Did the actress get divorced today?

Chapter 202 The Secret Is Not Here

Chapter 202 The Secret Is Not Here
The sky after the rain was as clear as a clear blue. At this moment, the slight breeze in the air contained a hint of coolness, and when it brushed against his face, Tang Zheng only felt that his heart was full of boredom.

Tired and boring!

This emotion is almost uncontrollable. Tang Zheng considers himself a master at controlling emotions, and he still put in a lot of effort to suppress the irritability. He opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Song..."

The smile on Song Zhicheng's lips deepened, and he interrupted what Tang Zheng was about to blurt out, saying: "Mr. Tang, thank you for your concern for my wife. I will take her back."

Tang Zheng's expression was hidden in the shadows, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "As far as I know, Mr. Song and his artist You Qian have already divorced. Who is the wife you are talking about?"

Tang Zheng's provocative words didn't seem to have annoyed Song Zhicheng. He raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on Tang Zheng in a non-heavy manner. His black eyes were as deep as a deep pool: "Mr. Tang seems to be very concerned about our housework. ? I don’t want to talk about housework with outsiders. I’m sorry, but I’ll leave first.”

Song Zhicheng focused on the word "housework", and his words were full of superiority and pride, which made everyone's eyebrows tighten.Tang Zheng's expression remained unchanged, he only raised his chin, narrowed his eyes and cast a glance at Song Zhicheng.

Song Zhicheng has already lowered his head, and carefully looked at You Qian in his arms. He was drunk and confused, and would only stare at you in a bewilderment, ignorant and innocent, exactly the same as his son's eyes.

Unable to help chuckling, Song Zhicheng gathered his arms to prevent the person in his arms from slipping down.

Tang Zheng rubbed the center of his brows. In the invisible contest with Song Zhicheng, he knew that he had lost. Following the two words You Qian said intimately, he had already lost completely, but the loser did not lose. Tang Zheng continued to speak Said: "I think if You Qian is conscious, she will definitely not go with Mr. Song readily."

Song Zhicheng's black eyes shot out a stern light.

Finally annoyed?The corner of Tang Zheng's mouth curled up: "Does Mr. Song think my statement is wrong?"

Song Zhicheng raised his eyes, his eyes intersected with Tang Zheng's in the air, and there was a fierce aura in the eyes of both of them, which made people tremble with fear.

Song Zhicheng suddenly pulled the corners of his lips, and said with a smile: "If Mr. Tang really cares about this question, I will ask her for you when she wakes up. It's getting late, so I will leave."

The driver, Xiao Zhang, has already opened the car door and is waiting aside.

Song Zhicheng strode into the car, and the door slammed shut.

Tang Zheng put his arm on the car door and stared at the car going away. After a while, he clapped his hands, opened the car door, started the car, and also walked away.

Song Zhicheng left, and the people who surrounded the restaurant quickly evacuated.

The surrounding area suddenly emptied, and Zhou Yahua sat in the box, looking at the undamaged hands, feeling annoyed, when suddenly he heard the ringtone, he picked up the phone, glanced at it, and picked it up.

"Hua brother……"

"I'm Lisa."

The delicate female voice sounds very feminine. Zhou Yahua said in a mellow voice: "Oh...it's Lisa? Where did the wind blow from? Why did you call me?"

Li Sha on the other end of the phone giggled, and then replied: "It's not that I heard that Brother Hua, you want to ask me to help you set up a line. I know a sister who is in the same industry, so I'm asking if you still want to help."

Zhou Yahua raised his eyebrows: "Oh, you mean the one named You Qian? Sigh~"

Immediately sighed for a long time, Li Sha was indeed aroused by the sound of the sigh: "Brother Hua, why are you sighing suddenly? This is rare. Yes, she is the younger sister named You Qian. She has good looks and good acting skills." , if you ask her to make a movie, it will definitely be a big hit, last time I heard that you wanted to know her, I was looking for a friend to introduce her."

"It's a pity that I don't know her very well, otherwise I could introduce you directly." Li Sha's voice sounded a little annoyed and regretful, full of guilt for not being able to help her friend.

Zhou Yahua chuckled: "Sigh~ I don't plan to look for her anymore, her men are strict with her."

Li Sha was surprised: "Oh? How should I say it?"

Zhou Yahua sighed: "You don't know yet, do you? She has a lot of background in men. As for who, I believe you must know better than me. I should have waited patiently for you to find a chance to help introduce me. Unfortunately, I couldn't wait. I asked for it privately today. her."

Li Sha was surprised: "Did you find her today?"

Zhou Yahua said: "Xiaosha, do you think Brother Hua has treated you well all these years? Do I have anything to say when you want me to do something?"

Li Sha didn't think so, of course she nodded vigorously: "Brother Hua treats me just like my own brother."

After hearing this, Zhou Yahua smiled reassuringly and said, "Are you familiar with Song Zhicheng of the Song Clan? Please also help me express my apology to him. I am a rough person and act recklessly. Please forgive me. You can handle this matter well." Yes, Brother Hua must be very grateful."

Li Sha's surprise was obviously hard to contain: "You mean Song Zhicheng?"

Zhou Yahua nodded: "Yes, it's him."

Li Sha was silent for a while, and after a little hesitation, she said, "Brother Hua, to be honest, my friendship with him is only so-so."

Zhou Yahua didn't believe it: "You have been spreading rumors with him for so long? Do you have any friendship? You lied to me..." The meaning in the words is not complete, and there is a lot of meaning.

Li Sha was a little annoyed in her heart, still giggling, her laughter turned softly, and she said: "Brother Hua, don't you know about the things in the industry? So don't make fun of me, I just use him to make a joke." It's just fried."

Zhou Yahua said stubbornly: "Since a noble person like Song Zhicheng didn't stop you from continuing to speculate, he must have something else to say. Okay, okay, just a word, Xiaosha, are you willing to help brother?"

At this moment, Li Sha didn't refuse anymore: "Then I'll try, but I can't guarantee it. So, Brother Hua, don't bother me when the time comes?"

Zhou Yahua followed with a smile: "I'll be thankful if you're willing to help, I don't dare to annoy you."

After hanging up the phone, Li Sha threw the phone aside, her face darkened.

After a while, Li Sha twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "It really is her."

Originally thought that Song Zhicheng was single, and with her talent, appearance and means, she could take him down just around the corner, but who knew that Song Zhicheng's attitude had always been indifferent, as if she had no other thoughts about herself.

But Li Sha thought of Song Zhicheng's character and identity, so she didn't take his indifference to heart.Later, she successfully signed Guoshu's endorsement and invited him to dinner. Although he refused all the time, he went to the appointment twice as usual.

From this point, Li Sha was sure that at least Song Zhicheng treated her differently from others.

This made Li Sha full of confidence.

who knows……

Who knew that a son would suddenly be born, and he was born in wedlock.

The beater was really caught off guard. How many times has she been ridiculed openly and secretly these days?

Of course, Li Sha wanted to know who that woman was more than anyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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