle the whole process. The villagers just want to thank them in person, but there is no way.

The villagers didn't know, but You Qian knew it very well.

The big boss behind the scenes is Song Zhicheng. When he planned to help Xiaohe Village, he told You Qian in advance that he hoped to build the village in You Qian's name.

You Qian did not agree.It was Song Zhicheng who contributed the money and efforts. She did nothing and didn't want to accept the gratitude from the villagers, so Song Zhicheng concealed this matter the whole time.

After living in the Song family, You Qian would go back to the village to visit her mother's grave every year. She saw the changes in the village over the years and was not surprised.

After walking for half an hour, a tall and tall maple tree appeared in front of it. The fiery red leaves were swinging in the wind and falling down. The ground was already covered with a thick layer of bright red leaves.

You Qian suddenly stopped, staring at the tree for a few seconds. The maple tree, more than [-] meters high, stood under the tree, almost blocking all the sunlight.

The tree is still there.

Still so beautiful.

Under the tree, the stone platform she once sat with Song Zhicheng is still there.

Seeing all this, the originally calm lake of heart began to tumbling uncontrollably again, You Qian frowned slightly, stretched out her hand to press her heart.

After a while, You Qian turned his gaze away and continued walking.

At the end of the road, there is a river. The bridge built is not yet completed, so we can only cross the river by ferry.After waiting for a while, a boat docked on the shore.

The uncle who sailed the boat knew You Qian well. You Qian's mother used to be a doctor and the only teacher in the village. She was very loved by the villagers in the village.

You smiled and greeted the other party: "Uncle, it's lucky to meet you, otherwise I would have to wait for a long time for the boat to arrive.

The boatman smiled and shook his head: "It's not like before. Years ago, the county sent someone to transfer the communication line, and our house also installed a telephone. Do you see it there?" Pointing to the sign hanging next to the tree, There is a phone number on it.

"If you want to go back to the village, a phone call comes, and I will sail out to pick you up right away. It's very convenient. Speaking of which, I really want to thank the big boss." When the uncle of the boatman said this, his eyes and brows were full of smiles .

You Qian: "That's really good."

"Qianqian, why did you come back suddenly?" the boatman asked.

You smiled and said, "Suddenly I wanted to come back and take a look, so I came back."

The boatman said: "You young people, run out. The world outside is big, so we need to go out and see more. We old guys can't do much work, otherwise I have to go out and see what the big cities are like."

You Qian: "After the bridge is repaired, it will be fine."

The boatman raised his eyebrows: "That is."

After the boatman stopped the boat, a group of people got off the boat. The uncle of the boatman suddenly remembered something and said, "Qianqian, do you still remember your father? A few days ago, he sent someone to look for you."

"It's just that our village didn't leave your contact information, and we don't know where you are..." Everyone only knows that after Teacher You passed away, You Qian was adopted by a wealthy family that Teacher You had helped. She came back in a hurry once a year. There was no phone call for some years, and no one thought of leaving contact information.

You Qian froze, and turned around in doubt: "Uncle, do you mean my father?" In You Qian's memory, she never had a father. She followed her mother's surname. When she was older, she heard from the villagers that her father He was originally the son-in-law of the You family, but after going out to work, he never came back.

These years, there was no news at all, and everyone in the village thought that something happened to him.

The boatman frowned, and said: "I heard that the business has prospered these years, so I want to go back to the village to find you and Mr. You. If you want me to say, your father is very unkind. If he wants to recognize you, you must not agree to it." "The hardships of the You family's mother and daughter over the years have been seen by everyone in the village.

The boatman glanced at Youqian quietly, with an extraordinary temperament, and then glanced at the few people standing beside her. There were so many people following her, and they were taller than the leaders of the county. Obviously, life is easy. Since life is easy, why not Why do you want to recognize the father who left you behind when you were young?

You Qian pursed her lips, feeling very complicated, "What did he say? Or did he leave anything?"

The boatman shook his head and said: "No way, people in our village have never met your father, but the two who heard said that they were your father's assistants, it seems that they didn't leave any words. I heard that Mr. You passed away, and you were taken away by others. Adopted, they left right away."

 Thank you for the reward\(^o^)/~
  Goodnight everybody.

  I've been stuck recently, and I'll give you more when I clear my mind.

(End of this chapter)

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