Chapter 2
Song Zhicheng left, You Qian opened his eyes until the sky was bright.

Unfortunately, today is a cloudy and rainy day, and it is raining outside the window, just like her mood.

When the phone rang, You Qian pulled himself together and glanced at it, and saw that it was a memo she had set: There is a scene at the film and television city at eleven o'clock today.

You Qian put on her makeup in a hurry, and when she was ready, she called her manager, Sister Xuefen.

The phone rang for a long time before Chen Xuefen answered it with a cold attitude: "What's the matter?"

You Qian hesitated and asked: "Sister Xuefen, I have a scene at eleven o'clock, will the company send a car to pick me up?" You Qian could actually drive there by herself, she asked Chen Xuefen first, because she was worried that the company had already made arrangements.

There are two cars in the garage of You Qian's current apartment, both of which are very low-key and popular models.As the young mistress of the Song family, Song Zhicheng has never wronged You Qian in material terms. When You Qian first chose a car, in order to better hide her identity as the young mistress of the Song family, You Qian chose a very ordinary car, because it was not necessary to drive it. Worry about attracting people's attention.

Chen Xuefen was very impatient after hearing this: "It's just a few minutes of scenes, why send a car? You take a taxi there by yourself."

Hearing this, You Qian felt uncomfortable, she held the phone tightly, there was a reason for Chen Xuefen's indifferent attitude towards her.After graduating from the most famous film and television academy in China last year, You Qian signed a contract with Central Entertainment and was assigned to Chen Xuefen. You Qian didn't cooperate in various ways, refused to accompany him when he arranged dinners, and didn't cooperate when he arranged commercial performances. Chen Xuefen's patience with You Qian had run out in the past year.

Chen Xuefen even made things difficult for You Qian on purpose, and refused to arrange for You Qian to take over the role during this period of time. The one-off show she received now was still led by Jiang Chuchu, and Chen Xuefen gave You Qian the role.

Jiang Chuchu is You Qian's junior sister from the same school. She signed with Central Entertainment for more than a year and acted in two youth idol dramas. She is now a well-known female star.

You Qian said, "Understood."

Chen Xuefen seemed to think of something, and added: "By the way, there is a shortage of assistants at Chuchu. I temporarily assigned your assistant Tang Yan to Chuchu. You are in the same crew, so you should take care of each other. When you are on the crew, don't mess with Chuchu." trouble."

After speaking, Chen Xuefen quickly hung up the phone.

Without even asking, he sent his assistant to Jiang Chuchu. As far as You Qian knew, Jiang Chuchu only had two life assistants, and now he is still robbing him?

You Qian had no choice but to endure the discomfort in her heart.

Before going out, she picked up the divorce agreements scattered in the living room, tidied them up one by one, and stacked them neatly. During this time, her eyes caught a glimpse of the divorce compensation, and she couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Song Zhicheng is generous, if You Qian signs the agreement, then the property she gets will be able to support her for the rest of her life without having to do any work.Give up his acting career, sleep with him for five years, and take care of his daily life carefully and properly like a nanny, in exchange for this property.In fact, when you think about it, she is not at all a loss. After all, this is money that ordinary people can't earn even if they work hard for a lifetime, but she only spent five years getting it, and what she lost was only her own heart.

Tied to Song Zhicheng's body, his heart was riddled with holes.

After wiping away her tears, You Qian drove towards the film and television city at an extremely fast speed.

Even though it was raining, the surrounding area of ​​the film and television city was still lively. Fans of several celebrities held signs to support their idols, including Jiang Chuchu's fan group.

Along the way, You Qian didn't look sideways, found a parking space and parked the car.

After getting off the car, when You Qian passed by the group of fans, someone suddenly asked, "Hey, who is that? He looks so beautiful and has a temperament, is he a celebrity?"

After finishing speaking, he was despised by his companions: "I've never heard of such a character, it's probably just a trick, which celebrity walks alone without a manager or assistant by his side?"

"Hmph... If you can become a star just by being pretty, then I can debut too."

You Qian ignored the malice behind him, and showed his ID to enter the film and television studio. Because of the rain, the crew temporarily changed the scenes, and they were shooting an indoor scene at the moment.

After You Qian entered, she finally found her assistant Tang Yan.

Tang Yan is a college student who has just graduated and is very motivated in her work, but she was assigned to You Qian's side as soon as she joined the company.Not to mention the bonus this year, Tang Yan was often excluded by her colleagues in the company. Now that she finally had the opportunity to be with the popular Jiang Chuchu, Tang Yan naturally tried her best to please her.

If Jiang Chuchu was happy and asked her to go there, he wouldn't have to mess around with You Qian, this was Tang Yan's plan.

Therefore, as soon as she saw You Qian, Tang Yan put away the smile on her face, and said as if she was coping: "Qian Qian, why did you come here? It's going to be your part later, go and get ready for makeup." , by the way, change your clothes."

After speaking, Tang Yan hurriedly led You Qian to make up.

During the make-up break, You Qian hurriedly asked: "Xiaoyan, do you have a script? Don't I need to check the script in advance?" When taking over the play, Chen Xuefen said that not only can she show her face, but she also has lines, and the lines are more than one or two lines.

After hearing this, Tang Yan waved her hand and said, "The lines are very simple, you don't need to memorize them."

While the two were talking, the make-up artist who put on You Qian's makeup suddenly said impatiently: "Don't talk, be careful not to spoil my makeup, and I told you not to open your eyes, can't you understand people's words?" ?”

The makeup artist's attitude was a little too much. You Qian always believed in being kind to others, and felt that since her opening her eyes affected the makeup artist's work, she should cooperate well, so she closed her eyes.

Tang Yan saw that You Qian was so soft-tempered, and she didn't know how to resist being rubbed round and flattened. She was slightly displeased, and said with a smile on her face, "Qianqian, you put on your makeup first, and I'll tell you after you've put on your makeup." lines."

"Okay, open your eyes."

After a while, the makeup artist left the words and began to organize things, preparing to do makeup for the next actress who will play a role in the role.

When You Qian opened her eyes, she was shocked.In the huge vanity mirror, his face was covered with messy red marks, as if on fire, so ugly that it would scare even a ghost.

"What... is this character?" You Qian looked at Tang Yan with eyes full of confusion.

Even with a terrifying face, You Qian's eyes are still too beautiful, but it's a pity that there is nothing scheming about her beauty, and she is destined to become cannon fodder in the fierce competition in the entertainment industry. Tang Yan sighed in her heart, and said with a dry smile : "A maid who has suffered a disfigurement, Qianqian, wait a minute, I'll show you the script."

Then Tang Yan hurriedly took out the notebook from her bag.

You Qian quickly glanced at the script, and immediately understood the role she was playing.The disfigured maid next to Princess Ruyue, the second heroine of the martial arts TV series "Laughing Jianghu", because she was jealous of Princess Ruyue's beauty, she wanted to frame the princess, but the princess saw it through. He ordered his followers to drag the maid down and beat her to death with sticks.The main purpose of the design of this play is to highlight the princess's savage willfulness.

Youqian's lines throughout the whole process were only crying and begging for mercy: "Princess, the slave is wrong, I beg the princess to spare the life of the slave..."

This line is simple and easy to remember, and there is really no need to specially correct the script.

You Qian lowered his head and looked at the cast list again, Jiang Chuchu played the role of Princess Ruyue.

In other words, it was Jiang Chuchu who was playing against him this time.

(End of this chapter)

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