Did the actress get divorced today?

Chapter 691 I Want To Kiss You

Chapter 691 I Want To Kiss You
Chapter 712

Thinking of Song Zhicheng's goodness in her heart, when You Qian looked at him, those watery eyes contained deep affection and emotion, Song Zhicheng looked at her expression, and suddenly felt satisfied.

Sure enough, my wife likes it, right?
Looking at her, looking at her moist, soft, and soft eyes like a deer, Song Zhicheng almost couldn't help it, wanted to hug her by the waist and fight back into the car.


Song Zhicheng held back.

His purpose today is to please his wife in the usual way of a secular man.send flowers?Send lipstick?Send expensive bags?
Since sending flowers can't be done, isn't there still sending lipstick?

Regarding this point, Song Zhicheng always felt that it was because of Gun Gun's interference, otherwise he must have succeeded.Thinking of this, Song Zhicheng suddenly felt much more comfortable.

Now, this stinky boy is sleeping in his mother's arms, so he must not come out to disturb his couple's intimacy.

As a result, Song Zhicheng's mood became even better, the corner of his mouth curled up in an obvious arc, and his smile was obvious and bright: "Do you like it?"

You Qian: "Huh?"

Song Zhicheng whispered: "Do you like it?"

You Qian looked up: "Is it here?"

Song Zhicheng nodded: "Yeah." Here, and all the goods here...

As long as it is about Song Zhicheng, she likes it, not to mention it is Song Zhicheng's painstaking efforts. Of course she likes it, because she loves Wujiwu.

You Qian nodded without hesitation: "I like it."

Song Zhicheng leaned over and kissed her on the cheek: "As long as you like it."

You Qian blushed and lowered her head.

There were only three of them in the huge warehouse, Gun Gun who could come out to spoil the atmosphere, still sound asleep, surrounded by silence, Song Zhicheng looked at her blushing cheeks, the light in his eyes was shining...

He lowered his head, kissed her on the forehead, and said softly: "In the future, I will be free, and I will bring you here often." Song Zhicheng now understands a little bit, he thinks letting her choose what she likes in the warehouse is better than him directly Packing all the varieties and sending them to the house in one go, obviously the effect will be better and more considerate.


After hearing Song Zhicheng's words, You Qian asked strangely, "Why do you always bring me here?"

Song Zhicheng: "..."

So, did she not understand why she brought her here?

Song Zhicheng: "...I'll take you to pick out your favorite shade of lipstick." Almost enduring the depression in his heart, he finished these thirteen words one by one.

You Qian: "...Pfft~"

It turned out to be the case.

You Qian couldn't help but smile: "You didn't say it earlier, I have it at home, and I still have a lot of it that I haven't used up. Some time ago, Xiao Chen came over to clear away a batch of those gifts you left for me. I heard that the charity sale is very expensive. It went well, a total of 200 million donations were raised in the charity sale last month. All of it was put into the public welfare fund 'Sunshine Reading'."

This is her private philanthropy. She was already doing it before she married Song Zhicheng. The purpose is to create an opportunity for children to read more.

Although the scale is small, the development is very good. In China, she has established reading rooms in more than 100 impoverished primary schools. She has also visited them on the spot. These facilities are very popular among children.

You Qian felt that these were very meaningful.

Seeing her smile and hearing what she said, Song Zhicheng couldn't hide the depression on his face. He looked at You Qian with a dark face and said, "Don't you like lipstick?"

That unscrupulous marketing account was indeed lying to him!

What else to say, women all over the world can't resist the temptation of lipstick.

Why, what he gave her was a lipstick that women all over the world like, but she didn't see the surprise and surprise that a gift should have, and she was moved to tears?


Sure enough, a liar.

He shouldn't easily believe the words of unscrupulous marketing accounts.

When he went back, he had someone block the unscrupulous marketing account.

The more he thought about it, Song Zhicheng's face became darker and darker.

You Qian suddenly stood on tiptoe, and kissed him lightly on his handsome face: "Thank you husband, I like it very much."

After the kiss, she backed away quickly, and after retreating a few meters, she smiled, as if the stars in the sky were not as dazzling as her smile, and also dispelled Song Zhicheng's troubles without a trace...

Song Zhicheng walked towards her with big strides. After seeing her, she didn't approach, but backed away a little. Song Zhicheng: "Come here."

You Qian hugged her son tightly, said with a smile, "What are you going to do?"

Song Zhicheng said solemnly: "Come here, I want to kiss you."

You Qian blushed.

Song Zhicheng: "I want to kiss you."

You Qian blushed and said, "Don't move around, you've woken up your son, come and comfort him."

Song Zhicheng opened his hand and said, "Give me the roll."

You Qian was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Song Zhicheng said: "I'll carry him to the car."

You Qian thought about it, and felt that Song Zhicheng was very caring today. Based on what she knew about him, it would be hard for him to think of sending flowers and lipstick to her for a straight steel man who doesn't understand romance and style...

For this kind of behavior of men, it is better not to hit too much.

Since he wants to kiss himself, then... I will kiss him.

So, You Qian obeyed and asked Song Zhicheng to take the sleeping Gun in her arms.During the delivery process, Song Zhicheng was very careful, and his movements were extremely gentle.

After receiving Gun Gun and putting Gun Gun in the car, Song Zhicheng was also very careful, for fear of waking the little guy up.

Gun Gun slept very soundly, and didn't wake up to disturb Dad's good business.

After putting down his son and making sure that he was not awake, Song Zhicheng suddenly felt his whole body relax, as if he had put down a huge rock... Then, he turned his head and stared at You Qian with his dark eyes.

Stared at by the scorching eyes, You Qian's face was like the sunset glow in the sky: "...Zhicheng..."

Song Zhicheng: "Come here."

He likes to watch her, walking towards himself.

He likes to look at her, unreservedly, trusting himself with all his heart.

Hearing this, You Qian slowly approached him.


two steps.

Three steps.


Song Zhicheng's eyes, like a deep pool, shone with starlight.


She came over.

Song Zhicheng opened his hand and hugged her tightly: "Qianqian..."

Kiss as delicate as drizzle, one after another...

You Qian was slightly worried: "Will there be anyone else in the warehouse?"

Song Zhicheng: "No. I ordered someone to clear the place in advance." Even if there was, no one would dare to barge in at this time.

Even so, You Qian was still a little worried: "What if..."

Song Zhicheng stared at her flushed face, and couldn't help chuckling: "Where are you going, I just kissed you."

You Qian: "..."

Song Zhicheng had had enough kisses before he said in a low voice: "Do you really like it?" He is actually a bit stupid, he doesn't know how to please her... He has been with her for more than ten years, they grew up together, and walked in together hand in hand. After several years of marriage, there were still a lot of misunderstandings between the two of them... It was because he was very clumsy in this respect that the two of them wasted a lot of good times.

 Good afternoon\(^o^)/~
(End of this chapter)

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