Did the actress get divorced today?

Chapter 177: Daming Lakeside

Chapter 177: Daming Lakeside
The flashing light clicked.

The beauty on the screen walked out slowly with calm steps. As soon as she appeared on the stage, she instantly became the focus, attracting everyone's attention.The audience, who were staring at the screen a little casually, cheered up and stared at the camera intently.

"Who is this?" Those who didn't know You Qian inevitably had question marks.

"It's so beautiful!" This is the common thought of all You Qian's fans.Speaking of a strange phenomenon, the so-called same-sex repels and opposite-sex attracts is very reasonable. It stands to reason that most of the fans of male artists are women, while most of the fans of female artists are men.When it came to You Qian, it was just the opposite.

For You Qian's fans, the ratio of male to female is 3:7, which means that out of ten fans, about seven are female.Although the ratio of fans of the multi-gold alliance association managed by Xia Han is better, it has reached a ratio of 4:6.As a woman, You Qian attracts mostly female fans, which is really strange.

The loyalty of these fans is also particularly high.

According to Xia Han's own later understanding, the reason why everyone likes You Qian is similar to her. This girl is very cute and beautiful. Watching her film and television works is simply a kind of enjoyment.

Xia Han didn't dare to be distracted to think about other things at this time, and stared at the screen without blinking.

The long skirt on You Qian's body is a long skirt with some elements of Hanfu, but it is not as cumbersome and spacious as Hanfu, and it just shows You Qian's graceful figure.Her hair was rolled up to form a sideburn, revealing a fair and graceful neck, with a proper smile on her mouth, and the makeup on her face was not too gaudy, and her slender eyebrows and eyes had a kind of graceful look like an ancient lady. Gorgeous, slightly dazzled by the audience, this moment seems to turn back time suddenly, bringing everyone into the illusion of ancient noble ladies with elegant demeanor. Every time You Qian takes a step, her steps are always calm, step by step. It is convenient for media reporters to take pictures. Although it is the first time she walks on the red carpet, You Qian grasps the camera position very accurately. Every shot, when her face is photographed, her frown and smile are all graceful and calm. .

The hem of the skirt is raised, accompanied by the rhythmic sound of high heels, You Qian's demeanor is dignified, she is confident and beautiful...

This road seems to be very long... The audience's eyes and hearts were all brought into that beautiful realm, and time seemed to freeze at that moment.

This road seems to be very short...Because everyone has not regained their senses, the camera turned to the next guest.Everyone's heads were suddenly circled, and they asked the same question.

Why is it gone?

Can it be played back?
When You Qian walked to the host alone, she saw He Ziwei standing aside, the astonishment in her eyes flashed away, the host was waiting there, her eyes were already eager, she quickly picked up the microphone, impatient to talk to You Qian , You smiled and answered one by one.

After the interview was over, the host let him go. You Qian turned around and asked He Ziwei who was standing quietly, "Ziwei, why haven't you entered yet?"

He Ziwei dressed very formally today, like other male stars in suits and leather shoes, with a smoke blue pinstriped shirt and a dark gray coat, which made his raised figure even more slender. The expression on his face was very serious. Get rid of the usual hippie smiling face, now there is a kind of stability of an elite man.

"I'm waiting for you." He Ziwei said.

"Wait for me?" You Qian was puzzled.

This is the host station. The two of them have not completely left, so many shots are not far away, which means that the two are still under the spotlight. I planned to go with you, and it was my turn to enter at that time, and it was too late to adjust..."

Oh, I see.

You Qian smiled, "It's okay, I came here alone."

He Ziwei suddenly reached out and rubbed You Qian's head lightly: "Yes! You came here! It was very beautiful just now, and it was a beautiful counterattack. I believe King Xia must regret it now. After today, when the news comes out tomorrow, you Definitely the best red carpet look."

"Ah... don't rub my head. My hair will be messed up..." You Qian protested, but smiled brightly. It is really a very happy thing to have a friend who really cares about yourself Son.

He Ziwei withdrew his hand and said with a smile: "Ah, I just want to see if your hair can be messed up. It's really strong, and it won't mess up at all."

While talking, He Ziwei stretched out his magic palm again.

This time, You Qian was prepared and avoided it in a hurry.

He Ziwei felt regretful, and then said: "Let's go in."

When the words fell to the ground, He Ziwei stretched out his arm, and You Qian handed it over. Just as he was about to enter the arena, he heard someone shouting, "Hey! Wait a minute."

The two turned back at the same time.

The other party smiled: "Can I help you take a photo together?"

These two people match very well now, handsome man and beautiful woman, very seductive, if they don't take a group photo, I really feel sorry for the media's camera.

This was originally a photo zone, You Qian and He Ziwei looked at each other with a smile, and generously let the reporters take as many photos as they wanted, and the two left after the reporters had enjoyed the photos.

You Qian whispered: "Tomorrow, there will definitely be our scandal."

He Ziwei immediately glared, and deliberately said in embarrassment: "Are you still wronged? Tell me the gossip, it's cheap for you, and you'll be good if you get the benefits."

You Qian stuck out her tongue and laughed, "The thing you did just now was impulsive, right? It's just that you discussed it with your agency beforehand?"

He Ziwei said with a bitter face, "No, I will definitely be scolded later."

You Qian reached out and patted He Ziwei on the back vigorously: "Good buddy, you are so loyal!"

Spreading gossip with colleagues, if it can be mutually beneficial, is fine. For example, if one party has news, it will definitely spread to the other person, but if it cannot be mutually beneficial, then it is a business that is harmful but not beneficial.

He Ziwei is currently one of the hottest little fresh meats in China, with countless fans, and You Qian, her popularity has only accumulated in the past year, and because of her long-term low-key, her popularity has declined a lot. According to the appearance Look, it must be He Ziwei's loss to spread the scandal with You Qian.

He Ziwei didn't care about the future impact, and said carelessly: "I'm the He Ziwei you stayed by the Daming Lake, of course I will help you without hesitation, there is no way, who made us have a bad relationship."

You smiled slightly.

The two entered the arena hand in hand.

After entering, they were about to separate, because the seats were not arranged together, You Qian waved at He Ziwei: "Ziwei, come on, try to win the grand prize!"

This time at the Golden Flower Festival, He Ziwei was nominated for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor.

He Ziwei raised his eyebrows towards You Qian, and made an OK gesture.

 I am confused and dazzled.I correct it.

  Thank you for the reward of the cute little angel who can't go back to the memory.I love you

(End of this chapter)

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