Chapter 61
You Qian returned to the Peninsula Hotel, and after opening the door on the top floor, she took a sneak peek inside, but she didn't find Song Zhicheng's figure, so You Qian raised her leg and entered the room.

Putting on slippers, You Qian rubbed her stomach. She felt hungry, but because she promised Tang Zheng that she would lose weight, she could only hold back and took a quick shower. You Qian decided to go to bed early, and she would not be hungry when she fell asleep. up.

Just lying on the bed, Song Zhicheng suddenly pushed open the door.

"Are you back?" You Qian asked with a smile.

Song Zhicheng said with a sullen face, "I'm always at home."

Um?A big question mark popped up in You Qian's heart, she didn't see Song Zhicheng just now, she thought he was not at home, maybe he was in the study just now?

Thinking about it this way, if he hasn't looked for the study, then he must be in the study.

Song Zhicheng entered the room, first looked for his pajamas, just stepped out the door, turned it back, and searched in the cabinet again, he seemed to be in a bad mood, and when he rummaged through the cabinet, it made a loud bang.

You Qian had no choice but to sit up from the bed and asked, "Do you need me to find it for you?"

Song Zhicheng stopped his movements, looked at You Qian quietly with deep eyes for a while, and then said, "Find it for me." Then he told You Qian what he wanted.

After speaking, he turned and went out.

You Qian was very helpless, wasn't that thing just placed on the bedside table?What is he looking for in the closet?Do the eyes grow on the top of the head?Now the whole room has been turned into a mess by Song Zhicheng, and it will take half an hour for him to tidy up one by one.You Qian suddenly felt a headache, did he do it on purpose?Deliberately not letting yourself sleep?
You Qian climbed out of bed and patiently cleaned up the room.

She was already hungry, but now that she couldn't go to bed right away, she became even more hungry. It was rare for You Qian to feel a little resentment towards Song Zhicheng, thinking that Song Zhicheng always deliberately did not let her worry.

Song Zhicheng stepped into the bedroom with the dampness all over the floor, and saw You Qian's slender body squatting on the ground, still earnestly helping him tidy up the room, a smile rose from the corner of his mouth, he wiped his hair casually, and went to bed bed.

With his head resting on his arm, Song Zhicheng calmly said, "I'll clean it up tomorrow."

You Qian glared at him fiercely.

Song Zhicheng raised his chin lightly, "What are you staring at me for? Kindly treat me like a donkey's liver and lungs."

Without saying a word, You Qian held back his breath and rushed to the bed, grabbed the pillow and threw it at him!Song Zhicheng nimbly dodged out of the way, but You Qian missed the first hit and raised his hand for the second time.

Song Zhicheng grabbed her while she was not paying attention, and pressed You Qian down on the bed with all his strength. He then lay down beside her, hugged her waist with both hands, and said softly: "Okay, stop playing and go to sleep. It's not early in the morning." Want to sleep?"

I thought it would be fun to smash Song Zhicheng, but I didn't, and it was a pity in You Qian's heart.

But she was surprised that he was not angry.

It's really strange.

You Qian didn't want to think deeply or study Song Zhicheng's motives, so she just closed her eyes and fell asleep.

When the sound of shallow breathing reached his ears, Song Zhicheng raised his head and looked at the person in his arms quietly for a while. The surroundings were very quiet, and the person in his arms was sleeping soundly. After confirming that she was really in a deep sleep, Song Zhicheng stretched out his hand After pulling off the quilt, covering the bodies of the two people, his hand unknowingly touched You Qian's lower abdomen and stopped.

Gently rubbing the big hand there, Song Zhicheng's always indifferent eyes rarely showed a hint of softness.

After a while, Song Zhicheng closed his eyes.

After talking with Tang Zheng, when You Qian saw Jiang Chuchu again, her heart suddenly became calm.Just thinking about this woman, who spent so much time and effort but failed to please her, makes You Qian want to laugh.

It's no wonder that You Qian is unkind, it's really that Jiang Chuchu has failed in life, and seeing her unlucky, You Qian can't wait to clap her hands.

