Chapter 693 Group Photo~
Chapter 714

Gun Gun, who was clamoring to go to the amusement park to play, did not get his wish in the end, because his father said that he would go home and sleep when it got dark.

Gun Gun has no choice but to set his expectations after dawn tomorrow.

So, You Qian didn't pick gifts in the warehouse, and the family of three turned around and stayed in a nearby house to rest for the night.

The next day.

Gun Gun was full of energy and said that he would take his parents to the amusement park to play.

You Qian felt that she often went out to film, so she had little time to spend with her children. Now the children just want to go to the amusement park with her, so they should be satisfied.

So, You Qian agreed.

After she agreed, she immediately got a rolling ten kisses.

Song Zhicheng originally set aside two days of his time to accompany his wife and children, so naturally he would not disagree.

So, the family of three who came up on the spur of the moment went to a nearby amusement park.

Because it is the outskirts of the city, the nearby amusement park is a small amusement park with the theme of 'animals'. If you want to enter the park, you must dress up as various types of animals, such as tigers, lions, cheetahs, mermaids... inside Only haunted houses, roller coasters, etc. are available for adults to play, and most of the other items are specially designed for children and for children to play.

Since today was the weekend, the parents who brought their children to play in the park were very upset. After Song Zhicheng and You Qian dressed up in disguise with Gun Gun, they were like an ordinary family of three. When they entered the park, they didn't attract everyone's attention.

As soon as Gun Gun entered, he played around like a child.

You Qian and Song Zhicheng quickly followed him. There were children everywhere, all of them dressed up as small animals. There were naive little pandas, lively and clever little rabbits, and honest and honest little dogs... …Gun Gun is wearing a black and white panda suit and a panda hat. He looks very cute...

However, because red pandas are so cute, they are the hearts of almost all children. Therefore, after entering the park, looking around, there are red pandas everywhere.

Gun Gun is not very old and small in stature. Once he enters the vast sea of ​​red panda people, it is really not easy to find him.

Therefore, You Qian and Song Zhicheng did not dare to be sloppy at all, and kept staring at Gun Gun's figure all the time. If they were not careful, if they lost Gun Gun, there would be trouble.

Gun Gun also takes good care of his father and mother. He has agreed in advance that he will bring his mother and father to play, and he can't leave his mother and father alone.

After walking two steps, he was about to turn his head, glanced at the figures of his father and mother, and made sure that they were following behind him, before he continued to walk forward.

Today, You Qian dressed up as a simple husky dog. She was wearing a slightly heavy dress and a husky mask, looking particularly ugly.

As for Song Zhicheng?

Because his wife insisted on dressing up as a husky, Song Zhicheng had no choice but to follow his wife and dress up as a husky, but this ugly and cute husky looked very handsome and upright as a whole, standing in a pile of strange clothes, it still stood out from the crowd.

Along the way, Song Zhicheng felt a different kind of attention from the people around him, and he felt a rare sense of awkwardness.


"Mom...Look, that dog over there is so big~" There was a little girl holding her mother's hand, and seeing Song Zhicheng's appearance, she couldn't help being amazed.

The little girl's mother glanced up. Song Zhicheng was wearing a husky mask at this time, revealing only a pair of dark and deep eyes. These eyes are very beautiful, but... his overall shape is too ugly, too funny...

"Hahaha..." The little girl's mother couldn't help but laughed softly.

"Mom, isn't it so big?" the little girl asked.

"Yes, yes..." the little girl's mother said with a suppressed smile.

"Mom, this dog is so handsome. I think he is the most handsome dog in the animal home." The little girl's words were very innocent and lively.

"Yes, yes, yes..." the little girl's mother said with a smothered smile.

"Mom, I want to hug this dog and take a photo with him, okay?" The little girl looked at her mother eagerly.

"Yes..." The little girl's mother hurriedly changed her words: "Hey! Wait, I'll ask that uncle if he wants to." Normally, tourists in this park will choose a favorite animal, dress up It looks like an animal, so when you step into this amusement park and see all kinds of strange animal figures, everyone is familiar with it, like taking a group photo, hugging... most people will not refuse.

But what?For the sake of caution, the little girl's mother thinks it's better to ask the other party.

Here, even though there is a distance of about six or seven meters, Song Zhicheng has sensitive ears. He has already heard the conversation between the mother and daughter. Own.

group photo?

What the hell is it?

Want to give the little girl a hug?
Absolutely not!

In his life, he only hugged one woman, and that was his wife.

So, Song Zhicheng, who had seen countless storms and battles, hurriedly evacuated the scene.



"The dog is about to run~"

"Come on!"

When the little girl saw the big dog she liked running away, she immediately barked anxiously.This little girl is about three years old. Today she is dressed as a little squirrel with a big fluffy tail behind her. She does not wear a mask, but only wears a pair of pointed, short imitation squirrel ears on her head. The girl has a pair of big eyes and looks very cute and elf.

If it were an ordinary person, hearing that such a cute and cute little girl liked him, he would definitely not have the heart to refuse her request. However... Song Zhicheng felt his brow sweat when he heard it. He had never encountered such a situation in his life.Not because the enemy is too strong, but because the enemy is too weak, so weak that he doesn't know how to face it.

You Qian and Gun Gun were in front, Song Zhicheng was a few steps behind his wife and son, and followed them steadily to prevent any emergencies, but in the end, he was alone and got into such a disaster.

Song Zhicheng: "..."

Just now, as soon as Gun Gun entered the park, he wandered around like having fun. He dressed up as a red panda. As a result, more than half of the children in the park were red pandas. When Gun Gun saw so many red pandas, he was so excited Shouting, I can't help but play hide-and-seek with my parents, hide here, hide there.

Just as You Qian found Gun Gun out, he found that Song Zhicheng behind him was walking very eagerly, so he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? Why are you walking so fast?"


"Found it~"

Behind him was the cheerful voice of a little girl like a 'devil'.

 Good morning everyone\(^o^)/~
(End of this chapter)

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