Chapter 677 Sweet talk
Chapter 698

Lin Jingwen took Bai Xue, and went directly to the largest and most luxurious commercial center to buy things... Bai Xue traveled all the way, even if she was mentally prepared, she was shocked by Lin Jingwen's generosity.

So, is this what it's like to be a sugar daddy?
It's no wonder that many girls couldn't resist the temptation of money, and were completely immersed in this dreamlike life. Bai Xue felt that her heart was slightly shaken again.

Should she take advantage of the trend and walk with Lin Jingwen?

Or not to be tempted, to firmly implement the organization's plan?

Two choices, constantly swinging in Bai Xue's heart...

In fact, if you think about it, you will have no regrets in your life with a young, handsome, rich, and affectionate man like Lin Jingwen.

Holding the gift bag with expensive gifts in her hand, Bai Xue began to doubt her determination.

When she was in a daze, Lin Jingwen held her hand and asked softly, "What's the matter? You suddenly became dazed?"

Bai Xue pursed her lips and smiled sweetly: "I was thinking just now, you gave me so many gifts, I will never use them up in my lifetime."

Lin Jingwen smiled lightly when he heard this, "Fool, what do you want to do more? You just have to be happy to accept what I give you."

Bai Xue listened and blinked her eyes.

Lin Jingwen tapped the tip of her nose: "Fool."

The smile on Bai Xue's face became even sweeter.She used to be very pure, sweet, with a little innocent and childish appearance, and after falling in love with Lin Jingwen, there was still some sweetness of love in her smile... Even passers-by saw it, and couldn't help thinking that Bai Xue was very good-looking.

When she smiled lightly, the smile on Lin Jingwen's face gradually deepened: "Are you hungry? Shall I take you to eat?"

Bai Xue said angrily: "I just finished eating, and I'm not hungry at all. And... do you want to feed me fat?"

Lin Jingwen raised the corners of his lips: "Don't think too much, I'm just afraid that you will be hungry."

Bai Xue: "I'm not hungry."

"Okay, okay..." Lin Jingwen smiled helplessly, pointed to a gorgeously decorated shop, and said, "If you're not hungry, may I take you shopping?"

He asked softly, Bai Xue looked over his hand, her pupils narrowed slightly, this store is one of the top ten luxury brands in the world, any item in it is worth decades of savings of ordinary people, It was something that Bai Xue never dared to think about before...

She wants to go!
Of course she wants to go!
She will definitely regret it if she doesn't go!

But how should she act that she doesn't want to go that much?
Bai Xue endured the excitement in her heart, with a very hesitant expression on her face.

Lin Jingwen didn't seem to notice the torment in her heart. After waiting for a while, he suddenly took her hand, not allowing her objection, and walked directly into the shop... He was like this, and Bai Xue had to reluctantly accept it.

As soon as she entered the store, Bai Xue took a sneak peek at the jewelry on the shelf, and felt that it was too dazzling. Of course, the price was even more dazzling.

Bai Xue wanted to break free from Lin Jingwen's hand, but her strength was a bit weak, not only did she not break free, but instead made Lin Jingwen hold it tighter, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Bai Xue blushed: "Jingwen, this is too expensive...we..."

Just one item, starting at hundreds of thousands...

Didn't it scare her?
Lin Jingwen smiled lightly, knowing that she was shy and unwilling to be extravagant, so he chuckled softly and said, "Don't worry about the money, I have shares in this brand, so you can just choose things at home."

Bai Xue stared slightly: "Jing Wen?"

What a surprise!
He turned out to be richer than she imagined!

It seems that the organization's investigation of him is still not deep enough.

Her shocked expression, coupled with her pure appearance, made her look very innocent and cute. Lin Jingwen couldn't help reaching out and rubbing her cheek: "Okay, just pick what you like."

Bai Xue stomped her feet slightly: "Even if you have shares, you can't be like picking things at home. How can you be such a prodigal..."

Lin Jingwen smiled lightly: "If the prodigal family can get you a smile, I am willing to waste all my money."

Bai Xue's face flushed instantly.

Lin Jingwen seemed to feel that it wasn't enough, and continued, "If money can make you happy, I'm willing to spend all of it."

Bai Xue bit her lip, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Looking at the white snow in front of him, the corners of Lin Jingwen's mouth curled up, and then he said softly: "If everything I have can be exchanged for your eternal sincerity, I am willing to give everything I have."

Stop talking.

Bai Xue raised her hand and covered Lin Jingwen's mouth, preventing him from continuing.

Because if Lin Jingwen continued to speak, Bai Xue was afraid that she would not be able to hold on any longer, and that she would fail the cultivation of the organization.She once fell into the quagmire, and her life was gloomy. It was the organization that gave her hope, gave her the possibility of rising, and gave her the opportunity to get close to Lin Jingwen... If there was no organization, she would still be the girl that everyone spurned, and she could only hide in the dark. In the sewer, I dare not see a ray of sunshine...

Therefore, it is impossible for her to disappoint the organization.


Lin Jingwen said so, and all the tenderness and care he showed her were not adulterated at all... Missing him, Bai Xue knew that she would never meet such an outstanding, handsome, and rich man again.

A trace of struggle flashed across Bai Xue's face.

Lin Jingwen looked at her tenderly, as if he didn't see her inner struggle and suffering at all, he just smiled softly, his voice was clear and moist, "Axue, as long as you want, I will try my best to give it to you."

Bai Xue blushed and nodded slightly: "Well, I will too."

After the two walked in, a well-dressed clerk had already come over, but he saw that they were obviously talking, so he didn't approach them. After the two finished talking, he saw Lin Jingwen waving, and the clerk approached, respectfully: "Lin Jingwen Sir, what are your orders?"

As one of the major shareholders, how could the clerk not know Lin Jingwen?Besides, even if Lin Jingwen is not the major shareholder of the brand, it is impossible for the clerk not to know Lin Jingwen, who often represents the Song Group in various events. celebrity.

Lin Jingwen had a friendly attitude, and only said: "She is reluctant to buy things, you can see which ones suit her, and pick them out for her to try. See what she likes, and wrap them up for me."

The clerk was surprised, and replied with a sweet smile: "Yes."

Originally, the shop assistants were surprised enough to see Lin Jingwen coming in with a beautiful young woman by his side, but now that Lin Jingwen spent a lot of money for this woman, everyone in the jewelry store couldn't help being surprised when they heard this.

At the same time, everyone couldn't help but wonder, what is the identity of this woman?What background?What's the background?

 Happy Holidays everyone\(^o^)/~
(End of this chapter)

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