Did the actress get divorced today?

Chapter 655 Bear Biscuits

Chapter 655 Bear Biscuits
Chapter 676



Song Zhicheng definitely fouled!

Recently, Song Zhicheng's earthy love talk is called smooth.However, listening to You Qian's ears still made her heart beat non-stop.

She blushed: "I don't want it."

Song Zhicheng: "Forcibly give it to you."

"..." You Qian: "I've never seen someone like you."

Song Zhicheng smiled: "There are many more of me that you haven't seen."

You Qian: "Wait and see."

Song Zhicheng smiled lowly: "Okay."

As he said that, he suddenly bent down, caught You Qian off guard, and hugged her horizontally. You Qian exclaimed, and hurriedly hugged her tightly around his neck.

She thumped him lightly: "You..."

Song Zhicheng smiled lowly: "Then...today, let you see my domineering side."

A good night's sleep.

The next day, after a careful inspection by the medical team, Song Zhicheng was finally approved to work normally, so Song Zhicheng immediately decided to go back to the headquarters to handle some work that required his presence.

You Qian originally wanted to follow, but suddenly received a call from her grandpa, saying that he was coming back soon with Gun Gun. You Qian thought about it, and waited for Grandpa and Gun Gun at home.

So, Song Zhicheng was abandoned by his wife and went to work in the Song Group alone.It really confirms the sentence 'Song Zhicheng is just working for You Qian. '.

It was about an hour and a half before the two of them went home, and You Qian prepared the snacks that Grandpa and Gun Gun liked to eat in advance, and just after they finished preparing, they heard a burst of laughter.

It was the voice of Gun Gun talking to Aunt He.

You Qian rushed out to greet her.

As soon as he arrived at the gate, Gun Gun saw his mother in the blink of an eye, so he struggled to climb down from Song De's arms. Song De took advantage of the situation and bent down to put Gun Gun down.

As soon as the rolling feet hit the ground, it rushed towards You Qian like a small firecracker.


Half squatting, she opened her arms to catch the rolling You Qian in time, and was almost knocked down by her son. Fortunately, she was agile, not only stabilized her figure, but also caught her son firmly.

Gun Gun plunged into her mother's arms, as if she didn't want money: "Mom! Mom! Mom! I miss you so much! I miss you so much, I miss you so much."

Gun Gun is a little guy. Some time ago, an old friend of Mr. Song joked that he could not speak clearly. Gun Gun is small, but he has a lot of self-esteem. He feels that he must prove that he speaks clearly if he doesn’t want to fight for steam. Now I often like to speak three times.

You Qian squinted and smiled: "Go, go, go, mom misses you so much."

Gun Gun ah woo, kissed mom, said: "Gun Gun misses mom more. Gun Gun misses mom even more, mom said she misses me once, I said three times, three times~"

As he spoke, Gun Gun stretched out his fingers and made a gesture of 'three'. When he spoke, the corners of the eyes and brows of the little Gun Gun were full of complacency.

You Qian couldn't help but smile: "Although Mom only said it once, she has thought about it countless times in her heart."

"Gun Gun knows, Gun Gun has thought of his mother countless times." Hearing this, Gun Gun's beautiful eyes lit up instantly, as if they were dotted with stars, shining brightly.

This little guy, ever since he spoke, he was slurred at first, except for his parents and wives, basically no one could understand what he was talking about. For this reason, Gun Gun was bullied several times by his father.

It's fine for his father to bully him, but Gun Gun was bullied by Song Yanhui several times, because he couldn't speak, Gun Gun felt very depressed.

So, Gun Gun learned from the pain and decided to practice speaking hard.In addition, the little head is very clever, and he usually pays attention to what the adults are saying. He quickly mastered the essentials of speaking, and now he speaks like a cheater, and he can't speak fluently.

You Qian couldn't help it, and leaned over to kiss her son a few times.

Gun Gun immediately kissed back.

