Did the actress get divorced today?

Chapter 301 The so-called blackmail

Chapter 301 The so-called blackmail

You Qian and Tang Zheng drove all the way to the studio.

This place was chosen in a newly built cultural industrial park in J City. The location of the land is not bad, not only the transportation is convenient, but also the surrounding is relatively quiet. You Qian is very satisfied just by looking at it.

And because it is a project newly supported by the local government, there is a certain price discount for companies that are actively new to settle in, which is equivalent to saving a sum of money. When it comes to the price, You Qian glanced at Tang Zheng and chuckled.

Tang Zheng asked: "Why, look at me like this? Are you not happy to save you a fortune?"

You Qian quickly shook her head: "No...you misunderstood, I am very satisfied."

Tang Zheng snorted arrogantly and ignored You Qian.

Several people turned around during work, and everyone was very satisfied.The space here is very open, and working here for a long time will not cause a sense of depression due to the narrow space.

After reading, returning to business, You Qian asked, "Ah Zheng, have you settled the contract with Zhonghuan?" Asking this question, You Qian was still a little nervous, she was afraid that Zhonghuan would not let him go easily.

Tang Zheng was sitting on the sofa, turning the pen in one hand. Hearing You Qian's question, he raised his chin slightly and twitched the corner of his mouth: "You think I can't handle it?"

You Qian was very ashamed of this arrogant little expression, and immediately shook her head: "I'm afraid it's too easy for you to handle them, and there's no way to show your shrewdness..."

Taking care not to flatter her, Tang Zheng gave her a sideways glance, and when he raised his hand to knock her without thinking, he was slightly taken aback, then put down his hand as if nothing had happened, and said, "I'm free now. "

To avoid trouble, Jiang Changxin put pressure on Tang Zheng to take a step back and compromise with Zhonghuan, agreeing to bring a few more artists, Tang Zheng believed that Jiang Changxin must have expected today's result.

There is always a banquet in the world. Leaving Zhonghuan doesn't mean that we can't continue to cooperate in the future. Zhonghuan can't make trouble with Tang Zheng over the termination of the contract.

When Tang Zheng's words fell, You Qian's eyes lit up. She blinked, and said with a flattering smile, "Has Mr. Tang considered our company? The benefits are good..."

Before You Qian set up the studio, it was agreed with Tang Zheng in advance that the two of them founded the studio together as partners, so each took a certain percentage of the shares.

You Qian is just joking when he says this now.

Tang Zheng put on a straight face: "Okay, don't be silly, talk about business."

You Qian straightened his face: "Okay, okay...you are the boss now, you have the final say."

Tang Zheng was slightly speechless, and asked after a while, "How long have you been away this time?"

You Qian bowed his head and thought for a while, then said, "I haven't set a time with Song Zhicheng yet, I should pick up my grandfather in these two days."

Tang Zheng lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Hurry up. I got you the audition qualification for "Lost". This time, it's thanks to Mr. He's face, so don't lose the chain at a critical moment."

You Qian: "Okay, what's the date?"

She planned to ask Song Zhicheng tonight when she was going to pick up grandpa home.She hadn't seen her grandpa for a few months, and she really missed her. Even though grandpa couldn't speak, move, and could only lie down, as long as she looked at him, she could feel at ease.

Tang Zhengdao: "It will be five days later."

You Qian said, "That should be in time."

After saying this, Tang Zheng suddenly said, "Have you not been online for a few days?"

You Qian was taken aback: "Huh?"

Tang Zheng gave her a white look: "literally."

Asking her suddenly that she hasn't been online for a few days, You Qian suddenly has an ominous premonition, while hesitating, she looks at Tang Zheng and asks, "I haven't been online for about five days, what's the matter?"

Tang Zheng said softly, "Oh..."

A light 'oh', and the word 'oh' deliberately lengthened the ending, which made You Qian feel even more ominous: "Don't tell me, I was hacked by Chengxiang again on the Internet?"

Tang Zheng raised his eyebrows slightly: "Congratulations, you got the answer right."

You Qian: "..."

Because every time they entered remote mountainous areas, some places were not connected to the network, and the signal was often not very good, not only You Qian, Zhou Jia and the others rarely went online, so they didn't know much about the dynamics of the network.

just now……

Hearing that she was hacked again, You Qian felt speechless.

She has provoked whom, and she has gone to hide in the mountains, so it is so easy to recruit gangsters?

You Qian asked, "What's the reason?"

Tang Zheng opened the notebook and said arrogantly, "Look for yourself."

You Qian wailed: "I don't want to see what's swollen?" No matter how strong a person is, he is not happy to be hacked again and again. net.

Tang Zhengbai glanced at her: "Look at your lack of guts, do better. This time I am the one behind finding someone to blackmail you."

The corner of You Qian's mouth twitched, his fingers trembled, and he pretended to be trembling and asked, "Are you still friends?"

But Tang Zheng's words also reassured You Qian, she quickly took the notebook, hugged it to her thigh, and looked through the news related to herself on the Internet bit by bit.

This time, they focused on hacking several of her social platforms, mainly Weibo, Tieba, a well-known gossip forum, and several other scattered online platforms.

You Qian first entered a famous gossip forum.As soon as I clicked to go, I saw a popular post [Opening the loss of two unlucky actresses in the xx incident some time ago].

What the hell is this title?

As soon as this headline comes out, it is absolutely necessary to set off the rhythm of a public opinion war.

You Qian looked at Tang Zheng suspiciously. Tang Zheng noticed it keenly and asked calmly, "What website are you looking at now?"

You Qian pointed to the page of a certain gossip forum, and said solemnly: "I'm looking at the posts of two unlucky actresses."

Her expression was really funny, as if she wasn't one of the unlucky ghosts, Tang Zheng chuckled and said, "I didn't ask someone to write that." Of course, although he didn't ask someone to write it, it was in his With deliberate connivance, the popularity of this post has risen again and again, and the flames of war have gradually spread from the XX forum to other places...

You Qian heard that it was not Tang Zheng's envoy, so she opened it tentatively.

[By the way, you all know about the recent XX incident, right?It's more obvious without me implying it?The prompt is over.Now let’s get to the point. The artist has made his mark in the entertainment industry. There is a crazy fan, and some fans give idols a phone or something. From our point of view, it’s normal. If my goddess Marilyn Monroe still I'm still alive, and I'm willing to be crazy about her too... Hehe... It's a bit far away, let's talk about business, everyone knows that L and Y's image has dropped a lot because of the XX incident, and both of them There are losses.According to the way artists make money, let's do a technical analysis now.Among the two people, who has the greater loss. L has signed a few plays this year, and I heard that after the event, he voluntarily gave up the endorsement signed with WG and LX to focus on taking care of the injured... To sum up, the actress surnamed L lost nearly 5000 million, while the actress surnamed Y only had two Millions...whether it is 5000 million or 200 million, for us poor peasants, these are all wasted money. Suddenly, as a popular star, it is like a walking money printing machine. 】

You Qian frowned slightly.

She knew that L refers to Li Sha, and Y refers to herself.

 The second update\(^o^)/~
(End of this chapter)

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