Chapter 705 Appearance
Chapter 727

"Song Zhicheng, do you dare to stand up?"

In the still air, there was a very provocative voice.

After the sound fell, after a brief silence, discussions gradually spread from all around: "Song Zhicheng, is it really in the amusement park?"

"Didn't he say he wouldn't show up with his wife and children?"

"It should be really there. If he wasn't there, how could that person say such things?"

After this provocative sentence appeared, most of the tourists in the amusement park secretly discussed it. Most people thought that what the other party said should be very likely. If they were not sure, would the other party dare to engage in such a big battle?

This is to make a big deal.

This is taking all the people present to blackmail Song Zhicheng alone.


It is about the lives of themselves and their families, and most people can no longer laugh. Everyone can no longer feel like nestling at home, holding their mobile phones, squatting in front of the screen, eating melons and watching movies.

After a few seconds.

The loudspeaker sounded again:

"Song Zhicheng, can you really disregard the lives of those present?"

"As long as you stand up, we can let everyone go."

After this sentence, there was another commotion at the scene.

Inevitably, when everyone heard these words, a thought arose in their hearts: as long as Song Zhicheng stood up, then... everyone might be saved.


Will Song Zhicheng stand up?

"Since you are such a coward, I have changed the conditions! I want you! Your son! Your wife, all stand up, and no one is missing!"

"Your family, three lives, in exchange for so many lives, I think you have made a lot of money."

"I know you're thinking, you're weighing, and you're planning countermeasures, but... I'll only give you ten seconds. After ten seconds, if you don't show up here at the Ferris Wheel Plaza, then I'll detonate the ten things hidden in the amusement park. Six human bombs."






The countdown sound, like a reminder, hung above everyone's heads.

Just when everyone was about to panic, suddenly, a man walked out of the crowd...


more than one.

It's three people.

A man, holding a woman's hand, slowly walked out from the crowd.


two steps.

Three steps.


The man's footsteps were very steady, and he took every step unhurriedly, while the woman followed beside him, her steps were very calm.

There is a beautiful girl sitting on the shoulders of this slender man, ah ~ no ~ is it a beautiful boy?Is this a boy or a girl?

Everyone stared?
and also……

Could this be Song Zhicheng, You Qian, and Gun Gun?


Why is this man so ugly?The pimples on this face are almost too horrible to look at...

Is this really Song Zhicheng?


But it was strange, a feeling rose in everyone's heart: [Why is he so ugly, but I think he is extremely handsome and cool? ]
Apart from his ugly face, this man no longer exudes an intimidating aura in every part of his body.

and also……

The woman next to him, beside such a man, is still no less inferior...

The two seem to be a perfect fit.

As the two walked by step by step, the crowd could not help but move away. Gradually, the crowd automatically opened a passage, leading directly to the Ferris Wheel Square.

This scene quickly attracted the attention of the criminal behind him. He smiled, and his laughter was filled with uncontrollable pride and arrogance.


"Song Zhicheng, you are here."


"Sure enough, it takes such a big move to lure you out."

In the organization, over the past few years, how many people have been sent to track, investigate, approach, and assassinate Song Zhicheng, but all of them failed.It's fine if the organization failed, not only failed to capture Song Zhicheng, but also annoyed this terrifying 'lion'. After Song Zhicheng was furious, he quietly launched a devastating blow to the organization.

This blow almost caused the organization to fall apart.

Following the sound, Song Zhicheng gradually raised his head, and everyone followed his gaze, and saw a loudspeaker hanging on the Ferris wheel, from where the voice of the criminals came from.


At this time, who cares about criminals!
The focus of everyone's attention was on the three figures on the stage in the square.

A tall and straight.

A slim.

A cute one.

"It's really Song Zhicheng!"

"It's really him!"

"Although it's ugly, it's terrifying! It's definitely him!"

"Look, the one next to him is You Qian!"

"It's definitely You Qian!"

"My goddess!"

"My goddess! So beautiful! Today's appearance, full marks! Full marks! Full marks!"


"That's rolling!"

"Gun Gun is actually wearing a skirt and braids?"


"No wonder I didn't recognize Song Zhicheng and the others. Dressed like this, even under a microscope, you can't recognize them, right?"

"Ahhhhhhh~ I was duped by Duojin and Song Zhicheng together! If I had known they would show up, I would have come back earlier, maybe I could meet again by chance."


"Song Zhicheng and You Qian brought Gun Gun to buy my ice cream!"

"Go get on the merry-go-round with me!"

"I've seen them! At that time, I was still thinking, this man is so ugly, why does he have such a beautiful wife, and the flowers are stuck on the cow dung. This... so I am blind!"

Song Zhicheng's appearance here means that he wants to accept the threat of criminals?
I don't know why, it was such a tense atmosphere, but because of the sudden appearance of Song Zhicheng's family of three, the people at the scene immediately dispelled the terrifying and depressing atmosphere.


The scythe of death still hangs above his head.

The criminal didn't immediately keep his promise just because of Song Zhicheng's appearance, he was extremely arrogant: "Song Zhicheng, you didn't expect that, you didn't expect that one day, you would end up in such a situation."

Song Zhicheng raised his eyebrows lightly when he heard the words, and said calmly: "I took my wife with me, and my son appeared. What about your promise?"

What promise?
Of course, let go of the tourists at the scene.


How can it be?

There are so many people in the amusement park, but the most important bargaining chip in the hands of criminals. If they are all released, how can they blackmail Song Zhicheng?
Whether it's out of defense against Song Zhicheng, or out of recognition of Song Zhicheng's ability, the people behind will never agree to this request.Even if you beat yourself up.

Anyway, the threat just now was just to attract Song Zhicheng's family.

The goal has been achieved, of course, the bargaining chip must be increased.


As soon as Song Zhicheng finished speaking, there was an ironic laugh from the tweeter on the Ferris wheel: "Song Zhicheng, so you are so naive sometimes."

 good Morning

(End of this chapter)

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