Chapter 226 Best Actress

At the beginning of this movie feast across the vast ocean, there were very few people in China who paid attention to it. Even after the news that You Qian was shortlisted for Best Actress for "Looking for the Track" came out, everyone knew that her chances of winning the award were not high. Therefore, the domestic entertainment media only sent a small number of people to the island country to track and report some news about the Tokyo Film Festival.

The reporters sent here, because there are few domestic artists participating in this year's film festival, and there is nothing to dig out, the most eye-catching celebrity among them is Li Sha, so of course the focus of everyone's attention is on Li Sha body.But I didn't see Li Sha on the opening red carpet... The reporters were already distressed.In this red carpet show, Huaguo did not have any outstanding performers, so what should be used to attract the attention of domestic audiences when the press release is sent back to China?

You Qian appeared.

Still the finale.

The eyes of the reporters lit up in an instant, and headlines popped out of their heads almost without careful scrutiny.

【You Qian Appears on the Red Carpet, Shining the Crown of Beauty】

[You Qian's finale appearance, amazed the audience]

【She is the fairy among the flowers...】

The reporters following the report suddenly felt that there was something to write about. If You Qian won any medals at this year's film festival, it would be even more topical.

As a result, a nomination for Best Actress that was not expected and received no domestic attention suddenly raised everyone's expectations.

On a brightly lit stage, one award was given out, followed by another.

When someone wins, someone misses out. Of course, there will be joy and regret in the venue.


The lights were flowing, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the stage, and the host's mouth opened and closed: "The following is the announcement of the shortlist for the best actress..."

The big screen flickered, and the camera gave each finalist more than ten seconds at the right time.

""Looking for You" You Qian." The host read in Japanese, but there was simultaneous translation, which did not affect the understanding of other contestants from other countries. Therefore, when they heard that You Qian was shortlisted, many people's eyes immediately jumped. Turn to her position.

You Qian smiled lightly, appearing very at ease.

At this moment, in the face of most of the audience's 'swish' eyes turned almost at the same time, no matter how introverted or what they are thinking, it is undoubtedly the most suitable expression to greet everyone with a smile.

Yu Qian did just that.

There is no stage fright, no arrogance, and the smiling expression is in place. This performance is very official, but it is the safest.

The domestic audience, among You Qian's die-hard fans, are definitely more nervous than You Qian himself, and feel more tormented than You Qian...

"Blessing is Duojin..."

"I feel like my heart can't stand it, I'll come back in 5 minutes..."

"Similarly...after 5 minutes, if Duojin wins, I will laugh with you, if not, I will cry with you..."

"Upstairs, bah, bah, bah... nothing! Can't say it! Hurry up and bah three times!"

"Bah bah bah..."

"Because of my richness, I've never been superstitious, but now I'm still superstitious, so bless you, Duojin, you must win an award, and you must be proud!"




"What are you going to? Ah? My God! Ah! !!!!!!" "

When the guest of honor announced the winner of the award, it was almost a blink of an eye, and the die-hard fans standing in front of the screen shouted at the same time. At this moment, in this situation, there is only excited screaming, to express their feelings.

"The winner of the Best Actress is... "Looking for You" You Qian!" The voice next to her ear was approaching and far away, and she couldn't hear it clearly.

"Congratulations, You Qian!" The award presenter looked helpless, and re-pronounced the winner's name again.The surprise came suddenly. It is not uncommon for the winners to be in a daze at this time, but it is really rare for the winners to be in a daze for so long.

drop by drop...

Only ten seconds passed.

"Qianqian..." Zhou Jialue pushed Youqian anxiously.

"Huh?" You Qian suddenly turned around.

The camera was aimed at You Qian, and all the subtle reactions on her face were conveyed to the eyes of every audience present through the huge screen. The award presenter jokingly said: "I'm back to my senses, it's time to come up to receive the award!"

There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

You Qian's fair face suddenly turned into a liver-colored embarrassment.

It's ugly enough.

This is spread all over the world.

oops!It's over!After today, there must be a lot of news scrambling to report that I won the award by accident, and I was so surprised that I was dumbfounded...

Just thinking about it, You Qian felt his head was getting bigger.She couldn't help but secretly wiped her forehead. Unfortunately, this small act was broadcast through the camera again.

Fortunately, because of her beautiful face, she made such a move, which only made people feel naughty and cute, not annoying.

The skirt of the dress she wore today was too big, with layers falling down. When You Qian stood up from her seat, she could only hold the skirt with both hands, and walked slowly towards the stage. When she was about to leave, Tang, who had just said nothing, Right, he helped her pull up the hem of the skirt very intimately, and then whispered something into You Qian's ear.

You Qian, who was a little flustered just now, seemed to be comforted, and suddenly showed a shy and charming smile.

From the moment You Qian won the award, her every move was closely followed by the camera, which was transmitted to the big screen and then broadcast to all over the world.

The scene of her interacting with Tang Zheng just now is of course no exception.

"So, what exactly did Zhengzheng tell Duojin?"

"Ah~~~ So much love, Zhengzheng and Duojin are close together, I just took a picture, took a screenshot, under this camera, Zhengzheng seems to be kissing Duojin."

"Upstairs is witty! Send me the picture!"

"I was caught off guard by taking a bite of dog food. It was the first time I ate it willingly."

No matter how the audience guesses, this riddle, not the two parties involved, probably no one can answer it anymore. On the gorgeous stage, You Qian has returned to normal, of course it is only on the surface, but in fact her heart is beating. Jumping to the ground is even more powerful than walking the red carpet a thousand times or ten thousand times. There is only one thought in my heart that I really won an award. '

After receiving the trophy, You Qian hugged the trophy, kissed it, and then said with a smile: "I am very excited now, I believe everyone knows it." With a mischievous smile, she said, "Thank you Tokyo... ..."

Song Group.

Lin Jingwen secretly glanced at Mr. Song who was silent. Ever since his wife stood up and had a scene with the manager, Mr. Song's expression became very scary.

At this moment, Song Zhicheng was holding the remote control tightly, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

 There is something urgent to do during the day, there is no room for typing, and then it is too late... I have made an appointment, and I will finish it while crying, and I will swear that I will finish it while kneeling. I promised yesterday that I will finish it , but it may be very late. If it is not finished after 12:[-], you can watch it the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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