Chapter 715 Help~
Chapter 737


In the darkness, there was a sound of fury.

The tall man was hidden in the twilight, with a pair of pupils emitting a biting light.

The air is filled with endless silence and darkness.

No one dared to speak.

No one dared to answer.


The man turned around and looked at his subordinate kneeling on the ground: "Check, who leaked the news."

Subordinate: "Yes. Brother Jing."

After receiving the order, the subordinate wanted to walk away, but just as he was about to evacuate, he suddenly heard Ge Jing say: "Wait a minute."

The subordinate retracted his feet and bowed his head respectfully.

Brother Jing tapped his index finger on the table slowly, staring at the dark sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and said, "Go and see if Song Yicheng is dead."

The subordinate looked surprised, but did not dare to ask in detail: "Yes."

Brother Jing continued to tap the table with his index finger, his throat rolled, and the sound he made seemed to come from afar, and it sounded long and distant: "If he is not dead, I will give him a ride."

The subordinate shook his finger and lowered his head: "Yes."

Brother Jing waved his hand and said, "Go."

After this subordinate left, another subordinate quickly stepped forward, waiting for Brother Jing's order.

But Brother Jing, who was sitting in the high position, remained motionless and did not speak a word.

Brother Jing's horror is obvious to all.Therefore, no one dared to question what he said and the decisions he made.When he was silent, no one dared to urge him.

After a long silence, Brother Jing seemed to feel bored, and gave an order: "Go ahead, all of us who stay in Hua Country should not act rashly, and find a way to hide. If you encounter a sniper from Song Zhicheng's side, you can end it yourself. "

Hearing Brother Jing's words, all the people around were shocked, knowing the seriousness of the current situation.This time to provoke Song Zhicheng head-on, not only did the plan fail, but Song Zhicheng broke into his lair and captured many members. They are currently hiding very deep, so they were lucky not to be caught, and Song Zhicheng suffered such insults. Provocative, obviously won't appease them again.Therefore, we will definitely send more people to attack our own side.

They not only had to accept blows from Song Zhicheng's side, but also from the highest power in Huaguo.

and so……

They are about to accept their toughest challenge yet.

Everyone understood Brother Jing's words. The underlying meaning was that if they were in danger, the organization would not send people to rescue them.

Before joining the organization, everyone has already received education in this area, and has the determination to sacrifice for the organization at any time and dedicate himself to the organization.

But in the end, some people still feel fear in their hearts.


No matter how scary Song Zhicheng is... No matter how scary Huaguo is... that is far away, but what about Brother Jing?is close at hand.Therefore, no one dared to question Brother Jing, and no one dared to resist Brother Jing.

The person who heard the order retreated immediately after receiving the order.

After everyone left, Brother Jing sat alone in the dark, silent.

A few seconds later, there was a dispute outside.

"Let go!" A young female voice contained great anger.

"Ma'am, you can't go in." It was the voice of a waiter.

"Let me in! I'll go to my brother's room, what's wrong?" The female voice was extremely annoyed, and said violently, "I have something to tell him, let me in."

"Ma'am, you can't go in without the guest's order."

"Why can't I go in? I came in yesterday, why can't I go in? Is this key card a fake?" The woman's voice sounded more and more annoyed.

"The guest ordered today that no one can be allowed to go upstairs without his permission." The waiter had a good temper and patiently persuaded him.

But men and women are different. A woman behaves domineeringly, and the waiter did not dare to stop her directly. During the dispute, the two had already arrived at the door of Brother Jing's room.

When he heard this voice, Brother Jing frowned, then he pressed the bell slowly and said, "Let her in."

The woman pushed the waiter away and gave him a hard look, "I told you I can go in."

Since the waiter had heard the order from the guest, of course there was no reason to stop him, so he let the young woman in.

As soon as the door opens.

The woman stepped in immediately, and suddenly entered the dark room from the bright outside. Her eyes felt a little uncomfortable, so she frowned and said, "Second brother, why don't you turn on the light?"

As she spoke, she raised her hand to touch the light switch.

Brother Jing didn't say a word.


The light turned on, revealing the man's handsome and extraordinary face. Upon closer inspection, his face was five or six points similar to Song Zhicheng's, but it was not as heroic and fierce as Song Zhicheng's. His facial features were thinner and more feminine.

As soon as the light came on, the woman immediately said, "It's so dark, how uncomfortable it is to stay in there."

The corner of the man's mouth was a little helpless, he smiled and said, "Yourong, what are you doing here suddenly?"

The young woman, that is, Song Yourong threw her bag on the sofa, kicked off her shoes, and said, "I'm not a big brother, but I ran over nervously two hours ago, and asked me to come to you to intercede and let you Let him go and spare his life. I don't understand, what is the misunderstanding between you and the elder brother that cannot be solved, and must rise to a fatal level?"

Song Yourong didn't understand at all.

But when she saw her elder brother Song Yicheng's nervous and terrified appearance, she was also startled, and asked her elder brother what was going on, but his elder brother hesitated and refused to say clearly, Song Yourong didn't dare to take it seriously, so she made another trip, Thinking of my second brother here to ask about the situation.

Brother Jing, that is, Song Jingcheng, smiled lightly after hearing this, and said, "Don't worry about You Rong, there is nothing serious about it. I guess he got into trouble and couldn't solve it by himself, so he wants me to help."


"It's not that you don't know. He has always been like a child, and he has been causing troubles since he was a child. His parents and I are behind him to help him clean up the mess." Song Jingcheng said indifferently: "I guess, this time It's the same."

After Song Yourong heard it, she felt that it made sense. She thought about it and said, "I just don't know what kind of trouble my elder brother caused this time. I think he seems to have caused a lot of trouble. He is anxiously following the hot pot. Like ants. Second brother..." She stopped for a while, looked at Song Jingcheng, and said, "Second brother... If you have a way, help a group of big brothers. From what he looks like today, I think he will definitely do it this time. You can correct your mistakes.”

"He also said that after this time, he will never trouble you again."

"Second brother..."

"Just promise me, help big brother." Song Yourong prayed with eyes full.

Hearing his sister's words, Song Jingcheng showed a hint of helplessness. Then, he raised his hand, rubbed Song Yourong's head lightly, sighed slightly, and said softly, "I'm his younger brother, so of course I will help him."

(End of this chapter)

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