Chapter 169
Pulling out the chair, You Qian sat down generously for the two of them to look at.After a while, the woman's eyes were faintly satisfied, but the man seemed not too satisfied, and his eyes kept looking directly at You Qian sharply.

With a smile in his eyes, You Qian raised his eyes and looked over.

The eyes of the two collided, and the pickiness in the man's eyes was not concealed at all. You Qian raised the corners of his lips and asked, "Can you tell me directly, is there anything you are dissatisfied with about me?"

"Children are ignorant." Tang Zheng came out to smooth things over at the right time, scolded You Qian, and said, "Go away."

You Qian: "..."

Little child... Could it be his own illusion of that strong mother's tone?You Qian sighed suddenly, now she really felt like she was receiving guests.

However, Tang Zheng's tone didn't sound harsh, it was just adjusting the atmosphere of the scene.You Qian didn't pay much attention to it, and continued to let the man opposite him scrutinize her.

Tang Zheng beckoned the waiter to hand over the menu, and helped You Qian finish ordering on his own initiative, and then handed it over to Zhou Jia, letting her order her favorite food.

Zhou Jia expressed sympathy to You Qian.

You Qian had nothing to complain about.As an artist, strictly controlling body shape is the basic professional ethics.When she was pregnant, she decided to give birth without permission, which disrupted Tang Zheng's series of plans. Now that she is back, You Qian has decided not to indulge her appetite, but also to work hard.

You Qian poured a glass of red wine, shook it lightly at the other party, and then took a sip.

Of course Tang Zheng would not let the other party continue to evaluate his own person, he first broke the silence and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, you have seen my artist."

Chen Tianxiang restrained the sharpness in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Mr. Tang, to be honest, I think her image is indeed very good, but it still feels a little bit worse."

Tang Zheng twirled the pen lightly with his fingers. Hearing this, he was not annoyed. Instead, he smiled and said, "You have seen our sincerity. As for your sincerity, Mr. Chen, we don't seem to feel it."

You Qian smacked his tongue.

Do you want to be so tit for tat?
What role is this talking about?According to Tang Zheng, he was already looking for a script for himself. When he came here temporarily, although Tang Zheng seemed calm, but after working together for a long time, You Qian could feel that Tang Zheng cared more about this script.

Surprised by Tang Zheng's reaction, You Qian remained calm.

Chen Tianxiang also laughed, smiling gently: "Well, I do feel your sincerity, but Miss You is a little short, please forgive me for being too picky, because I have to be responsible for the drama I directed."

In You Qian's mind, he quickly thought about a director who is famous for his rigor in the industry and is so young. After searching, he couldn't find the answer. Could this person be a new director?

You Qian was neither humble nor overbearing, and took over the words: "Forgive me for not agreeing with Mr. Chen's point of view. You said that my feeling is not so good, so I can directly think that what you are looking for is someone who completely matches the character in the play? Then I It is recommended that you try to make animations instead of finding actors to play this role. After all, the job of an actor is to interpret the character through the ability to express the feeling. If you completely follow the character design of the script, it is already out of the scope of acting."

"This is a kind of disrespect for any actor." You Qian finished with a smile.

The astonishment in Chen Tianxiang's eyes disappeared in a flash. Although the lady next to him kept silent, she patiently listened to the conversation of the few people. After listening to You Qian's remarks, she also raised her head and looked at You Qian again.

Of course, after refuting the other party, You Qian gave his own conclusion in a timely manner: "So, I made a bold guess, and you said that I was close, was it because of my momentum?"

You Qian looked back at the other party, his eyes were neither dodging nor flickering.

At this time, You Qian had sharp eyes, and his whole body showed his sharpness. It was a thousand miles away from the harmless and gentle appearance just now. For a moment, it completely overwhelmed the aura of the two of them just now.

Chen Tianxiang didn't say a word.

Mrs. Chen smiled: "Miss You, Mr. Tang. Don't listen to Lao Chen's nonsense. He just said that he is very satisfied with you in his heart. I have seen so many actors, and you are the most suitable actor I have ever seen. A person with character temperament and aura.”

You Qian: "I'm very honored."

After You Qian took over the quarrel, Tang Zheng didn't say anything more. First, he wanted to test You Qian, and second, he also wanted to see the reaction of Chen Tianxiang and his wife.

As for Zhou Jia?She is just a decoration, and she comes to eat with her.

Chen Tianxiang's eyebrows suddenly widened, and when he looked at You Qian, he restrained his sharpness, and asked politely, "I've seen a few of your works since your debut."

Is this prepared for myself?

You Qian understands, and she has more confidence in her heart.

At this time, Chen Tianxiang has become a sensible and gentle gentleman. He said with a smile: "Miss You, I would like to ask you a question now. From the critical point of view of the industry, "Looking" is also a high-quality work. After "The Tracker" was released, you have successfully transferred to the film industry, I thought that you and your team would continue to develop on the big screen in the future, so I wasn't sure how interested you were in the small screen beforehand."

This can be regarded as explaining the reason for the tit-for-tat confrontation just now.

Chen Tianxiang then asked: "So, you and your team are not opposed to continuing to act in small screen dramas?" The TV circle and the film circle are two different circles. Almost everyone believes that the film circle is more compelling. After entering the film industry, a considerable number of artists are not even willing to act in TV dramas.

Chen Tianxiang seems to treat You Qian in the same way.

Mrs. Chen took a look at Chen Tianxiang, looked at You Qian and Tang Zheng with a little apology, and helped to explain again: "Old Chen is just supercilious. I didn't agree to that episode just now. He insisted on singing a one-man show by himself." , In fact, after my script was finished, I searched for a role in the circle for a long time, since I saw you, I fell in love with you at a glance, so please don't mind."

You Qian took advantage of the situation to restrain her aura and returned to the appearance of a gentle and harmless little white sheep. She pursed her lips and smiled: "Mr. Chen and Mrs. Chen are serious. I don't mind your temptation. My answer to the question just now is I have been waiting for a good script and production team. Whether it is a big screen or a small screen, as long as it meets my requirements, then I will accept it.”

You Qian's answer is a little domineering.She is talking about a good script, not a role that suits her, which shows that she is quite confident in herself.

Both Chen Tianxiang and Mrs. Chen's eyes lit up. Just as Chen Tianxiang was about to speak, Tang Zheng stopped the conversation in good time: "So, now is the time for us to understand the sincerity of Mr. Chen and Mrs. Chen."

Chen Tianxiang: "Of course."

With a little eagerness, Chen Tianxiang pushed the notebook in his hand towards You Qian and Tang Zheng.

 After reading your message, many parents are very resentful about the fees. My little heart, I also feel very distressed. I think I will lose a lot of lovely little angels from now on.

  sorry sorry...

  If you have no money, wait until you have money.Well, Duojin and Gungun are waiting for everyone to make money and then come to take care of them~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦

(End of this chapter)

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