You kiss me, I kiss you, this game, I played for a long time before I stopped.You Qian let go of Gun Gun, looked at Grandpa, and said, "Grandpa, are you having fun outside?"

Elder Song was full of kindness and said, "Of course I'm happy."

Gun Gun chased aside and said, "Mom, if you ask Gun Gun, Gun Gun is not happy."

You Qian chuckled: "Then mother asked Gun Gun, did Gun Gun and grandpa have a good time together?"

Gun Gun patted his small chest and said loudly: "Happy!"

Mr. Song stroked Gungun's little head, and said with a smile: "My family, Gungun, is very well-behaved when going out this time, and he also helped Grandpa do a lot of things."

Song De who was on the side hurriedly echoed: "I certify that it is true."

Aunt He smiled and said, "Yes, Gun Gun is very obedient."

You Qian smiled and asked, "Gun Gun, what did you do for Grandpa?"

Gun Gun raised his head, looked at You Qian, his face full of eagerness for praise: "Gun Gun got the shoes for Grandpa."

You Qian raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Really?"

Gun Gun raised his small chest: "Gun Gun never tells a lie."

If this scene falls into the eyes of fans, it will cause Gun Gun's fans to howl again, Gun Gun is so cute, even Mr. Song can't help but be overwhelmed by his own Gun Gun's cuteness from time to time.

Mr. Song said: "Of course it's true. Gun Gun brought me slippers twice." This time, Mr. Song brought Gun Gun to meet his old friends. There are also natural hot springs to soak in. Before soaking in the hot springs, Gun Gun took the initiative to fetch slippers for Mr. Song.

At that time, Mr. Song was very pleasantly surprised, and felt that his baby Gun Gun was really considerate.

It's right to be considerate and careful.

You Qian opened his arms, picked up Gun Gun, and kissed his little cheeks hard: "Gun Gun is awesome, I know it hurts Grandpa."

Gun Gun patted his chest: "Get the shoes for Mom too."

You Qian couldn't help it, and kissed her son hard again: "Mom's hot baby, mom loves you."

Gun Gun nestled in his mother's arms, stretched out his little head, and asked with stars in his eyes: "Mom...then... can Gun Gun have an extra bear biscuit today?"

The mouth is so sweet, so caring, is it for the bear biscuit?You Qian: "...that's fine."

Children, it is to be encouraged.

A brilliant smile instantly appeared on Gun Gun's face: "Mom, mom, mom, can I have two pieces?"

You Qian: "..."

Rolling Star Eyes: "Mom? Mom? Mom?"

You Qian couldn't resist, so he could only surrender: "Okay, okay..."

Gun Gun laughed so hard that he hugged his mother's face fiercely and gnawed on it, which immediately made his mother's face drool.After slobbering, Gun Gun blinked and asked again: "Mom, Mom, Mom, can Gun Gun eat three yuan?"

You Qian: "..."

Nothing more than three!Smash it!
This carefulness is endless.

Mr. Song scolded with a smile: "Monkey boy, he was just like his father when he was a child, and he was very narrow-minded about his favorite snacks."

Gun Gun didn't understand Mr. Song's words. He glanced left and right. He didn't see Song Zhicheng, so he knew that the bad father must not be at home. After thinking for a while, Gun Gun asked, "Mom, where is Dad? Gun Gun misses Dad~"

You Qian had already entered the room with Gun Gun in her arms. Hearing this, she replied with a smile, "Dad is going to work. Gun Gun misses Dad. He will be back when Dad gets off work at night."

Gun Gun narrowed his eyes: "Mom, Gun Gun will accompany Dad to work tomorrow."

You Qian: "Okay."

Rolling his eyes, his gaze stopped on the bear biscuit on the table, and he said in a milky voice, "Go to work, earn money, and give it to mom."

Son is so caring.

You Qian was so coaxed that she didn't want it anymore, her eyes narrowed into slits.

Gun Gun: "Mom, can Gun Gun eat three pieces?"

You Qian: "...Okay!"

 Good night everyone\(^o^)/~
(End of this chapter)

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