Chapter 215


"Why do you walk so fast?" He Jiyu held the baby bottle and tested the temperature with her hand. As soon as she entered the living room, she found that Song Zhicheng and Lin Jingwen were gone, so she asked strangely.

"Well, they're going on a business trip." You Qian said, reaching out to take the bottle.

"I'll come, I'll come, I'll feed my son-in-law..." He Jiyu smiled and refused You Qian, and stuffed it into Song Gungun's mouth. After Song Gungun drank the milk, he was very obedient, neither moving nor barking Now, two black eyes are focused on the food in his hand, and his mouth keeps sucking and sucking...

"When Gun Gun grows up, I can also say that Gun Gun was raised by me, hahaha..." He Jiyu looked proud.

"..." You Qian was speechless, and after a pause, she asked, "How many days do you plan to stay this time?"

"I guess I'm going to leave at night." He Jiyu was a little distressed. She hasn't received a call from her assistant Ruru so far. Maybe she didn't escape this time?

"If my agent doesn't find out, I can leave tomorrow." He Jiyu said.

You Qian bowed his head and thought for a moment, then said: "You can leave tomorrow, it's too dangerous for you to travel at night as a girl. I'll call your manager later to explain the situation."

When He Jiyu heard this, his eyes lit up instantly, and he exclaimed: "Qianqian, that's great. If you came to tell Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang would definitely not punish me. I really love you to death!"

You Qian smiled, and immediately called Brother Jiang, He Jiyu's manager. Brother Jiang was silent on the other end of the phone for a moment, and then said: "Miss You, I will entrust you to take care of my ineffective child for a few days."

He Jiyu was so happy that he touched the height of three feet after receiving brother Jiang's kiss, and he called Ai Youqian straight out of his mouth, no matter what the manager said.

He Jiyu stayed at ease, and was finally willing to let go of Song Gungun.

After Song Gungun drank the milk, he still held the bottle and did not let go. His little head was bit by bit, and his eyes gradually became blurred. You Qian put Song Gungun on the bed, hummed a few lullabies, and Song Gungun fell asleep. Leaning down lightly, he slowly pecked at his son's slightly open mouth.

He Jiyu stood by, quietly not disturbing the interaction between their mother and son.In this situation, even if they are both women, Qianqian at this time exudes a mother's tenderness all over her body, which makes people feel moved just by looking at her. He Jiyu only feels that Qianqian is beautiful now. It was so silent that people wished to rub it in their arms and cherish it for a lifetime.

So... such a beautiful Qianqian, why did Song Zhicheng hurt her?Want to separate her from Gun Gun's mother and son?
Any mother who loves her child cannot accept that her child is forcibly taken away, right?
He Jiyu really couldn't imagine how Qianqian survived this torment of longing.What is her message instead?Even if you fight to the death, you have to fight Song Zhicheng.

So, apart from seeing Song Zhicheng a few times in a hurry when sending Qianqian to New York, this is the first official meeting between He Jiyu and Song Zhicheng, but she didn't give Song Zhicheng a good look at all.

He Jiyu wants Song Zhicheng to know that although Qianqian has no relatives, she still has friends!And myself!
I will never hurt Qianqian.

To provoke Song Zhicheng?
That's right, it was to provoke him, as long as Song Zhicheng was unhappy, she would be happy in He Jiyu.

Song Zhicheng's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot?
Very well done.

Keep up the good work next time.

He Jiyu narrowed his eyes and looked at You Qian with a smile. When You Qian was finally willing to move away from the bed, he took You Qian's arm with one hand and pulled her into the living room.

"Qianqian, I'm hungry, please cook my favorite sweet and sour pork ribs." He Jiyu said coquettishly.

"Brother Jiang told me just now that you can't eat this." You Qian looked helpless.

"Hate it! I don't love you anymore." He Jiyu pouted, pretending to be unloved.

You Qian chuckled and said mischievously, "But I can cook a steamed fish dish for you. It's relatively low in calories, so we both can eat a little."

"Ah! I fell in love with you again." He Jiyu was resurrected with full blood.

"Your love can be retracted freely, as fast as a tornado. Forget it, you better not love me." You smiled and teased, and went to the refrigerator to see if there were any ingredients available.

He Jiyu came over: "My squid is really an IKEA IKEA room. If I were a man, I would definitely marry you home. How can I make a big scumbag named Song cheaper?"

You Qian's body paused slightly.

Although He Jiyu has a carefree temper, she still has a bit of ability to perceive words and emotions, and she is so close to You Qian, of course she felt You Qian's stiffness at the first time.

He Jiyu secretly said to make you owe me, it made Qianqian hurt.

In an instant, You Qian returned to normal, and said with a smile, "Crucian carp, Song Zhicheng is actually not a scumbag. He treats me and the children very well in private, but he just doesn't love me."

All of a sudden, You Qian realized that it was not embarrassing at all to tell her best friend.

He Jiyu's eyes were burning: "I don't love you, and I wasted so many years of your youth, and let you give birth. This is his biggest mistake. Your most beautiful years were all wasted on him. In these few years, you How many times can you fall in love? Maybe a few more times will you find the one you are destined for?"

You Qian smiled lightly and said, "Actually, I really don't want to hurt your injustice for me, but to be honest, my best time was wasted on Song Zhicheng, but his youth was also wasted on me. It can be said that we It was delaying each other. Now that we are divorced, we can choose our future life again, so I have never hated him. Now I just hope to do a good job, make more wonderful works, and grow up slowly with Gun Gun , I will be satisfied in this life..."


This sounds a bit wrong.

He Jiyu opened her mouth, hesitant to speak, why did she feel that Qianqian had seen through the world of mortals, wanted to become a nun, and from then on, the ancient Buddha with the blue lamp would accompany her for the rest of her life?
The idea is horrible!

You can't refuse meat dishes and switch to vegetarianism just because you had a stomachache after eating meat once.


must be stopped!

He Jiyu hugged You Qian, with a smile on his face, "Qian Qian, am I your sister?"

You Qian was puzzled: "Huh?"

He Jiyu patted You Qian on the back and said with a smile, "I am your sister, so you must listen to me. Let me tell you, some of your thoughts just now are correct."

"I think it's good that you didn't hold a grudge against Song Zhicheng after your divorce. I appreciate you very much. Who the hell is bothered to waste our limited life on resenting one person? With this time, we can do a lot of good things For example, to do a good job? Talk about some beautiful love by the way?"

"Did you hear the point?"

"Never refuse to fall in love again." He Jiyu growled.

 Thank you: Mrs. Chen, Vitality Girl, Baby Rurui, Shut up and say I love you, a few kisses and rewards, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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