The two scenes in the morning went well. After filming, the reporter Tang Zheng asked to meet was already waiting. You Qian was interviewed on the set. The reporter got the first-hand interview information and left happily.

Tang Zhengdao: "This reporter is very familiar with me, so he won't write indiscriminately."

You Qian narrowed her eyes, "Of course, I'm very relieved."

The focus of the reporter's interview topic is mainly around the filming of "The Second Season of Lie in Lie". This recently broadcast web drama is really too popular. It has only broadcast 12 episodes so far, and the total hit rate has reached more than 30 billion , stunned a crowd of viewers who looked down on web dramas.Open any webpage now, and there will be news about "Cheat 2".

From the plot, the characters, to the actors themselves, and even the clothes that You Qian wore in the play, many people came out to ask for the same style, asking where to buy, what brand of clothes and so on.You Qian's clothes in "Cheat 2", except for her own two outfits, are all provided by clothing sponsors drawn by the crew.

After "Cheat 2" hit the air, every style of clothes that You Qian wore naturally sold very well, because it is a cheap brand, and girls can buy a set if they save money for a while, so the sponsor of this brand, Every time she shows up recently, she smiles so hard that her teeth can't be seen.

What makes You Qian very happy is that, in addition to the hit of "Cheat 2", there is also the progress of the campus filming of "The Corner of Love" has been successfully completed, and the crew will soon move to other places for filming.

In other words, You Qian is about to leave Hangzhou with the crew.

Back at the hotel early today, the room was quiet, and You Qian deliberately went around to the study to find someone. After Song Zhicheng was not found, You Qian was in a good mood, so she called Song Zhicheng.

After only two rings, the phone picked up.

"Let's end the meeting." Song Zhicheng's voice was very calm, and the participants sitting around the square meeting room stood up one after another, sorted out their notes, and left the meeting room one by one.

"What's wrong?" Song Zhicheng asked.

There was no joy in his voice, and You Qian didn't care about him, and asked directly, "What time are you coming back? Do you want to come back for dinner?"

As soon as he finished speaking, You Qian heard Lin Jingwen's voice from inside, as if asking Song Zhicheng when he was leaving, the boss of a certain company had already booked a restaurant.

Song Zhicheng raised his hand and signaled Lin Jingwen to go away, "Drink the soup. I ordered someone to buy the ingredients for the soup in the morning, and put them in the refrigerator. You can watch what you like to eat."

You Qian asked uncertainly: "Are you coming back for dinner?" From Lin Jingwen's words just now, You Qian inferred that he should have a meal, so he probably wouldn't come back to eat.

Song Zhicheng said as he walked, "Go back. But it will be later, you don't have to wait for me."

You Qian felt a little disappointed, so she said embarrassingly, "Okay."

As soon as the phone was hung up, You Qian turned to the refrigerator and opened it to see what Song Zhicheng had prepared. In addition to fruits and vegetables, fish, shrimp, crab, chicken, duck, etc. were all in it, she took out what she wanted, and took some of what Song Zhicheng liked. food.

Go to the kitchen and get busy.

Gradually, the aroma of the food quickly occupied the entire restaurant.

You Qian put down the last dish, and after she sat down, she hesitated whether to ask Tang Zheng and Zhou Jia to eat together, or to eat alone?

Thinking that Song Zhicheng doesn't like being disturbed by strangers in his private space, even Lin Jingwen, a familiar assistant, would go into the study to discuss business matters with him, and after the discussion, Lin Jingwen would leave quickly and wisely, and he didn't dare to stay in the room for a long time.

You Qian felt that her brain had become stupid.

Since it's inconvenient for Tang Zheng and Zhou Jia to come in, she can take out the dishes and eat in their room, right?Thinking of this, You Qian patted his head, took out his mobile phone to make a call, and asked Zhou Jia if he had eaten.

Before the phone was dialed, the door opened suddenly, and Song Zhicheng walked in with steady steps.

You Qian was taken aback, and looked down at the time: "Didn't you say it will be later?"

(End of this chapter)

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