Chapter 631
Chapter 652

After rolling out of bed, Song Yanhui rubbed his sore buttocks, and looked at Mr. Song with tears in his eyes. This small face was exactly the same as that of Mr. Song's eldest son who died young. Mr. Song's heart softened, he sighed, and bent down Waist, reach out to hug him up.

Song Yanhui nestled into his grandpa's arms, tears streaming down his face.

Mr. Song rubbed his head and said in a low voice, "Okay, don't cry."

Song Yanhui: "Woooo..."

Mr. Song persuaded him a few words, which made Song Yanhui feel even more sad, sobbing and unable to stop.

Old Man Song glanced at the little scoundrel Gun Gun, comforted Song Yanhui and said, "This time Brother Gun Gun did something wrong, I'll teach him a lesson later, Yanhui, don't cry anymore."

Grandpa wants to teach this fat bastard a lesson?

Song Yanhui's ears perked up, but tears were still gushing out.

Old Man Song turned his head and said to Song De who was next to him: "Song De, you will hug Gun Gun over here and let him apologize to brother."

Gun Gun, this little villain, although he is still a little kid, can already understand most of what adults say, but he can't speak clearly, he can only say a few simple words.

It was unintentional to say that Gun Gun fed his brother the food he had eaten, but it seemed intentional to kick his brother off the bed several times. A little discipline.

Mr. Song thought so.

Gun Gun and Song Yanhui, the two great-grandsons, are both the blood of the Song family. In Mr. Song's heart, Gun Gun is naturally more important. There is no doubt about it. Long crooked.

Song De quickly hugged Gun Gun over.

Gun Gun nestled obediently in Song De's arms. When he got close to Mr. Song, Gun Gun yawned lightly at the corner of his mouth, and naturally reached out to ask Mr. Song to hug him: "Too..."

At this moment, Old Man Song was hugging Song Yanhui, and instead of reaching out to take Gun Gun, he put on a straight face and said seriously: "Gun Gun, you bullied brother today, please apologize to brother."

Gun Gun's little face froze for a moment, as if he didn't understand why Grandpa stopped hugging him, and even criticized him.

Song Yanhui, who was in Grandpa Song's arms, suddenly raised his head at this moment, looked at Gungun with teary eyes, and said with a choked voice, "Grandpa, Gun Gun didn't bully me."

Mr. Song wiped his tears for him and said, "If you do something wrong, you have to admit it. Gun Gun is bullying you. Grandpa saw it."

Song Yanhui rubbed his eyes: "I like to play with brother Gun Gun, even if brother Gun Gun bullies me, I still like to play with him."

Song Yanhui said this with sincerity.

Mr. Song frowned, and sighed: "Go away, apologize."

Here, Gun Gun, nestled in Song De's arms, looked at his great-grandfather who loved him, and at Song Yanhui who was in his great-grandfather's arms, Gun Gun's dark and bright eyes were full of mist.

Rolling mouth pursed: "Too..."

With a listless face, Gun Gun only said one word for a long time.Everyone knew that he wanted to call him grandpa, but he couldn't, so he usually just called him "tai".

Mr. Song's eyes were very serious, and he didn't intend to condone Gun Gun at all.

Song De patted his rolling little head, couldn't help feeling distressed, and said to Mr. Song: "Master, the young master is so young, how do you know this, don't be so serious to him, the child is not sensible, just teach him well , besides our young master is so clever, if the old man teaches him patiently, he must understand the old man's painstaking efforts."

This was the first time Gun Gun was trained after he was born, and Song De couldn't help but feel distressed when he saw Gun Gun, who was always full of energy, languid at this moment.Before Song De wanted to come: Before Master Yanhui came, this kind of thing had never happened in the family. The young master Gun Gun has a lively personality, innocent, lovable, and never bullies anyone, whether it is the elders, servants, nurses, bodyguards, etc. , and children from the neighbor’s house next door, all of them like Gun Gun and are willing to play with Gun Gun...

Gun Gun's character, caring, and cute, is the little pistachio in the whole house. Wherever Gun Gun is, there will be laughter everywhere.

A child like Gun Gun who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth has been loved by thousands of people since he was a child, but what about Gun Gun?At a young age, he is very cute and cute, never willful and nonsense, and never causes trouble for others.

Usually, when the young master and Qianqian go out to work, Mr. Song, Song De, and Aunt He take care of Gun Gun. Song De really knows how to raise Gun Gun well.

The Cheng family lived next door to the old house of the Song family. There were three four or five-year-old children who would come to play with Gun Gun every time. My sister wants to play with him every day.


As long as Song Yanhui came to the old house, he would definitely be annoyed and angry.Song Yanhui and Gun Gun are brothers who are related by blood.In Song De's eyes, Song Yanhui is so much older than Gun Gun, so he should be more sensible than Gun Gun.

Last time, in the old house, why did Gun Gun fight with Song Yanhui?

So far, Song De gets angry when he thinks about it. At first they thought that Gun Gun was just jealous and didn't want the old man to hurt Song Yanhui, so they fought with Song Yanhui, but what?

In fact, when Song De and Aunt He were taking a bath that day, Gun Gun's fat arm became bruised and swollen, with a row of children's teeth marks on it.Song De checked the surveillance immediately, only to find out that it was Young Master Yanhui who bit Gun Gun while the adults were not paying attention, deliberately making an excuse to play with Gun Gun.

After Gun Gun was bitten, he didn't cry or make a fuss, but tried his best to push Master Yanhui away.

But Gun Gun is a child who holds grudges. In terms of strength, Gun Gun can't beat Song Yanhui, but Gun Gun can use his brain, so he tried his best to find an opportunity to beat Song Yanhui.

Gun Gun was born under the watchful eye of Song De, the baby he holds in his heart, Song De is partial, of course standing on Gun Gun's side, he doesn't think Gun Gun is ignorant, on the contrary he thinks Gun Gun is reasonable.

Hearing what Song De said, Mr. Song snorted and said, "If you make a mistake, you should apologize. Don't protect me, Ade."

As he said that, Old Man Song looked at Gun Gun with a serious face, and said, "Gun Gun, apologize to brother."

Gun Gun looked listlessly at his grandfather with a small face, his little nose twitched, and he tried to say a word: "...Sorry..."

This is the meaning of apology.

After listening to Mr. Song, his complexion turned extremely soft, and he patted Gun Gun's head with relief, and said, "My Gun Gun is the cutest."

 Good night everyone\(^o^)/~
(End of this chapter)

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