Chapter 180 Best Actress

This is a very important award in the country. Of course You Qian wants to win this award, so she is very nervous inside, but she dare not show the slightest emotion on the face, otherwise it will be embarrassing.

The hearts of the audience followed suit.

The fans silently prayed in their hearts: "It must be my idol! Please! It must be!"

Ming Yong was facing the microphone, his mouth opened and closed, and the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became quiet. The expressions on the faces of several nominated female stars were similar to those of You Qian.

Li Sha, who was not far from You Qian's seat, suddenly turned her head and glanced in You Qian's direction. This action happened to be caught by the camera, which immediately aroused heated discussions.

"Hey! Did you notice? The direction Li Sha was looking at just now was You Qian's place?"

"Why did Li Sha turn back?"

"What did Li Sha mean just now?"

"Li Sha and my family, Duojin, don't know each other. Her expression is a bit strange... Actually, I don't dislike her. She is more like a Chinese actress who breaks into Hollywood and wins glory for the country. But if she and Duojin , let me choose one, I will definitely choose my family's rich gold. My family's rich gold is the best!"


The doubts in the audience's minds have not been answered yet. Mingyong has announced the final answer: "The best actress is... Li Sha from "Beauty in the Beacon Fire"!"

"Papa papa..." Enthusiastic applause erupted immediately.

The assistant next to Li Sha immediately helped her lower the skirt, Li Sha stood up gracefully, smiled dignifiedly when facing the audience, and stretched out her hand to say hello.

Mingyong smiled: "Congratulations Li Sha."

Li Sha walked slowly towards the podium with small steps.

After announcing the result, the camera was of course shown to You Qian, who was still smiling. This time, You Qian smiled brightly and clapped her hands together.

You Qian's nervousness just now dissipated all of a sudden. What should I say about this result?Not unexpected.

Tang Zheng approached suddenly, and whispered into You Qian's ear, "It's because I didn't do a good job in public relations. We will win other awards in the future."

Is this consolation?

You Qian blushed, Ah Zheng's comforting words didn't sound sweet at all, if it were someone with a serious mind, he would definitely blame him.

You Qian lowered her voice, nodded vigorously and said, "Okay!"

In fact, this Golden Flower Festival, with You Qian's performance, can definitely win the Best Actress, but the jury at the Golden Flower Festival has always been less inclined towards young actresses, and feels that young actors are not mature enough. Can't afford such an important award.You Qian has only officially debuted for more than a year, and to the judges, he is still a complete rookie.

Beforehand, Tang Zheng said that You Qian had a [-]-[-] chance of winning the award, but after winning the award in Xia Tian, ​​both You Qian and Tang Zheng understood that her chance of winning the award was already very low.

Therefore, after Mingyong announced the result, the two were not too disappointed.

But the multi-gold fans in front of the screen were very disappointed.

The multi-gold alliance group has a gloomy atmosphere.

"I don't know if it's because I didn't live up to expectations. When I heard that it wasn't Duojin, my tears flowed out... woooooo...why isn't it Duojin?"

"There is definitely a shady scene. Li Sha's "Beauty in the Beacon Fire" is simply the backbone of the bad movie industry. Not only is the plot bad, but the box office is also fake. How could she win the best actress?"

"I cried too."

“啊啊啊……好难受啊,我多金明明那么棒,《寻踪》的演技简直了,给了我很大的震撼,这部影片从头到尾,无论演员的表演,还是剧情的跌宕The ups and downs, or the quality of the film, are so attractive, how can "The Beacon of the Beacon" compare?"

"It is suspected that the judges knelt and licked Li Sha. This is the award given to her. After all, she is one of the few Chinese movie stars who broke into Hollywood. The way the judges knelt and licked is too ugly."

"I can't stop my tears. I don't know if Duo Jin is suffering? I really want to hug her and comfort her."

"Duo Jin is the best heroine forever in my eyes!"

"Don't be sad. There are still a lot of opportunities in the future. Objectively speaking, according to the award setting of the Golden Flower Festival, if you win the leading actor in the summer, it is impossible for you to win the award again. So Li Sha took it. It's the general trend."

"I hate summer so much!"

"I hate Xia Tian so much! It's all his fault! He squeezed out my family's multi-gold award."

The anger of the fans came very quickly. After all, when Xia Tian made trouble at the awards ceremony, it made You Qian very ugly. Now that You Qian didn't win the award, of course he hated Xia Tian even more.

The president of the alliance, Xia Han watched everyone's chat in silence, her heart felt sore and swollen, she wiped her face and wiped the tears with her hands.

From the opening of the Golden Flower Festival to the presentation of various awards.You Qian suffered several grievances. As her die-hard fans, the fans of course expect You Qian to win the grand prize and then slap those people hard in the face.

But... reality is not a drama, it is not how you want it to be performed, you can't play it as you want, You Qian didn't win the award, the fans said it was not disappointed, but they were more wronged by You Qian.

Among the die-hard fans, many people were wronged and cried because of this.

At this time, Li Sha had already stood on the podium, smiling and looking at the audience, her momentum was overwhelming, and her eyes swept towards You Qian's direction as if there was nothing.

Soon, it was the turn of the award presenters.

Ming Yong held up the microphone and said with a smile: "Next, we will invite a heavyweight award presenter—Mr. Chen Zhiliang, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Huaguo Film Golden Flower Awards Association, to present the award to Ms. Li Sha for Best Actress."

As Ming Yong's voice fell to the ground, the audience applauded again.

Where the camera did not capture, Li Sha's face was slightly stunned. This unexpected look almost disappeared in a flash, and the camera did not capture it. She quickly raised her smiling face and waited for Mr. Chen Zhiliang to present her with an award. .

The awards ceremony was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Before the results of Best Actress came out, Xia Tian had already returned to sit in the audience, looking at the smiling Li Sha on the stage, Xia Tian turned to You Qian, and the corners of her mouth curled up.

You Qian's expression didn't change in any way.

You Qian knew that the atmosphere in the arena was very subtle, and there must be a lot of people waiting to see his jokes. If nothing else, just that summer, when he looked at him just now, the malice and mockery in his eyes could not be stopped ...

At this time, I shouldn't even show a trace of frustration, otherwise, the media will definitely describe me as losing the award, and then losing my demeanor...

In short, the media likes to write this type of article the most.

After receiving the award, Li Sha began to give her acceptance speech sincerely.

As for what Li Sha said, You Qian didn't listen carefully, because she found that Song Zhicheng, who was sitting in the corner, was very inconspicuous and no one noticed, suddenly stood up.

 I will thank you later for the reward list, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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